Saturday May 15, 2021 at 2:30 pm PST
You are invited to attend this meeting online using Zoom.
To ensure that there is a quorum, please register your intention to attend the meeting by email to the BC Nature now, indicating if you will attend the meeting. Please state if you will attend online or by phone. After registration is received we will follow up with an email to you, with the link, access and password to attend the Zoom meeting.
The Societies Act and BC Nature bylaws requires that BC Nature hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. Some funders require BC Nature to provide an Annual Report as a condition of funding. A government order permits the meeting to be held on-line and by phone during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The meeting will be held online, by Zoom, with the possibility of telephone attendance. Zoom will accommodate a maximum of 500 people in the room.
All 6,000+ members of BC Nature are entitled to attend the AGM.
A quorum consists of 30 members (two should be Directors).
The Board requests and invites:
- all BC Nature Board Members,
- all members of the Finance Committee
- all Club Representatives, people who are elected by the clubs to represent the clubs at BCN general meetings
- the President and Treasurer of all Clubs
- any other interested BC Nature members
Chair: President Harry Crosby; Minutes: Susan Thorne
1) Welcome
2) Adoption of Agenda
3) Approval of minutes from the Virtual Annual General Meeting on June 23, 2020 – 7:00 pm
4) President’s Report – Harry Crosby
a) Report
b) Nature Guide Prizes
5) Treasurer’s Report – Barbara Towns – refer to financial statements in the Annual Report page 62.
a) Motion: Approve the unaudited Dec 31, 2020 review engagement financial statements.
b) Motion: Appoint the chartered professional accounting firm of Reid Hurst Nagy Inc. to conduct the review engagement for the 2021 fiscal year end
6) Finance Committee – Bev Ramey
7) Nominations Committee – Alan Burger
a) Results of Election of Directors
b) Opportunity for Recruitment of board members
c) New Coordinator chairs needed for Camps
8) Camps Committee – Coordinator: Harry Crosby (2021 Camps have been cancelled due to COVID-19)
9) Office Report – Office Manager Betty Davison (Report in the AGM booklet)
10) Education Committee – Chair: Margaret Cuthbert (Report in the AGM booklet)
11) Presentation of certificates to Naturalist Mentors
12) Conservation Committee – Chair: Peter Ballin (Report in the AGM booklet)
13) Annual Reports from Clubs (Reports in the AGM booklet)
14) BC Nature Representatives, Projects Reports, and Other Committee Reports
a) Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (Report in the AGM booklet) – Liam Ragan
b) BC Naturalists’ Foundation – Report from Stephen Partington. (Report in the AGM booklet)
c) NatureKids BC – Rebecca Clapperton Law. (Report in the AGM booklet)
d) Outdoor Recreation Council – Louise Pedersen (Report in the AGM booklet)
e) Roberts Bank Terminal 2 – Roger Emsley (Report in the AGM booklet)
f) Awards Committee – 2021 Award Winners (Report in the AGM booklet)
g) Camp Committee – No report – camps not held in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19
h) Climate subcommittee – Karen Crosby (Report in the AGM booklet)
i) Governance Committee – Alan Burger (Report in the AGM booklet)
j) Human Resources Committee – No Chair, no report
Motion: To approve all reports as submitted in the AGM Booklet.
15) Resolutions – Chair of the Resolutions Committee: Rick Gee – Issues/Submissions – none
a) Report on outcomes of Ecological Reserves resolution made at last meeting
16) General review: At this time, members to raise issues and items for discussion and action.
17) Awards Committee – Margaret Cuthbert
18) Short Workshop
a) Now is the time for Membership Drives – President Harry Crosby
19) Announcements: AGM 2021 – Kelowna
20) Adjournment
Instructions for Zoom or Phone in Option
MEETING ADDRESS – how to attend the meeting
In order to attend the meeting online you will need a computer with internet access, speakers and a computer microphone. You will enjoy the meeting more if you have a web camera for your computer. There is also a phone in option which we will give you the telephone number once you have confirmed attendance.
Please access the meeting using the Zoom link between 2:15 login – Meeting starts at 2:30 PM PST, Saturday May 15, 2021.
Confirmation of the Zoom link and access to Zoom meeting and security code will be sent to you via email once we have received your confirmation of attendance.
Attachments for the Meeting
- Minutes of last meeting June 23, 2020
- Annual Report : on website (contains 2020 Financial Report Page 62)
- Financial statements : as a separate attachment
- Agenda : as a separate attachment
- Instructions for using Zoom
Harry Crosby
President, BC Nature