Charting the Course

What is “Charting the Course?”

In 2023, the BC Nature board polled all clubs/organizations (groups) under the BC Nature Federation to find out the challenges and what has been successful in the running of their groups.

Perhaps as might be expected, the issues facing our clubs…issues that cause concern about the current health and future of the organization…are things we’ve been talking about for a long time. Many clubs reported that they are facing similar issues.

When all of the comments are looked at, the list of concerns is not long. The big issues are:
• succession difficulty (Boards)
• vacant positions (Boards)
• burnout (Boards)
• aging leaders and members (Membership)
• few younger people (Membership)
• declining attendance (Membership)

All of the “successes” can be found in our Annual Report, there was no need to address our successes.

To address the “issues”, we subsequently hosted a webinar and we have been  sending out updates/notices to the membership on addressing the above issues.

As a member, how can you help?  Assist your board with ideas and invest some volunteer time to grow your club.  You don’t need a marketing background, we all know people within our own circles that we could be talking up the merits of your group and piquing curiosity within your circle of friends and family.