Long-billed Curlew - animalia.bio

The State of the Bats in North America
From: https://healthywildlife.ca/the-state-of-the-bats-in-north-america/
Bats are fascinating animals that play essential roles in ecosystems around the world (except the Arctic, Antarctic, and some remote islands). All bat species in Canada eat insects and contribute to population control of forest and agricultural pest species. In other parts of North America (and the world), there exist bat species that consume nectar and fruit as well. These species play important roles in pollination and seed dispersal, keeping forests healthy and aiding in reforestation.  Read More

Progress Report on Steps Taken for Protection of Critical Habitat for Species at Risk in Canada From the Government of Canada – The Minister of Environment and Climate Change has made a commitment to track and report on critical habitat protection for terrestrial species at risk with critical habitat identified on non-federal lands. The following multi-species reports summarize existing legislation for species at risk with critical habitat identified on non-federally administered lands, describe steps taken to protect and conserve critical habitat for those species, and list the species to which the report applies. https://species-registry.canada.ca/index-en.html#/documents/1423

Best Management Practices for Northern Goshawk Foraging Habitat
This peer reviewed guidance by the Society for Ecosystem Restoration in Northern British Columbia is provided to allow forest / environment practitioners the opportunity to manage the goshawks foraging needs, and as such, is seen as a companion document to the existing Breeding Area BMPs. Goshawk populations across large areas of BC are in freefall, as a result of the area and rate of clearcut harvest, and in many regions, practitioners are now at the stage where the management of individual territory areas through BMPs are required to ensure that local populations are not extirpated. https://sernbc.ca/uploads/library/sern_literature/Goshawk_Foraging_Area_BMP_2023.pdf

Funding for Indigenous communities to protect species at risk and their habitats
From the Government of Canada – The Minister of Environment and Climate Change has announced up to $6 million in funding over the next three years through the Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk to support 49 conservation projects across Canada. These projects are led by Indigenous nations and organizations, reflecting their unique values, interests, and knowledge in taking action to recover species at risk. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2024/06/government-of-canada-announces-funding-for-indigenous-communities-to-protect-species-at-risk-and-their-habitats.html

New Federal Measures Announced to Save Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales
New federal measures to protect endangered southern resident killer whales include closure of certain salmon fisheries and new slow-down zones, Transport Canada said in a release. The federal department said the changes apply to areas where the Southern Residents travel and feed. They aim to secure their access to a vital supply of Chinook salmon, and help guard them from noise and contaminants. https://www.theskeena.com/2024/06/11/new-federal-measures-save-endangered-southern-resident-killer-whales/?mc_cid=3fe9b6d0df&mc_eid=adfb6cb971

Klinse-za Park expansion will protect sacred sites, caribou habitat
From the Government of BC – The expanded Klinse-za/Twin Sisters Park (pronounced Klin-see’-za), located west of Chetwynd and Hudson’s Hope in northeastern B.C., will protect nearly 200,000 hectares of land, including two mountains known locally as the Twin Sisters, which are an area of cultural and spiritual significance for Treaty 8 First Nations. The park expansion is the result of a historic 2020 partnership agreement between the governments of B.C, Canada, Saulteau First Nations, and West Moberly First Nations. https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024ENV0029-000925

Consultation on Amending the List of Species under the Species at Risk Act: Terrestrial Species December 2023
From the Government of Canada – Extirpated, Endangered and Threatened species on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) benefit from the protection afforded by the prohibitions and from recovery planning requirements under SARA. Special Concern species benefit from its management planning requirements. Schedule 1 has grown from the original 233 to 660 wildlife species at risk. Please submit your comments by May 16, 2024, for terrestrial species undergoing normal consultations and by October 16, 2024, for terrestrial species undergoing extended consultations. https://species-registry.canada.ca/index-en.html#/documents/1171