BC Nature Projects

BC Nature’s mission – to know nature and to keep nature worth knowing – means that we coordinate several stewardship projects, largely driven by the work of volunteers:

Some of the projects receive much appreciated funding from outside organizations including:

  • BC Hydro
  • BC Ministry of Environment
  • Environment Canada
  • Habitat Conservation Trust Fund
  • Nature Canada
  • The McLean Foundation
  • Mountain Equipment Cooperative
  • Public Conservation Assistance Fund
  • Real Estate Foundation
  • TD Friends of the Environment
  • The Mountaineers
  • Vancouver Foundation
  • Victoria Foundation

Recent IBA project funders in the Okanagan include:

  • Habitat Conservation Trust Fund/Public Conservation Assistance Fund
  • Lake Breeze Winery, Naramata
  • Fortis BC Community Fund
  • Penticton Rotary Club
  • Environment Canada
  • Rona Home Centre, Penticton
  • Canadian Wildlife Service
  • BC Nature Foundation