Living by Water Project

On the Living EdgeThe Living by Water Project supports shoreline residents, community groups, local government, realtors and others with information and resources for shoreline living.

The project includes both coastal and freshwater shorelines in its scope. Its mission is “working towards healthier human and wildlife habitat along the shorelines of Canada.” The Living by Water Project began in BC; building on its BC success, it has expanded to provinces across Canada.

The boundary between land and water is one of the richest, most productive ecological zones on earth. Vegetated natural shorelines have many values and benefits. They help protect water quality, prevent erosion and provide habitat for many species.

Vegetated buffers between land and water are particularly valuable to help minimize the potential impacts of climate change on shorelines – both coastal and freshwater – and water resources.

The Living by Water Project produced a study in 2006 titled Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change that identified potential impacts of climate change on shorelines and water resources in the Thompson/Nicola/Shuswap (TNS) area in BC’s interior. The BC Ministry of Environment produced three unique posters for this project:

Various tools and planning practices to help adapt to climate change were identified through community dialogue. Adapting to Climate Change newsletter was produced in Spring 2006. The final report Summary and Recommendations: Community Planning Tools and Approaches for Protecting Freshwater Shorelines in the TNS was completed Dec. 31, 2007.

From Science to Action: Strengthening your effectiveness in conservation outreach and behaviour change

The Living by Water Project prepared a review draft handbook on Conservation Action Marketing (CAM) Tools and Techniques for Conservation Organizations and Agencies. This is aimed for use by community-based conservation organizations and agencies to help them “move science into action”, and is based on the tools, techniques and lessons learned through implementing the Living by Water Project (LBW).


On the Living Edge – Your Handbook for Waterfront Living

On the Living Edge

Download On the Living Edge – Your Handbook for Waterfront Living by Sarah Kipp and Clive Calloway. This award-winning publication gives shoreline residents tips for living beside water – whether it’s a stream, lake, or the ocean. Note that some website references in the book are now out of date; however the book contains much valuable information.