Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas in BC
The BC IBA program is coordinated by BC Nature with support from national partners Nature Canada and Bird Studies Canada. BC’s 83 designated sites form a significant portion of the network of ~600 IBAs across Canada, which is not surprising considering 76% of Canada’s bird species are found in BC. An additional 185 sites were nominated for inclusion in the IBA network, which indicates that there are many more outstanding sites for birds in BC.
Each IBA in BC has a site summary, which can be viewed on the IBA Canada website. These summaries and associated maps were published in 2000 and are regulary updated. Additional information about BC’s IBAs can be found in the annual reports and photos submitted by volunteer Caretakers for each IBA. To view annual reports, or learn more about the volunteer Caretaker Network or how you can get involved, please visit our Caretaker Network page.
Get Involved!
Learn about the activities and roles of IBA Caretakers by reading the Canadian IBA Caretaker Manual. You can get involved by helping an existing Caretaker, or by becoming a Caretaker for a site that still needs a Caretaker. For more information, contact the IBA Caretaker Coordinator at iba@bcnature.ca.
» Download BC IBA Program Brochure 2016 to learn more about how IBAs are designated and the goals of the program.
» Download BC Coastal IBA Brochure 2016 Coastal IBAs Brochure 2016 to learn more about IBAs along BC’s coast and northern interior and how you can get involved.
» Download BC Interior IBA Brochure 2016 to learn more about IBAs in BC’s southern interior and how you can get involved.