Winter magazine 2024 – e-version (interactive)
To view full screen, please use the menu noted in the top right hand corner with the three lines and toggle to the “View Full Screen. To close the full screen, hover your mouse or if using tablet or phone, hover your finger over the top middle until you see the “X” – this will close it.
“YouTube” logo – view the embedded video that goes with the article or subject.
Download the e-version files to your device. Available now in both windows (or android)and mac
In order to view the interactive version without having to come to this page, you will need to have some sort of program on your device to “unzip” the files. Once unzipped, you may view just as if you were online. A note of advice: the interactive e-version has many live links and associated videos embedded in it, what this means is you will still have to have internet to view the extras.