Strengthen Our Voice for Nature
Your tax-deductible donation will ensure
BC Nature lives up to its mission—
Knowing Nature and Keep it Worth Knowing.
With 50+ member clubs and more than 6,000 members, BC Nature is an effective and influential voice for nature in BC.
Help today to protect, conserve, and connect with these two campaign:
Protect Wildlife and Ecosystems
Increased vigilance and a strong voice are essential because many ecosystems face pressure from development and climate change.
Help us speak to government, alert our members, and inform the public about threats to wildlife and habitats.
BC Nature is working on these conservation issues:
- Addressing the climate crisis
- Protection of endangered species
- Wildlife habitat protection
- Orca protection
- Prevention of raptor deaths by banning rodenticide
- Safeguarding black bear dens
- Caribou recovery program
- Preserving old-growth forests and ending clear-cut logging
- Strengthening the environmental assessment process
- Banning glyphosate aerial spraying
- Pushing for environmental regulatory compliance
- Preventing industrial encroachment on the Agricultural Land Reserve
- Stopping the export of liquified natural gas
Stop Roberts Bank Terminal 2
Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is a massive new marine container terminal proposed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority at Roberts Bank in Delta.
Roberts Bank, part of the Fraser River delta system, is a dynamic and fragile ecosystem with intertidal marshes, mud and sand flats, eelgrass meadows, macroalgae, and biofilms.
The delta is an Important Bird Area attracting millions of migrating birds annually as a vital feeding and resting stopover along the Pacific Flyway. It’s estimated that on a single day over 500,000 western sandpipers have used the mudflats during their spring migration. Roberts Bank also provides feeding and nursery habitats for many fish species and the mudflats team with invertebrates.
The new superport threatens these critical habitats and the many species that rely on it.
BC Nature is actively campaigning against this project.