Rocky Mountain Naturalists
Club Interests: All natural history
Naturalists Activities: Birding – Early Morning Birding (Wed. AM), Christmas Bird Counts (Cranbrook, Kimberley, Jaffray/Wardner), Great Backyard Bird Count (Feb.), Little Big Day (May) Monitoring Programs – Bluebird Nest Boxes, Cavity Nest Boxes, Ram Creek Ecological Reserve, Skookumchuck Prairie IBA, Western Painted Turtles (Elizabeth Lake) Elizabeth Lake Ecosystem Enhancement Project (2022-2027) Western Painted Turtle Day (Elizabeth Lake, April) Club Camp (June)
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of every other month—January, March, May, July, September, November
Location: College of the Rockies in Cranbrook
Membership fee: $25 Individual. $30 Family
Number of members:
103 (54 family, 49 singles = 158 members) as of October, 2024
Newsletter: Yes, available on RMN website
Birds of South Eastern BC
BC Wildflower Checklist
Butterfly Checklist