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Research Topics

Click on research subject to view links and documents, click again to close tab.

*BC Nature Disclaimer – we have posted this information and corresponding links based on past communications.  If the links are broken, please report them to us so that we can take down broken links, we are not responsible for the documents and links, so please don’t ask us for the documentation.  Sometimes doing a Google search for the author or forum or document will yield where the document may have been moved to.



Description of Fall and Winter Movements of the Introduced American Bullfrog (Lithobates Catesbeianus) in a Montana, USA, Pond. 2015. Sepuldeva, A. and M. Layhee. Herp Conserv and Biol 10(3): 978-984. Link.

Implementation of Novel Design Features for qPCR-Based eDNA Assessment. 2016. Veldhoen, N. et al. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0164907. OTHER KEYWDS: invasive spp, American bullfrog, Rocky Mtn tailed frog. Link.

Discovery of the Oregon Spotted Frog in the Northern Puget Sound Basin, Washington State. 2016. Bohannon, J. et al. NW Naturalist 97(2): 82-97. Link

Other Amphibians

Habitat Selection by newly MetamorpHosed Great basin Spadefoots (Spea intermontana): A Microcosm Study. 2019. Hales and Larsen. W Wildlife. Link

Temporal Population Genetic Instability in Range-Edge Western Toads, Anaxyrus boreas. 2015. J of Heredity 106 (1): 45-56. Link

Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans: A Threat Assessment of Salamander Chytrid Disease. 2015. Stephen et al. Cdn Wildlife Health Coop. PDF

Increased Amphibian Presence In A Montane Lake After Fish Removal, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. 2017. Larson et al. NW Naturalist. Link

Nicola Amphibian Report 2011-2015

For information on identifying birds in flight, see Birds in the Air. Dr. Jeff Bennert. Link

For information on how windows are impacting birds and how to make simple changes to help protect thousands of birds, see Ensuring your windows are bird safe. Penn Jersey Cleaning Services. Link

Measuring the additive effects of predation on [Caspian tern] prey survival across spatial scales. 2020. Payton et al. Ecol Apps 30(8). Link 

Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Research on Greater Sage-Grouse Published from 2015 to 2019. 2020. Cater et al. US-GS, Open-File Rpt 2020-1103.Link 


Nightly colony attendance patterns of provisioning Cassin’s Auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus are consistent and synchronous. 2020. Tranquilla et al. Marine Ornithology 48(2). Link

Environmental control of the breeding success of rhinoceros auklets at Triangle Island, BC. 2011. Borstad. Marine Ecol Progress Series 424: 285-302 Link

Egg size is independent of variation in pre-breeding feather corticosterone in Cassin’s auklets during favorable oceanographic conditions. 2018. Studholme et al. General Compar Endrocrinology. Link


The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative National Bat Health Report. 2021. Segers et al. Cdn Wildlife Health Co-op. OTHER KEYWDS: spotted bat, northern myotis, pallid bat, other bats Link


Aggressive behavior by Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) varies with anthropogenic disturbance to breeding habitat.  2015. Bhardwaj, M. et al. Wilson J of Ornithology 127(3): 421-431. Link.

Oak mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum) is linked to microhabitat availability and avian diversity in Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) woodlands. 2017. Pritchard et al. Botany. OTHER KEYWDS: Western bluebird Link


Changes in phenology and abundance of an at-risk [Fender’s blue] butterfly. 2021. Bonoan et al. J Insect Conserv 25: 499-510. Link 


Grass management regimes affect grass- hopper availability and subsequently American crow activity at airports. 2015. Kennedy, L. and K. Otter. Human-Wildlife Interactions 9(1): 58-66. Link.

European Starlings

Individual variation in parental workload and breeding productivity in female European starlings: is the effort worth it? 2015. Fowler, M. and T. Williams. Ecol and Evolution 5(17): 3585-3599. Link.

Social Cues Regulate Reciprocal Switching of Hypothalamic Dio2/Dio3 and the Transition Into Final Follicle Maturation in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). 2015. Perfito, N. et al. Endocrinology 156(2): 694-706. Link.

Mid-winter temperatures, not spring temperatures, predict breeding phenology in the European starling Sturnus vulgaris. 2015. Williams et al. Royal Society Open Sci. Link

Experimental reduction of haematocrit affects reproductive performance in European starlings. 2016. Fronstin, R. et al. Functional Ecol 30(3): 398-409. Link.


Age and sex identification from wings of sage-grouse. 2015. Braun, C. and M. Schroeder. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(1): 182–187. Link.

Habitat selection and use by sympatric, translocated greater sage-grouse and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. 2015. Stonehouse, K. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(8): 1308–1326. Link.

Predators, predator removal, and sage-grouse: A review. 2017. Conover and Roberts. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Range-wide connectivity of priority areas for Greater Sage-Grouse: Implications for long-term conservation from graph theory. 2017. Crist et al. Condor. Link

Genetic recapture identifies long-distance breeding dispersal in Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). 2017. Cross et al. Condor. Link

Sage-grouse and sagebrush ecosystem research annual report for 2017. Hanser (editor). US Geological Survey.  PDF

Prioritizing actions for the recovery of endangered species: Emergent insights from Greater Sage-grouse simulation modeling. 2018. Heinrichs et al. Biol Conserv. Link

Sex in the Sagebrush: How New Research Can Help Protect Greater Sage-Grouse Mating Areas. 2018. Cross et al. US-FS, Rocky Mtn Research Stn, Sci You Can Use Bulletin. PDF

Laws Protecting the Sage Grouse in Alberta as Compared to Saskatchewan and the US. 2019. Jaremko. U Calgary, Cdn Instit Resources Law, Occasional Paper. Link

Optimizing the use of endangered species in multi-population collection, captive breeding and release programs. 2019. Heinrichs et al. Global Ecol and Conser. OTHER KEYWDS: Greater sage-grouse. Link


Geographic variation in morphometrics, molt, and migration suggests ongoing subspeciation in Pacific Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis fulva).

Streaked Horned Lark Habitat Characteristics. 2015. Anderson, H. and S. Pearson. Center for Natural Lands Mgmt and WA State Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link.

Columbia River Streaked Horned Lark Surveys and Monitoring. 2017. Slater and Treadwell. Center for Natural Lands Mgmt. PDF


Squeezed by a habitat split: Warm ocean conditions and old‐forest loss interact to reduce long‐term occupancy of a threatened seabird [Marbled murrelet]. 2020. Betts et al. Conserv Letters 13(5). Link 

Breeding Status of Ancient Murrelets Attending Gathering Grounds Near Langara Island, BC, 1970–1971. 2015. Sealy, S. NW Naturalist 96(1): 87-92.

Habitat associations of Marbled Murrelets during the nesting season in near-shore waters along the Washington to California coast. 2015. Raphael, M. et al. J of Marine Systems 146: 117-125. Link.

Reproductive performance of Kittlitz’s Murrelet in a glaciated landscape, Icy Bay, Alaska, USA. 2015. Kissling, M. et al. Condor 117(2): 237-248. Link

Estimation of Coast-Wide Population Trends of Marbled Murrelets in Canada Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. 2015. Bertram, D. et al. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134891. Link.

Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquuscolony attendance at Langara Island assessed using observer counts and radar in relation to time and environmental conditions. 2016. Major. Marine Ornithol. Link

Low breeding propensity and wide-ranging movements by marbled murrelets in Washington. 2017. Lorenz et al. J Wildlife Mgmt Link

Post-breeding movements of Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus family groups, subsequent migration of adults and implications for management. 2017. Gaston et al. PLoS ONE. Link

First evidence of east–west migration across the North Pacific in a marine bird [Ancient murrelet]. 2015. Gaston. Ibis. Link

Declining Marbled Murrelet density, but not productivity, in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA. 2018. Lorenz and Raphael. Condor. Link


Invader [Barred owl] removal triggers competitive release in a threatened avian predator [Spotted owl]. 2021. Wiens et al. PNAS 118(31). Link 

Northern spotted owl nesting forests as fire refugia: A 30-year synthesis of large wildfires. 2021. Lesmeister et aal. Fire Ecol 17: 32. Link 

Feather corticosterone reveals developmental challenges in a long-term study of juvenile northern spotted owls.   2022. Mikkelsen et al. Functional Ecol 36(1) Link 

Effects of Barred Owl (Strix varia) Removal on Population Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in Washington and Oregon—2019 Annual Report. 2020. Wiens et al. US-GS, Open File Rpt 2020-1089. Link 

Distributional Changes in the Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in North America from 1967 to 2008. 2015. Macías-Duarte, A. and C. Conway. J of Raptor Research 49(1): 75-83. Link.

Historical Northern Spotted Owl habitat and old-growth dry forests maintained by mixed-severity wildfires. 2015. Baker, W. Landscape Ecol 30(4): 655-666. Link.

Increasing Capture Frequency for Flammulated Owls and Northern Saw-whet Owls During Fall Migration. 2015. Pollock, J. et al. J of Raptor Research 49(1): 88-92. Link.

Roosting Habitat Use and Selection By Northern Spotted Owls During Natal Dispersal. 2015. Sovern, S. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(2): 254–262. Link.

Range-wide analysis of northern spotted owl nesting habitat relations. 2015. Loehle, C. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 342: 8-20. Link.

Spatial patterns in hydrogen isotope ratios in feathers of Burrowing Owls from western North America. 2015. Macías-Duarte, A. and C. Conway. Auk 132(1): 25-36. Link.

Comparing the diet of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) in rural and urban areas of southwestern BC. 2014. Hindmarch, S. and J. Elliott. Cdn Field Naturalist 128(4): 393-399. Link.

The scientific basis for modeling Northern Spotted Owl habitat: A response to Loehle et al. (2015). 2015. Dunk, J. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 358: 355-360. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link.

Burrowing Owls, Pulex irritans, and Plague. 2015. James, R. et al. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 15(9): 556-564. Link.

Removal of old nest material decreases reuse of artificial burrows by burrowing owls. 2015. Riding, C.  and J. Belthoff. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(3): 521–528. Link.

Range wide analysis of northern spotted owl habitat relations: Reply to comments. 2015. Loehle, C. and L. Irwin. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 358: 365-368. Link.

  • for above, original article by Loehle et al. in Forest Ecol and Mgmt Volume 342. Link.

Spotted Owl

Evidence for Lack of Foraging Niche Separation and Ongoing Competitive Exclusion of Northern Spotted Owls by Barred Owls in Oregon, USA. 2019. Anon. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Tech Bulletin 1061. Link   

Effects of Barred Owl (Strix varia) Removal on Population Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in Washington and Oregon, 2015–18. 2019. Wiens et al. US-GS, Rpt. Link

Barred Owl Effects on Spotted Owl Resource Selection: A MetaAnalysis. 2020. Irwin et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Incorporating LiDAR metrics into a structure-based habitat model for a canopy-dwelling species [Spotted owl]. 2020. Hagar et al. Remote Sens of Environ. Link

Age Distribution of Red Tree Voles in Northern Spotted Owl Pellets Estimated from Molar Tooth Development. 2020. Marks- Fife et al. NW Sci. Link

Social status, forest disturbance, and Barred Owls shape long-term trends in breeding dispersal distance of Northern Spotted Owls. 2019. Jenkins et al. Condor. Link


Analysis of sensitivity and uncertainty in an individual-based model of a threatened wildlife species [Spotted owl]. 2015. Marcot et al. Natural Resource Modeling. Link

Estimating density of a territorial species [Northern spotted owl] in a dynamic landscape. 2017. Glenn et al. Landscape Ecol. Link

Public preferences for species conservation: choosing between lethal control, habitat protection and no action. 2017. Lute, M. and S. Attari. Environ Conserv  OTHER KEYWDS: Spotted owl, Barred owl. Link

Potential trophic cascades triggered by the barred owl range expansion. 2016. Holm et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin. OTHER KEYWDS: Spotted owl. Link

Historical and current forest conditions in the range of the Northern Spotted Owl in south central Oregon, USA. 2017. Hagmann et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. Link

Effects of experimental removal of barred owls on population demography of northern spotted owls in Washington and Oregon—2016 progress report. 2017. Wiens et al. US Geological Survey. PDF

The evolution of mapping habitat for northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina): A comparison of photo-interpreted, Landsat-based, and lidar-based habitat maps. 2015. Ackers et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Conflicting Perspectives on Spotted Owls, Wildfire, and Forest Restoration. 2017. Ganey et al. Fire Ecol. Link

Managing [historical and] emerging threats to spotted owls. 2018. Wan et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Observations of Notable Parental Behaviours of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina). 2017. Alston et al. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Barred owl habitat selection in west coast forests. 2018. Irwin et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. OTHER KEYWDS: Spotted owl. Link

Spatial and Temporal Patterns In Population Trends and Burrow Usage of Burrowing Owls In North America. 2018. Conway. J Raptor Research. Link

Breeding Dispersal By Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) In Idaho. 2018. Riding and Belthoff.  J Raptor Research. Link

Examination of Pesticide Exposure In Burrowing Owls Nesting In Agricultural And Nonagricultural Areas In the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho. 2018. Stuber et al. J Raptor Research. Link

A Review Of Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) Literature Using Bibliometric Comparisons: Topical Bibliographies and Online Databases. 2018. Lincer et al. J Raptor Research. Link

Purple Martin

Western Purple Martin (Progne subis arboricola) Occurrence on the Siuslaw National Forest [Oregon], Summer 2019. 2020. Hagar and Branch. US-GS, Open File Rpt 2020-1130. 


Citizen science and field survey observations provide comparable results for mapping Vancouver Island White-tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura saxatilis) distributions. 2015. Jackson, M. et al. Biol Conserv 181: 162-172. Link.


Kleptoparasitism by Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) as a factor in reducing Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) predation on Dunlin (Calidris alpina) wintering in BC. 2015. Dekker, D. and M. Drever. Cdn Field Naturalist 129(2): 159164. Link  scroll down to “Download this pdf file”

Lead, Mercury, and DDE in the Blood of Nesting Golden Eagles in the Columbia Basin, Washington. 2015. Watson, J. and R. Davies. J of Raptor Research 49(2):  217-221.  NO URL

Guidelines for raptor conservation during urban and rural development on BC. 2013. Bently, M., M. Demarchi et al. Govt of BC, A companion document to Develop with Care (2012). Link.

Changing habitat use associated with distributional shifts of wintering raptors. 2015. Paprocki, N. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(3): 402–412. Link.

Intraspecific evolutionary relationships among peregrine falcons in western North American high latitudes. 2017. Talbot et al. PLoS ONE. Link


Biofilm Consumption and Variable Diet Composition of Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) during Migratory Stopover. 2015. Jardine, C. et al. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124164. Link


Nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) alter begging behaviour in response to odour of familiar adults, but not their nests. 2020. Griebel and Dawson. Ethology 126(6). Link 

A Continent-Wide Migratory Divide in North American Breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). 2015. Hobson, K. et al. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129340.  Link

Temporal and spatial patterns of flight and body feather molt of Bank, Barn, and Cliff swallows in North and South America. 2017. Imlay et al. J Field Ornithol. Link

US Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program: Conservation Assessments.  2019. Various authors. US-FS PNW Region and US-BLM (Oregon and Washington).

  • Purple Martin. Rockwell.  Link


Factors driving territory size and breeding success in a threatened migratory songbird, the Canada Warbler. 2016. Flockhart et al. Avian Conserv Ecol. Link

Regional habitat needs of a nationally listed species, Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), in Alberta, Canada. 2016. Ball et al. Avian Conserv Ecol. Link

Forestry and conspecifics influence Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) habitat use and reproductive activity in boreal Alberta, Canada. 2017. Hunt et al. Condor. Link

Cultural isolation is greater than genetic isolation across an avian [warbler] hybrid zone. 2017. Kenyon et al. J Evol Biol. Link


Evaluating habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forest. 2015. Latif, Q. et al.  J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(2): 263–273. Link.

The role of wood hardness in limiting nest site selection in avian cavity excavators. 2015. Lorenz, T. et al. Ecol Apps 25(4):1016–1033. Link

A Conservation Assessment for the White-headed woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus). 2013. Mellen-McLean, K. et al. US-FS PNW Region and US BLM. Link.

Space use by white-headed woodpeckers and selection for recent forest disturbances. 2015. Lorenz, T. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(8): 1286–1297. Link.

Between-Year Breeding Dispersal by White-Headed Woodpeckers: A Caution About Using Color Bands to Estimate Survival. 2016. Lorenz. NW Naturalist. Link

Simulations inform design of regional occupancy-based monitoring for a sparsely distributed, territorial species [White-headed woodpecker]. 2018. Latif et al. Ecol and Evol. Link

Veiled Polypore (Cryptoporus volvatus) as a Foraging Substrate for the White-Headed Woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus). 2018. Watson and Shaw. NW Naturalist. Link


Assessing the humoral response to and safety of a commercially available Equine West Nile Virus vaccine in a zoo-based conservation breeding population of endangered greater sage-grouse. 2021. Vaasjo et al. J Zoo and Wildlife Med 52(2). OTHER KEYWDS: U Calgary Link 

Ongoing production of low-fitness hybrids limits range overlap between divergent cryptic species. 2021. Mikkelsen and Irwin. Molec Ecol 30(16). OTHER KEYWDS: Winter wren, Pacific wren. Link 

High-density Yellow Rail Population Beyond Purported Range Limits in the Northwest Territories, Canada. 2021. McLeod et al. Waterbirds 44(2). Link 

Pretectal projections to the oculomotor cerebellum
in hummingbirds, Zebra finches, and [Rock] pigeons.
2019. Gaede et al.
J Compar Neurology 527(16). Link  

A guide to Snowy Plover nest predators, their
tracks and behaviors, along the Oregon coast
. 2020. Castelein et al.
Institute for Natural Resources, Portland State U. Link  

The Role of Sibling Competition and Parental
Provisioning on Food Distribution among Ferruginous Hawk Nestlings.

2020. Szojka et al. J Raptor Research 54(4). Link 

Benchmarking the avian diversity of Oregon in an
era of rapid change.
2020. Robinson et al. NW Naturalist 10(3).  Link 

Lethal intraspecific behavior by Anna’s
2020. Evens and Harper. NW Naturalist 101(3). Link 

Timing and Intensity of Weather Events Shape
Nestling Development Strategies in Three Alpine Breeding Songbirds
2020. de Zwaan et al. Frontiers Ecol Evol. Link

Sex-Specific Spatiotemporal Variation and
Carry-Over Effects in a Migratory Alpine Songbird [Horned lark]
. 2020.
de Zwaan et al. Frontiers Ecol Evol. Link

Gaps and Runs in Nest Cavity Occupancy: Cavity
“Destroyers” and “Cleaners” Affect Reuse by Secondary Cavity Nesting
. 2020. Wiebe et al. Frontiers Ecol Evol.  Link 

Reliability of External Characteristics to Age
Barrow’s Goldeneye
. 2020. Lewis et al. Wildlife Society Bull 44(4). Link

 The relative contribution of individual quality and
changing climate as drivers of lifetime reproductive success in a short-lived
avian species [Tree swallow].
2020. Berzins et al. Sci Rpts 10: 19766. Link

Nestling tree swallows alter begging behaviour in
response to odour of familiar adults, but not their nests.
Griebel and Dawson. Ethology 126(6). Link

Selection on a small genomic region underpins
differentiation in multiple color traits between two warbler species.

2020. Wang et al. Evol Letters 4(6): 502-525. Link  

Spatial and Temporal Resolution of the Visual
System of the Anna’s Hummingbird Relative to Other Birds.
2020. Goller
et al. Physiol Biochem Zoology 92(5). Link  

Evaluating a rapid field assessment system for
anticoagulant rodenticide exposure of raptors [Ferruginous hawk].
2020. Dickson et al.
Archives Environ Contam and Toxic 79: 454-460. Link  

 Global relationships between tree-cavity excavators
and forest bird richness
. 2020. van der Hoek et al. Royal Society, Open
Sci July 8/20. Link

How to learn to recognize conspecific brood
parasitic offspring.
2020. Shizuka and Lyon. OTHER KEYWDS: American
coot. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biol Sci 375: 1802. Link 

Marine subsidies mediate patterns in avian island
. 2020. Obrist et al.  Proceedings of the Royal
Society B: Biol Sci 287: 20200108. Link

Local species diversity, β-diversity and climate
influence the regional stability of bird biomass across North America.

2020. Catano et al. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biol Sci 287: 20192520. Link

Populations of Waxwings in Idaho. 2020.Taylor. West Birds 51(2).Link

Territory establishment, song learning strategies
and survival in song sparrows.
2020. Akcay et al. Ethology 126(7). Link

The avian conservation crisis, Canada’s
international record, and the need for a new path forward
. 2020. Hobson
and Wilson. Avian Conserv and Ecol 15(2): 22. Link

Using continental-scale bird banding data to
estimate demographic migratory patterns for Rufous Hummingbird.
Roisseau et al. Avian Conserv and Ecol 15(2): 2. Link 

A monitoring framework for assessing threats to
nonbreeding shorebirds on the Pacific Coast of the Americas.
Reiter et al. Avian Conserv and Ecol 15(2): 7. Link 

Twenty years of coastal waterbird trends suggest
regional patterns of environmental pressure in BC, Canada
. 2020. Ethier
et al. Avian Conserv and Ecol 15(2): 20. Link 

Evaluating the efficacy of eBird data for modeling
historical population trajectories of North American birds and for monitoring
populations of boreal and Arctic breeding species
. 2020. Walker and
Taylor. Avian Conserv and Ecol 15(2): 10. Link

Environmental gradients of selection for an
alpine-obligate bird, the white-tailed ptarmigan.
2020. Zimmerman et
al. Heredity 126: 117-131. Link

 Research Priorities for Migratory Birds Under Climate Change—A Qualitative Value of Information Assessment.
2020. Rubenstein et al. US Geological Service, Circular 1472. Link

The dynamics of historical and recent range shifts
in the ruffed grouse.
2021. Perktas. 2021. J Ornithology 162. Link 

 Widespread Lead Exposure in Golden Eagles Captured
in Montana.
2021. Domenech et al. J Wildfire Mgmt 85(2). Link 

Regional Variation in US Land Trust Capacities and
Activities Related to Bird Conservation,.
2021. Anderson et al. Natural
Areas J 41(1). Link 

Can singing rate be used to predict male breeding status of forest songbirds [Olive-sided flycatcher]? A comparison of three calibration models. 2020. Upham-Mills et al. Ecosphere. Link

Egg-laying sequence influences egg mercury concentrations and egg size in three bird species: Implications for contaminant monitoring programs. 2016. Ackerman et al. Environ Toxic Chem. OTHER KEYWDS: American avocet, Forster’s tern, Black-necked stilt Link

Maternal transfer of contaminants in birds: Mercury and selenium concentrations in parents and their eggs. 2016. Ackerman et al. Environ Pollution. OTHER KEYWDS: American avocet, Forster’s tern, Black-necked stilt Link

Brominated flame retardant trends in aquatic birds from the Salish Sea region of the west coast of North America, including a mini-review of recent trends in marine and estuarine birds. 2015. Miller, A. et al. Sci of the Total Environ 502: 60-69. Link.

Variation in plasma corticosterone in migratory songbirds: A test of the Migration-Modulation Hypothesis. 2014. Wagner, D. et al. Physiolog and Biochem Zoology 87(5): 695-703. Link

Female and male genetic effects on offspring paternity: Additive genetic (co) Variances in female extra-pair reproductions and male paternity success in Song Sparrows melospiza melodia 2014. Reid, J. et al. Evolution 68: 2357-2370. Link

Lillooet Bird Names. 2015. Davis, H. and J. van Eijk. Anthro Linguistics 56(1): 78-99. Link

Do fluctuating water levels alter nest survivorship in (Columbia River) reservoir shrubs? 2015. van Oort, H. et al. Condor 117(3): 376-385. Link

Fire severity affects mixed broadleaf–conifer forest bird communities: Results for 9 years following fire. 2015. Stephens, J. et al. Condor 117(3): 430-446. Link

Searching for backyard birds in virtual worlds: Internet queries mirror real species distributions. 2015. Schueltz, J. et al. Biodiv and Conserv 24(5): 1147-1154. Link

Recreation changes the use of a wild landscape by corvids. 2015. Walker, L. and J. Marzluff. Condor 117(2): 262-283.  Link

Demographic mechanisms of inbreeding adjustment through extra-pair reproduction. 2015. Reid, J. et al. J of Animal Ecol 84(4): 1029–1040. Link

Bird species turnover is related to changing predation risk along a vegetation gradient. 2015. LaManna, J. et al. Ecology 96: 1670–1680. Link

How much is that birdie in my backyard? A cross-continental economic valuation of native urban songbirds. 2015. Clucas, B. et al. Urban Ecosystems 18(1): 251-256. Link.

Individual variation in workload during parental care: can we detect a physiological signature of quality or cost of reproduction? 2015. Williams, T. and M. Fowler. J of Ornthol 156(Supp 1): 441-451. Link.

Divergence in sink contributions to population persistence. 2015. Heinrichs, J. et al. Conserv Biol 29(6): 1674–1683. Link.

Using Ships of Opportunity to Assess Winter Habitat Associations of Seabirds in Subarctic Coastal Alaska. 2015. Dawson, N. et al. NW Sci 89(2): 111-128. Link.

Carotenoids increase immunity and sex specifically affect color and redox homeostasis in a monochromatic seabird [Black-legged kittiwake]. 2015. Leclair et al. Behav Ecol and Sociobiol. Link

Ticks parasitizing gallinaceous birds in Canada and first record of Borrelia burgdorferi-infected Ixodes pacificus (Acari: Ixodidae) from California Quail. 2016. Scott et al. Systematic and App Acarology. Link

Searching for Black Swift (Cypseloides niger) Nests in Southern BC. 2017. Levesque and Rock. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Evaluating the efficacy of seasonal grazing and livestock exclusion as restoration tools for [Yellow-breasted chat] birds in riparian habitat of the Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada. 2017. Forrester et al. Restor Ecol. Link

Historical Breeding By Pelagic, Double-Crested, and Brandt’s Cormorants In the Salish Sea, 1891–1955. 2017. Carter. NW Naturalist. Link

Breeding Population Sizes, Distributions, and Trends of Pelagic, Double-Crested, and Brandt’s Cormorants in the Strait of Georgia, BC, 1955–2015. 2018. Carter et al. NW Naturalist. Link

An Experimental Study of the Effects of Chemically Dispersed Oil on Feather Structure and Waterfproofing in Common Murres (Uria aagle). 2018 Whitmer et al. J Wildlife Diseases. Link

Bandtailed pigeon use of supplemental mineral. 2018. Sanders and Koch. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Management plan for the Band-tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata) in Canada. 2019. Environment and Climate Change Canada. Link

Grizzly Bear


Conservation Ranking of Grizzly Bear Population Units – 2019, Version 2.4. 2020 update. Morgan et al. BC MoECC. Link 

BC Grizzly Bear Population Estimate for 2018. 2020. BC MFLNRO. Link

Recommendations and Input on the Future of Grizzly Bear Management and Conservation in Montana. 2020. Montana Governor’s Grizzly Bear Advisory Council. Link

Grizzly Bear Hazing Guidelines: Guidance for Livestock Owners, Homeowners and the General Public. 2020. US Fish and Wildlife Service. 2 pgs. Link

Grizzly bear in the lower-48 states: 5-Year Status Review: Summary and Evaluation. 2021. US Fish and Wildlife Service. Link

Grizzly Bear Recovery Program: 2020 Annual Report. 2021. US Fish and Wildlife Service. Link

Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear recovery area 2020 research and monitoring progress report. 2021. Kasworm et al. Prepared for US Fish and Wildlife Service. Link 

Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear recovery area 2020 research and monitoring progress report. 2021. Kasworm et al. Prepared for US Fish and Wildlife Service. Link 

Mapping ecological data and status of grizzly bears  in Canada. 2021. McLoughlin and Stenhouse. Technical report for  NatureServe Canada. Link

Landscape estimates of carrying capacity for grizzly bears using nutritional energy supply for management and conservation planning. 2021. McClelland et al. J for Nature Conserv 62. Link

Bears of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve: A summary of bear management in 2020 and 2021. 2021. Young and Lewis. National Park Service Resource Brief, Gustavus, Alaska. black and grizzly bears Link 

Protein biomarkers in serum as a conservation tool to assess reproduction: A case study on brown bears (Ursus arctos). 2021. Wilson et al. Conserv Physiology 9(1). Link

The Bear: Culture, Nature, Heritage. 2019. Nevin et al. Boydell and Brewer Perss. Link  Includes:

  • The Spirit Bear, Charles.
  • Chemical Signalling in Brown Bears, Clapham et al.
  • Reducing Uncertainty in [Grizzly] Bear Management, Elmeligi et al.
  • Citizen Science and Bears, Elmeligi et al.

Animal learning may contribute to both problems and solutions for [grizzly bear] wildlife–train collisions. 2019. Cassady St Clair et al. Philosoph Trans Royal Society – Biol Sci. Link

A tale of four bears: Environmental signal on the phylogeographical patterns within the extant Ursus species. 2020. Luna-Arangure ey al. J Biogeog. Link

Carnivores [grizzly bear] and Communities: A Case Study of Human-Carnivore Conflict Mitigation in Southwestern Alberta. 2020. Morehouse et al. Frontiers in Ecol and Evol. Link

Problem Perspectives and Grizzly Bears: A Case Study of Alberta’s Grizzly Bear Recovery Policy. 2020. Hughes et al. Frontiers Ecol Evol. 8(38). Link

Progress Report on Steps Taken for Protection of Critical Habitat for Species at Risk in Canada (April 2019 to September 2019). 2020. Environ and Climate Change Canada,.SARS Act Critical Habitat Report Series. Link

Using bear rub data and spatial capture-recapture models to estimate trend in a brown bear population. 2019. Kendall et al. Sci Rpts.  Link

Using spatially‐explicit capture–recapture models to explain variation in seasonal density patterns of sympatric ursids.  2019. Stetz et al. Ecography. Link

Caribou and Grizzly Bears Response to Pine Forests Killed by Mountain Pine Beetle.  2019. Larson. fRI Research, QuickNote. Link

How to Collect Grizzly Bear Scat. 2019. Anon. fRI Research, Collection Protocol. Link  and Link

Grizzly Bear Occurrence Summary 2017: Bear Mgmt Area 5 [southwest Alberta]. 2019 update. Anon. Alberta Environ and Parks. Link

Periodic Status Review for the Grizzly Bear in Washington. 2019. Lewis. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link

Ecological plasticity of denning chronology by American black bears and brown bears. 2019. Fowler et al. Global Ecol and Conserv. Link

Maintaining accurate, current, rural road network data: An extraction and updating routine using RapidEye, participatory GIS and deep learning.  2020. Kearney et al. Internat J App Earth Observ and Geoinfo 87. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear Link 

Effects of roads and motorized human access on grizzly bear populations in BC and Alberta, Canada. 2020. Proctor et al. Ursus. Link 

The influence of sulfur and hair growth on stable isotope diet estimates for grizzly bears. 2017. Mowat et al. PLoS ONE. Link

Trade-offs and efficiencies in optimal budget-constrained multispecies corridor networks. 2017. Dilkina et al. Conserv Biol. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear, wolverine. Link

Forbidden fruit: human settlement and abundant fruit create an ecological trap for an apex omnivore [grizzly bear]. 2017. Lamb et al. J Animal Ecol. Link

Consequences of brown bear viewing tourism: A review. 2017. Penteriani et al. Biol Conserv. Link

Grizzly Bear Carrying Capacity in the North Cascades Ecosystem. 2016. Lyons et al. Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission.  Link

Sustainability of the grizzly bear hunt in BC, Canada. 2017. Mclellan et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Complementary food resources of carnivory and frugivory affect local abundance of an omnivorous carnivore [grizzly bear]. 2017. Nielsen et al. Oikos. Link

Diverse foraging opportunities drive the functional response of local and landscape-scale [grizzly] bear predation on Pacific salmon. 2017 Quinn et al. Oecologia. Link

Life in the fat lane: seasonal regulation of insulin sensitivity, food intake, and adipose biology in brown bears. 2017. Rigano et al. J Compar Physiol B. Link

Characterizing a Decade of Disturbance Events Using Landsat and MODIS Satellite Imagery in Western Alberta, Canada for Grizzly Bear Management. 2014. White, C. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 40(5): 336-347. Link.

Comparison of Landsat multispectral and IRS panchromatic imagery for landscape pattern analysis of grizzly bear habitat in agricultural areas of western Alberta. 2013. Wang, K. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 36(1): 36-47. Link.

Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. 2014. Sawaya, M. et al. PRS-B 281(1780). Link.

Grizzly Bears Use Large Cutblocks in Central BC: Implications for Natural Disturbance-Based Forest Harvesting and Salvage Logging. 2015. Ciarniello, L. et al. Cdn Wildlife Biol and Mgmt 4(1): 40-54. Link.

In the trap: detectability of fixed hair trap DNA methods in grizzly bear population monitoring. 2015. Rovang, S. et al. Wildlife Biol 21(2): 68-79. Link.

Stable isotopes reveal rail-associated behavior in a threatened carnivore. 2014. Hopkins, J. et al. Isotopes in Environ and Health Studies 50(3): 332-331. Link.

Wildlife [grizzly bear] habitat selection on landscapes with industrial disturbance. 2016. Cristescu et al. Environ Conserv. Link

Movements and occupied range. 2017. Bjornlie and Haroldson. IN: Yellowstone grizzly bears: Ecology and conservation of an icon of wilderness: 63-74. Link and PDF

Evaluation of intercept feeding to reduce livestock depredation by grizzly bears. 2017. Morehouse and Boyce. Ursus. Link

Caching behaviour by red squirrels may contribute to food conditioning of grizzly bears. 2017. Put et al. Nature Conserv. Link

Systemic effects of a high saturated fat diet in grizzly bears (Ursus arctoshorribilis). 2017. Rivet et al. Cdn J Zoology. Link

Generalized spatial mark–resight models with an application to grizzly bears. 2017. Whittington et al. J Applied Ecol. Link

Grizzly Bear Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Cascadia Partner Forum Decision Support Framework. 2017. Lyons et al. Cascadian Partner Forum, Final Rpt. PDF

Functional macronutritional generalism in a large omnivore, the brown bear. 2018. Coogan et al. Ecol and Evol. Link

Grizzly bear conservation in Alberta: 2013 management activities and recovery implementation. 2014. Anon. AB Govt. PDF

Effect of active cooling and a-2 androceptor antagonismon core temperature in anesthetized brown bears. 2015. Ozeki et al. J Zoo Wildlife Med. Link

Troublemaking carnivores: conflicts with humans in a diverse assemblage of large carnivores [wolf, cougar, black bear, grizzly bear]. 2017. Morehouse and Boyce. Ecol and Society. Link

Railways offer grain on a silver platter to wildlife, but at what cost? 2017. Popp. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Gaining momentum on awareness of the ecological effects of railways. 2017. St Clair et al. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Food waste is still an underappreciated threat to wildlife. 2017. Newsome and van Eeden. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Grain spilled from moving trains create a substantial wildlife attractant in protected areas. 2017. Gangadharan et al. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Caching behaviour by red squirrels may contribute to food conditioning of grizzly bears. 2017. Put et al. Nature Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: railway grain spills.  Link

Density-dependent signaling: An alternative hypothesis on the function of chemical signaling in a non-territorial solitary carnivore [grizzly bear]. 2017.Lamb et al. PLos ONE. Link

Comparison of methanol and isopropanol as wash solvents for determination of hair cortisol concentration in grizzly bears and polar bears. 2017. Kroshko et al. MethodsX. Link

Adventure Tourism in Alaska.  2020. Huddart and Stott. IN: Adventure Tourism. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp, Dall sheep, grizzly bear, etc. Link

Black Bear

Quantifying associations of large vertebrates with salmon in riparian areas of BC streams by means of camera-traps, bait stations, and hair samples. 2013. Shardlow, T. and  K. Hyatt. Ecol Indicators 27: 97-107.  OTHER KEYWDS: black bear, other mammals, birds   Link

Fine-scale spatiotemporal influences of salmon on growth and nitrogen signatures of Sitka spruce tree rings. 2013. Reimchen, T. and C. Fox. BMC Ecol 13: 38. OTHER KEYWDS: black bear Link

Cardiovascular function in large to small hibernators: bears to ground squirrels. 2014. Nelson, L. and C. Robins. J of Compar Physiol B 185(3): 265-279. Link

Thermoregulation and energetics in hibernating black bears: metabolic rate and the mystery of multi-day body temperature cycles. 2015. Tøien, Ø. et al. J of Compar Physiol 185(4): 447-461. Link

Novel species interactions: American black bears respond to Pacific herring spawn. 2015. Fox, C. et al. BMC Ecol 15(14). Link


An Account of the Taxonomy of North American Wolves From Morphological and Genetic Analyses. 2012. Chambers, S. et al. N American Fauna 77: 1-67. Link

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Variation of Wolves (Canis lupus) in Southeast Alaska and Comparison with Wolves, Dogs, and Coyotes in North America. 2014. Cronin, M. et al. J of Heredity 106 (1): 26-36. Link

  • Letter to Editor: Genetic Distinctiveness of Alexander Archipelago Wolves (Canis lupus ligoni). 2015. Weckworth, B. et al. J of Heredity 106 (4): 412-414. Link
  • Wolf Subspecies: Reply to Weckworth et al… 2015. Cronin et al. J of Heredity 106 (4): 417-419. Link

Extinct Beringian wolf morphotype found in the continental US has implications for wolf migration and evolution. 2016. Meachen, J. et al. Ecol and Evolution 6(10): 3430-3438.  Link

Whole mitochondrial genomes illuminate ancient intercontinental dispersals of grey wolves (Canis lupus). 2016. Koblmuller, S. et al. J of Biogeog 43(9): 1728-1738. Link

Gray wolf harvest in Idaho. 2016. Ausband, D. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(3): 500-505. Link

Using spatial, economic, and ecological opinion data to inform gray wolf conservation. 2016. Berry, M. et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(3): 554-563. OTHER KEYWDS: hunting. Link

Participant perceptions of Range Rider Programs operating to mitigate wolf–livestock conflicts in the western US. 2016. Parks, M. and T. Messmer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(3): 514-524.  Link

Intestinal parasites of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in northern and western Canada. 2016. Schurer, J. et al. Cdn J of Zoology 94(9): 643-650. Link

Population structure and dispersal of wolves in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. 2016. Cullingham, C. et al. J of Mammalogy 97(3): 839-851. Link

Dog days of summer: influences on decision of wolves to move pups. 2016. Ausband, D. et al. J of Mammalogy 97(5): 1282-1287. Link

Predator control should not be a shot in the dark. 2016. Treves, A. et al. Frontiers in Ecol and Environ 14(7): 380-388. Link

Implications of harvest on the boundaries of protected areas for large carnivore [wolf] viewing opportunities. 2016. Borg, B. et al. PloS One 11: e0153808. Link

Ecology of conflict: marine food supply affects human-wildlife interactions on land. 2016.  Artelle et al. Sci Rpts. PDF

Effects of wolf removal on livestock depredation recurrence and wolf recovery in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. 2015. Bradley, E. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(8): 1337–1346. Link.

Predators and the public trust. 2017. Treves et al. Biol Reviews. OTHER KEYWDS: wolf, human dimensions. Link

Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for minimizing wolf–sheep conflict in Idaho. 2017. Stone et al. J Mammalogy. Link

Wolves on the Hunt: The Behavior of Wolves Hunting Wild Prey. 2015. Mech, D. et al. U of Chicago Press. Link.

Examining the Effect of Billboards in Shaping the Great Wolf Debate of the American West [WA]. 2017. Hoffman et al. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Link

People and Wolves in Washington: Stakeholder Conflict Assessment and Recommendations for Conflict Transformation. 2015. Madden, F. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link.

Washington Gray Wolf Conservation and Management 2014 Annual Report. 2015. Becker, S. et al. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link.

Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive steroids than wolves with lower hunting pressure. 2015. Bryan, H. et al. Functional Ecol 29(3): 347-356.   Link.

Comparison of DNA and hair-based approaches to dietary analysis of free-ranging wolves (Canis lupus). 2015. Conserv Genetics Resources 7(4): 871-878. Link.

A meta-population model to predict occurrence and recovery of wolves. 2016. Maletzke, B. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 80(1): 368–376. Link.

No trespassing: using a biofence to manipulate wolf movements. 2013. Ausband et al. Wildlife Research. Link

Linking Wolf Diet to Changes in Marine and Terrestrial Prey Abundance. 2014. Lafferty et al. Arctic. OTHER KEYWDS: moose Link

Wolves on the hunt: The behavior of wolves hunting wild prey. 2015. Mech et al. U Chicago Press. Link

Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive steroids than wolves with lower hunting pressure. 2015. Bryan et al. Functional Ecol.  Link

Identifying gray wolf packs and dispersers using noninvasive genetic samples. 2016. Stansbury et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Individual, Group, and Environmental Influences on Helping Behavior in a Social Carnivore [wolf]. 2016. Ausband et al. Ethology. Link

Potential Food Items Ingested by Wolves in the Dehcho. 2016. Larter. NWT Environ and Natural Resources. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou, moose, bison, deer, snowshoe hare, beaver etc PDF

Food habits of the world’s grey wolves. 2016. Newsome et al. Mammal Review. Link

Livestock Management for Coexistence with Large Carnivores, Healthy Land and Productive Ranches. 2015. Barnes. Keystone Conservation.  PDF

Recruitment in a social carnivore [wolf] before and after harvest. 2015. Ausband et al. Animal Conserv. PDF

Studies of wolf x coyote hybridization via artificial insemination. 2017. Mech et al. PLoS ONE. PDF

Modeling the relationship between wolf control and cattle depredation. 2017. Kompaniyets and Evans. PLoS ONE. Link

Territory surveillance and prey management: Wolves keep track of space and time. 2017. Schlägel et al. Ecol and Evol. Link

Effects of breeder turnover and harvest on group composition and recruitment in a social carnivore [wolf]. 2017. Ausband et al. J Animal Ecol. Link


A long-term evaluation of biopsy darts and DNA to estimate cougar density: An agency-citizen science collaboration. 2016. Beausoleil et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Link

A New Panel of SNP Markers for the Individual Identification of North American Pumas. 2016. Fitak et al. J of Fish and Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Forest cover mediates genetic connectivity of northwestern cougars. 2016. Warren et al.  Conserv Genetics. Link

Hunting as a management tool? Cougar-human conflict is positively related to trophy hunting. 2016. Teichman et al. BMC Ecol. Link

Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries. 2016. Penteriani et al. Sci Rpts. OTHER KEYWDS: human dimensions, grizzly bear, cougar, black bear, coyote Link

Resource selection by coastal wolves reveals the seasonal importance of seral forest and suitable prey habitat. 2018. Roffler et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt. Link 

Confirmation of Echinococcus canadensis G8 and G10 in Idaho Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) and Cervids. 2018. Cerda and Ballweber. J Wildlife Diseases. Link

Coexistence with Large Carnivores Supported by a Predator-Compensation Program. 2018. Morehouse et al. Environ Mgmt. Link

Pup‐rearing habitat use in a harvested carnivore. 2018. Jacobs and Ausband. J Wildlife Mgmt.  Link

Apex predators and the facilitation of resource partitioning among mesopredators [coyote, wolf, fox]. 2018. Sivy. Oikos. Link

Natural re-colonization and admixture of wolves (Canis lupus) in the US Pacific Northwest: challenges for the protection and management of rare and endangered taxa. 2018. Hendricks et al. Nature.  Link

Fearlessness towards extirpated large carnivores may exacerbate the impacts of naïve mesocarnivores. 2017. Suraci et al. Behav Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: racoon, cougar  Link


Spatial heterogeneity and temporal variations in Echinococcus multilocularis infections in wild hosts [coyotes] in a North American urban setting [Calgary]. 2014. Licccioli, S. et al. Internat J for Parasitology 44(7): 457-465. Link.

Exploring the Adaptive Significance of Five Types of Puma (Puma concolor) Vocalizations. 2016. Allen et al. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History. 2016. Flores. Basic Books. Buy here


Demographic differences in diet breadth of Canada lynx during a fluctuation in prey availability. 2016. Burstahler et al. Ecol and Evolution. Link

The Role of Food in the Snowshoe Hare–Canada Lynx Cycle. 2016. Majchrzak. Arctic. PDF

An assessment of the efficacy of rub stations for detection and abundance surveys of Canada lynx (Lynxcanadensis). 2017. Crowley and Hodder. Cdn J Zoology. Link 

Spatio-temporal responses of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) to silvicultural treatments in the Northern Rockies, US. 2018. Holbrook et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt. Link

Estimating bobcat and Canada lynx distributions in BC. 2018. Gooliaff et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Forest structure provides the income for reproductive success in a southern population of Canada lynx. 2018. Kosterman et al. Ecol Apps. Link


Effects of male targeted harvest regime on sexual segregation in mountain lion. 2015. Keehner, J. et al. Biol Conserv 192: 42-47. Link.

Effects of male targeted harvest regimes on prey switching by female mountain lions: Implications for apparent competition on declining secondary prey. 2015. Keehner, J. et al. Biol Conserv 192: 101-108. Link

Other Carnivores

Trophic Dynamics of the Boreal Forests of the Kluane Region. 2014. Krebs et al. Arctic. OTHER KEYWDS: predation PDF

Phylogeographic Analyses of American Black Bears (Ursus americanus) Suggest Four Glacial Refugia and Complex Patterns of Postglacial Admixture. 2015. Puckett et al. Molec Biol Evolution. Link

Here Today, Here Tomorrow: Managing Forests for Fisher Habitat in the [US] Northern Rockies. 2016. Schwartz and Olson. US-FS, Rocky Mtn Research Stn.  PDF

Discovery of 20,000 RAD–SNPs and development of a 52-SNP array for monitoring river otters. 2016. Stetz et al. Conserv Genetics Resources. Link

Attempted Predation of a Harbor Seal Pup (Phoca vitulina) by an American Mink (Neovison vison) in the Salish Sea. 2016. Clarke et al. NW Naturalist. Link

Hearing is fearing for raccoons. 2016. Nature Communications. Link

Sexual size dimorphism and Rensch’s rule in Canidae. 2016. Bidau and Martinez. Biol J Linean Society. Link

Space use, movements, and rest site use by short-tailed weasels Mustela erminea in managed forests of western Oregon. 2017. Linnell et al. Wildlife Biol. Link

Attitudes toward predator control in the United States: 1995 and 2014. 2017. Slagle et al. J Mammalogy. Link

Trichinella Surveillance in Black Bears (Ursus americanus) from the Dehcho Region, Northwest Territories, Canada, 2002–15. 2017. Larter et al. J Wildlife Diseases. Link

Do Large Carnivores and Mesocarnivores Have Redundant Impacts on Intertidal Prey? 2017. Suraci et al. PLoS ONE. OTHER KEYWDS: black bear, mink, raccoon. Link

Swimming and running: a study of the convergence in long bone morphology among semi-aquatic mustelids (Carnivora: Mustelidae). 2017. Botton-Diet et al. Biol J Linean Society. Link

Are latrine sites an accurate predictor of seasonal habitat selection by river otters (Lontra canadensis) in freshwater systems? 2017. Crowley et al. Mammal Research. Link

Survival and Predation of Weasels (Mustela erminea, Mustela frenata) in North America. 2017. Linnel et al. NW Sci. Link

Free-Ranging Cats: Behavior, Ecology, Management. 2014. Spotte, S. John Wiley and Sons. Link.

Free-Ranging Dogs and Wildlife Conservation. 2014. Gompper, M. (editor). 2014. Oxford U Press. Link.

Canine olfaction science and law: Advances in forensic science, medicine, conservation, and environmental remediation. 2016. Jezierski et al. CRC Press. Link

Estimating [carnivore] occupancy using spatially and temporally replicated snow surveys. 2015. Whittington et al. Animal Conserv. Link

The role of environmental variables and sympatric meso-carnivores on the detection and occupancy of American mink during winter. 2017. Hodder et al. Hystrix. Link

Working with experts to quantify changes in the abundance of furbearers following rapid and large-scale forest harvesting. 2017. Bridger et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. OTHER KEYWDS: cume effects, lynx, marten Link

Genetic Characteristics of Red Foxes In Northeastern Oregon. 2017. Green et al. NW Naturalist. Link

Winter bait stations as a multispecies survey tool. 2017. Robinson et al. Ecol and Evol. OTHER KEYWDS: marten, fisher, weasel, coyote, bobcat Link

Distinguishing [fisher] reintroduction from recolonization with genetic testing. 2017. Stewart et al. Biol Conserv. Link

The importance of data quality for generating reliable distribution models for rare, elusive, and cryptic species [fisher, marten]. 2017. Aubry et al. PLoS ONE. Link

Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer. 2016. Marra and Santella. Princeton U Press. Link

Biology and Conservation of Musteloids. 2017. Macdonald et al. Oxford U Press. Link

Food Habits of Pacific Marten from Scats In South-Central Oregon. 2017. Wilk and Raphael. NW Naturalist. Link

Selective regimes and functional anatomy in the mustelid forelimb: Diversification toward specializations for climbing, digging, and swimming. 2017. Kilbourne. Ecol and Evol. Link

Reintroduction or Recolonization? How the Fisher Came Back. 2018. Wilson. BioSci. Link

Dynamic occupancy modelling reveals a hierarchy of competition among fishers, grey foxes and ringtails. 2018. Green et al. J Animal Ecol. Link

Opportunities and challenges for the study and conservation of large carnivores. 2017. Ford. Food Webs. Link

The Conservation Biology of Large Carnivores in North America. 2017. Campbell. IN: Biological Conservation in the 21st Century: A Conservation Biology of Large Wildlife. Nova Sci Publishers. Buy here

Conservation professionals agree on challenges to coexisting with large carnivores but not on solutions. 2018. Lute et al. Biol Conserv. Link

Hunger makes apex predators do risky things. 2018. Boutin. J Animal Ecol. Link

Complex interplay of ancient vicariance and recent patterns of geographical speciation in north-western North American temperate rainforests explains the phylogeny of jumping slugs (Hemphillia spp.) 2019, Rankin et al. Biol J. Link 


The real “fire ants”: colony size and body size of workers influence the fate of boreal sand hill ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) after wildfires in Alberta, Canada. 2015. Glasier, J. et al. Cdn Entomol 147(4): 396-404.  Link.


Western Bumble Bee (Bombus occidentalis) pocket identification guide. 2009. Xerces Society. Link.

Yellowbanded Bumble Bee (Bombus terricola) pocket identification guide. 2009. Xerces Society. Link.

Changes in the Status and Distribution of the Yellow-faced Bumble Bee. 2012. Fraser, D. et al. Entomol Society of BC J 109. Link.


A risk analysis framework for forest pest management. 2015. Nealis, V. Forestry Chronicle 91(1): 32-39. Link

Changes in a Primary Resistance Parameter of Lodgepole Pine to Bark Beetle Attack One Year Following Fertilization and Thinning. 2015. Cook, S. et al. Forests 6(2): 280-292. Link.

Competitors and natural enemies may cumulatively mediate Dendroctonus ponderosae colonization of burned Pinus forests. 2015. Tabacaru, C. and N. Erbilgin. Fores Ecol and Mgmt 337: 98-109. Link

Effect of natal and colonised host species on female host acceptance and male joining behaviour of the mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using pine and spruce. 2015. McKee, F. et al. Cdn Entomologist 147(1): 39-45. Link

Hidden In Plain Sight: Synthetic Pheromone Misleads Beetles, Protects Trees. 2015. Meznarich, P., R. Progar, et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Sci Findings 170. Link

 Modeling spatial and temporal dynamics of wind flow and potential fire behavior following a mountain pine beetle outbreak in a lodgepole pine forest. 2015. Hoffman, C. et al. Agric and Forest Meteorol 204: 79-83. Link

Spatio-temporal mapping of potential mountain pine beetle emergence – Is a heating cycle a valid surrogate for potential beetle emergence? 2015. Chen, H. and P. Jackson. Agric and Forest Meteorol 206: 124-136. Link

Explanations of a Changing Landscape: A Critical Examination of the BC Bark Beetle Epidemic. 2014. Petersen, B. and D. Stuart. Environ and Planning 46(3): 598-613. Link.

The influence of variation in host tree monoterpene composition on secondary attraction by an invasive bark beetle: Implications for range expansion and potential host shift by the mountain pine beetle. 2016. Burke, J. and A. Carroll. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 359: 59-64. Link.

Polygamy and an absence of fine-scale structure in Dendroctonus ponderosae (Hopk.) (Coleoptera: Curcilionidae) confirmed using molecular markers. 2016. al. Heredity 116: 68-74. Link.

The role of temperature variability in stabilizing the mountain pine beetle–fungus mutualism. 2013. Addison, A. et al. J of Theoretical Biol 335: 40-50. Link.

Contrasting Geographic Patterns of Genetic Differentiation in Body Size and Development Time with Reproductive Isolation in Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae). 2013. Bracewell, R. et al. Annals of the Entomol Society of Amer 106(3):385-391. Link.

Developmental mortality increases sex-ratio bias of a size-dimorphic bark beetle. 2014. Lachowsky, L. and M. Reid. Ecol Entomol 39: 300–308. Link.

Natural regeneration in partial cuts and mature forests after mountain pine beetle infestation in the west Chilcotin: Itcha-Ilgachuz Research Project. 2015. Daintith, N. and M. Waterhouse. BC Govt, Tech Rpt 88. Link.

Microclimate studies in mountain pine beetle-damaged silvicultural systems on the Chilcotin Plateau: The Itcha-Ilgachuz Project (1997-2013). 2015. Sagar, R. and M. Waterhouse. BC Govt, Tech Rpt 89. Link.

The moisture content and opening of serotinous cones from lodgepole pine killed by the mountain pine beetle. 2015. Sharpe, M. and S. Ryu. Forestry Chronicle 91(3): 260-265. Link.

Spatiotemporal mapping of potential mountain pine beetle emergence – Is a heating cycle a valid surrogate for potential beetle emergence? 2015. Chen, H. and P. Jackson. Agric and Forest Meteorol 206: 124-136. Link.

Determining the instar of mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae by the width of their head capsules. 2015. Bleiker, K. and J. Régnière. Cdn Entomologist 47(5): 635-640. Link.

Seasonal flight pattern of the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus Swaine (Coleoptera: Curculioniae), in Central BC. 2013. Stock, A. et al. Entomol Society of BC J 110: 27-34. Link.

Characterizing spectral–temporal patterns of defoliator and bark beetle disturbances using Landsat time series. 2015. Senf et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Trap trees: an effective method for monitoring mountain pine beetle activities in novel habitats [Alberta]. 2017 Klutsch et al. CJFR.  Link

Cold Tolerance of Mountain Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Eggs From the Historic and Expanded Ranges. 2017. Bleiker et al. Environ Entomol. Link

Diapause and overwintering of two spruce bark beetle species. 2017. Schebeck et al. Physio Entomol. Link


Western monarch butterfly conservation plan, 2019–2069. Version 1.0. 2019. West Assn of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Link 

Evaluating the Suitability of Roadway Corridors for Use by Monarch Butterflies. 2020. US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The National Academies Press. Link 

Fender’s blue butterfly habitat restoration at Henry Hagg Lake: 2019 Annual Report. 2020.. Neil and Esterson. Report for the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Instit for Applied Ecology. Link

Endangered Butterflies and their Non-Native Host Plants: Examining Shifting Values of Belonging in Restoration. 2019. Anderson and Lambert. Case Studies Environ. Link

Seed collection and processing of wildland showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa). 2019. Tiley and Cruz. Native Plants J. OTHER KEYWDS: monarch butterfly.  Link

The last butterflies: A scientist’s quest to save a rare and vanishing Creature. 2019. Haddad. Princeton U Press. Link

A Neonicotinoid Insecticide at a Rate Found in Nectar Reduces Longevity but Not Oogenesis in Monarch Butterflies, Danaus plexippus (L.). (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). 2019. James. Insects. Link

Endangered [large marble] Butterflies and their Non-Native Host Plants: Examining Shifting Values of Belonging in Restoration. 2019. Anderson and Lambert. Case Studies in Environ. Link

Roadside Habitat for Monarchs: Monarch Butterflies, Weeds, and Herbicides. 2019. Hopwood et al. Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Link

Milkweeds of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. 2019. McKnight et al. Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Link

Timing Management in Monarch Breeding Habitat. 2019. Anon.  Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Link

Island Marble (Euchloe ausonides insulanus). 2019 update. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link

Beauty with benefits: butterfly conservation in Washington State, USA, wine grape vineyards. 2015. James, D. et al. J of Insect Conserv 19(2): 341-348. Link.

Arctic Woolly Bear Moth

Diet breadth of Gynaephora groenlandica (Lepidoptera: Erebidae): is polyphagy greater in alpine versus Arctic populations? 2015. Barrio, I. et al. Cdn Entomologist 147(2): 215-221. Link.


Life-history consequences and disease resistance of western tent caterpillars in response to localised, herbivore-induced changes in alder leaf quality. 2013. Sarfraz, R. et al. Ecol Entomol 38: 61–67. Link.

Generalist predation on forest tent caterpillar varies with forest stand composition: an experimental study across multiple life stages. 2012. Nixon, A. and J. Roland. Ecol Entomol 37: 13–23.  Link.


Diagnostic molecular markers to detect and identify primary parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Ericaphis fimbriata on highbush blueberry. 2013. Mathur, S. Entomol Society of BC J 110: 19-26. Link.

Survey of parasitoids and hyperparasitoids (Hymenoptera) of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae and the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in BC. 2012. Acheampong, S. et al. Entomol Society of BC J 109. Link.


Field Guide to Migratory Dragonflies. 2013. Paulson. Xerces Society. Link.

Green Lacewing

A new species of Archaeochrysa Adams (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) from the early Eocene of Driftwood Canyon, BC, Canada. 2015. Archibald, B. and V. Makarkin. Cdn Entomologist 147(4): 359-369. Link.


New early Eocene Siricomorpha (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Pamphiliidae, Siricidae, Cephidae) from the Okanagan Highlands, western North America. 2016. Archibald, B. and A. Rasnitsyn. Cdn Entomologist 148(2): 209-228. Link.


Rediscovery of Cerceris fumipennis (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in BC, Canada, with notes on geographic variation and nesting habits. 2015. Kimoto, T. and M. Buck. Cdn Entomologist 147(4): 419-424. Link.


Historical occurrence of alien arthropods and pathogens on trees in Canada. 2016. Neallis, V. et al. Cdn J of Forest Research 46(2): 172-180. Link

Updated checklist of the Orthoptera of BC. 2012. Miskelly, J. Entomol Society of BC J 109. Link.

Additional provincial and state records for Heteroptera (Hemiptera) in Canada and the US. 2012. Scudder, G. Entomol Society of BC J 109. Link.

Climate change and vulnerability of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in a fire-prone landscape. 2015. Falke, J. et al. Cdn J of Fish and Aquat Sci 72(1): 304-318. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link.

Multi-century reconstructions of Pacific salmon abundance from climate-sensitive tree rings in west central BC, Canada. 2013. Starheim, C. et al. Ecohydrol 6(2): 228–240.  Link.

Herring Spawn! Serengeti of the Sea. Hornby Island, BC.  2019. Turner, B. YouTube. Link.


Improving ecological surveys for the detection of cryptic, fossorial [sharp-tailed] snakes using eDNA on and under artificial cover objects. 2021. Matthias et al. Ecol Indicators 131. Link

Reptiles Under the Conservation Umbrella of the Greater Sage‐Grouse. 2020. Pilliod et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link 

When protected areas are not enough: low-traffic roads projected to cause a decline in a northern viper [western rattlesnake] population. 2020. Winton et al. ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH. Link 

Migration and disturbance: impact of fencing and development on Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) spring movements in BC. 2020. Maida et al. Cdn J Zoology. Link

Genotyping‐in‐Thousands by sequencing (GT‐seq) panel development and application to minimally invasive DNA samples to support studies in molecular ecology. 2020. Schmidt et al. Molec Ecol Resources. OTHER KEYWDS: western rattlesnake. Link

 Compensatory Microhabitat Selection by Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) in a Cool and Wet Macroclimate. 2020. Hecker et al. J Herpetol 54(1).  Link

Contrasting Patterns of Migration and Habitat Use in Neighboring Rattlesnake Populations. 2015. Gomez, L. et al. J of Herpetology 49(3): 371-376. Link.

Diet of Roadkilled Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) and Gophersnakes (Pituophis catenifer) in Southern BC. 2016. McAllister et al. NW Naturalist. Link

Evaluating the efficacy of non-invasive genetic sampling of the Northern Pacific rattlesnake with implications for other venomous squamates. 2017. Ford et al. Conserv Genetics Resources. Link

Persistence of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes masks the impact of human disturbance on weight and body condition. 2015. Lomas et al. Animal Conserv. Link

Edge-habitat Use by Northwestern Gartersnakes (Thamnophis ordinoides) in Saanich, BC. 2017. Dixon-MacCallum et al. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link


Conservation of Northwestern and Southwestern Pond Turtles: Threats, Population Size Estimates, and Population Viability Analysis. 2021. Manzo et al. J Fish Wildlife Mgmt 12(2). Link

Disentangling the genetic effects of refugial isolation and range expansion in a trans-continentally distributed species [painted turtle]. 2019. Reid et al. Heredity. Link


A Mixed Methods Approach to Exploring the Relationship between Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Abundance and Features of the Urban Environment in an Inner-City Neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada. 2014. Himsworth, C. et al. PLoS ONE 9(5): e97776. Link.

An Investigation of Bartonella spp., Rickettsia typhi, and Seoul Hantavirus in Rats (Rattus spp.) from an Inner-City Neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada: Is Pathogen Presence a Reflection of Global and Local Rat Population Structure? 2015. Himsworth, C. et al. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 15(1): 21-26. OTHER KEYWDS: human dimensions. Link.

Carriage of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus by Wild Urban Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus). 2014. Himsworth, C. et al. PLoS ONE 9(2): e87983. Link.


Sexing the Sciuridae: a simple and accurate set of molecular methods to determine sex in tree squirrels, ground squirrels and marmots. 2012. Gorrell, J. et al. Molecular Ecol Resources 12: 806–809. Link.


Ecological, Evolutionary and Social Constraints on Reproductive Effort: Are Hoary Marmots Really Biennial Breeders? 2015. Patil, V. et al. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119081. Link.

Sexing the Sciuridae: a simple and accurate set of molecular methods to determine sex in tree squirrels, ground squirrels and marmots. 2012. Gorrell, J. et al. Molecular Ecol Resources 12: 806–809. Link.


Potential Role of Masting by Introduced Bamboos in Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Population Irruptions Holds Public Health Consequences. 2015. Smith, M. et al. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124419. Link.



Population dynamics of caribou shaped by glacial cycles before the last glacial maximum. 2021. Taylor et al. Molec Ecol 30(23). Link 

Meeting Nutritional Requirements of Caribou – What Plants are Best? 2019. Anon. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Briefing Note. Link    

What Do Caribou Eat — And Why Is It Important? 2019. Anon. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Fact Sheet. Link 

Current State of Knowledge and Research on Woodland Caribou in Canada. 2020. Solarik. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Tech Bulletin 1066. Link 

Cougar (Puma concolor) predation on Northern Mountain Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in central BC. 2020. White et al. Cdn Field Nat 134(3). Link 

Cumulative Effects and Boreal Woodland Caribou: How Bow-Tie Risk Analysis Addresses a Critical Issue in Canada’s Forested Landscapes. 2020. Winder et al. Frontiers Ecol Evol. Link

 Partnership Agreement for the Conservation of the Southern Mountain Caribou – Central Group. 2020. Environ and Climate Change Canada. Link

Conservation Agreement for Southern Mountain Caribou in BC. 2020.  Environ and Climate Change Canada. Link

The biogeography of the caribou lungworm, Varestrongylus eleguneniensis (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) across northern North America. 2020. Verocai et al. Internat J Parisitology and Wildlife 11. Link

Extirpation despite regulation? Environmental assessment and caribou. 2020. Collard et al. Conserv Sci and Practice. Link

Boreal Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in BC: 2017 Science Review. 2017. Culling and Cichowski. Prepared for BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society. Link

Prioritizing seismic lines for restoration in the Chinchaga caribou range, northwest Alberta. 2019 update. Pigeon. fRI Research, QuickNote. Link

Functional responses to anthropogenic linear features in a complex predator-multi-prey system. 2019. Mumma et al. Landscape Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: roads, seismic lines, caribou, moose, wolves Link

Revelstoke [Caribou] Maternal Penning Project. 2019. Revelstoke Caribou Rearing in the Wild Society, Factsheet. Link

Estimating wildlife utilization distributions using randomized shortest paths. 2019. Long. Landscape Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou  Link

Functional responses to anthropogenic linear features in a complex predator-multi-prey system. 2019. Mumma et al. Landscape Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou, wolf, seismic lines Link

Predicting the effects of restoring linear features on woodland caribou populations. 2020. Serroya et al. Ecol Modelling 416. Link

Human footprint, habitat, wolves and boreal caribou population growth rates. 2016. Serrouya et al. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Instit et al. OTHER KEYWDS: moose, seismic lines, right of ways, roads, timber harvesting. Link

Straight from the caribou’s (Rangifer tarandus) mouth: detailed observations of tame caribou reveal new insights into summer–autumn diets. 2017. Denryter et al. Cdn J Zoology. Link

The impacts of forest management strategies for woodland caribou vary across biogeographic gradients. 2017. Donovan et al. PLoS ONE. Link

Bacterial Genomics Reveal the Complex Epidemiology of an Emerging Pathogen in Arctic and Boreal Ungulates. 2017. Forde et al. Frontiers Microbiol. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou, moose Link

Time vs. distance: Alternate metrics of animal resource selection provide opposing inference. 2017. Serrouya et al. Ecosphere. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou, roads, cutblocks. Link

Addendum to “Managing wolves (Canis lupus) to recover threatened woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Alberta”. 2015. Hervieux, D. et al. Cdn J of Zoology 93(3): 1029-1037. Link.

Microhabitat associations of lichens, feathermosses, and vascular plants in a caribou winter range, and their implications for understory development. 2015. Haughian, S. and P. Burton. Botany 93(4): 221-231. Link.

Separating spatial search and efficiency rates as components of predation risk. 2012. DeCesare, N. PRS-B 279(1747). Link.

Woodland Caribou Alpine Range Restoration: An Application for Lichen Transplants. 2015. Duncan, S. Ecol Restor 33(1): 22-29. Link.

Longevity and Mortality of Boreal Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) of the Dehcho Region, NWT. 2016. Larter and Allaire. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Examining the role of terrestrial lichen transplants in restoring woodland caribou winter habitat. 2017. Rapai et al. Forestry Chronicle. Link

High prevalence of prion protein genotype associated with resistance to chronic wasting disease in one Alberta woodland caribou population. 2017. Cheng et al. Prion. Link

Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of connectivity patterns: A basis for prioritizing conservation efforts for threatened populations. 2017. Gubili et al. Evol Apps. OTHER KEWDS: caribou, wolf, roads, timber harvest. Link.

High prevalence of prion protein genotype associated with resistance to chronic wasting disease in one Alberta woodland caribou population. 2017. Cheng et al. Prion. Link

Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of connectivity patterns: A basis for prioritizing conservation efforts for threatened populations. 2017. Gubili et al. Evol Apps. OTHER KEWDS: caribou, wolf, roads, timber harvest. Link 

The temporal niche and seasonal differences in predation risk to translocated and resident woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). 2017. Leech et al. Cdn J Zoology. Link.

Understanding predation risk and individual variation in risk avoidance for threatened boreal caribou. 2017. Mumma et al. Ecol and Evol. Link

The Impact of Wolf Predation on Western Canada Boreal Woodland Caribou Populations: A Critical Review of the Evidence. 2017. Proulx. Cdn Wildlife Biol and Mgmt. Link

Comparing population growth rates between [caribou] census and recruitment-mortality models. 2017. Serrouya et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of connectivity patterns: A basis for prioritizing conservation efforts for threatened [caribou] populations. 2017. Evol Apps. Link

There and Back Again: One Caribou’s (Rangifer tarandus) Migratory Behaviour Hints at Genetic Exchange between Designatable Units. 2016. Watters and DeMars. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Bacterial Genomics Reveal the Complex Epidemiology of an Emerging Pathogen in Arctic and Boreal Ungulates. 2016. Forde et al. Frontiers Microbiology. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou, moose, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Link

Revelstoke Caribou Maternity Pen Project Annual Report, Year 3. 2017. Furk and Serrouya. Revelstoke Caribou Rearing in the Wild Society. Link


Empirical Estimation of R0 for Unknown Transmission Functions: The Case of Chronic Wasting Disease in Alberta. 2015. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140024. Link.

Washington State Mule Deer Management Plan. January 2016. Myers, W. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link.

Climate driven range divergence among host species affects range-wide patterns of parasitism. 2017. Feldman et al. Global Ecol Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: deer, caribou Link

Conifer Diet Choices Made by Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) of North Central BC During a Cafeteria-Style Feeding Trial. 2017. Rea et al. NW Sci. Link

Capture of free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) with a combination of medetomidine, azaperone, and alfaxalone. 2017. Mathieu et al. J Wildlife Diseases. Link

Behavioral plasticity in a variable environment: snow depth and habitat interactions drive deer movement in winter. 2017. Gilbert et al. J Mammalogy. Link

Regional-scale models for predicting overwinter survival of juvenile ungulates [mule deer]. 2017. Hurley et al J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Variation in stability of elk and red deer populations with abiotic and biotic factors at the species-distribution scale. 2016. Ahrestani, F. et al. Ecol 97(11): 3184-3194. Link

Landscape connectivity predicts chronic wasting disease risk in Canada. 2016. Norbert, B. et al. J of Applied Ecol 53(5): 1450-1459. OTHER KEYWDS: deer Link

Candidate adaptive genes associated with lineage divergence: identifying SNPs via next-generation targeted resequencing in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). 2016. Powell, J. et al. Molecular Ecol Resources 16(5): 1165-1172. Link

The effect of terrain and female density on survival of neonatal white-tailed deer and mule deer fawns. 2016. Bonar, M. et al. Ecol and Evolution 6(13): 4387-4402. Link

An integrated modeling approach for assessing management objectives for mule deer in central BC. 2017. Hatter et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Link

Hepatitis E Virus Seroprevalence in Free-Ranging Deer in Canada. 2017. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Link

Climate change is the primary driver of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) range expansion at the northern extent of its range; land use is secondary. 2016. Dawe and Boutin. Ecol and Evolution. Link


The role of harvest, predators, and socio-political environment in the dynamics of the Taimyr wild reindeer herd with some lessons for North America. 2015. Kolpaschikov, L. et al. Ecol and Society 20(1): 9. Link.


What attracts elk onto cattle pasture: implications for inter-species disease transmission. 2015. Pruvot, M. et al. Preventive Vet Medicine 17(2): 326-339. Link.

Elk resource selection and implications for anthrax management in Montana. 2016. Morris, L. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 80(1): 235-244. Link.

Nutritional ecology of elk during summer and autumn in the Pacific Northwest. 2016. Cook, J. et al. Wildlife Monographs 195: 1-97. Link

Influence of habitat type on the decay and disappearance of elk Cervus canadensis pellets in boreal forest of northwestern Canada. 2016. Jung, T. and P. Kukka. Wildlife Biol 22(4): 160-166. Link

Linking landscape-scale differences in forage to ungulate [elk] nutritional ecology. 2016. Proffitt, K. et al. Ecol Apps 26(7): 2156-2174.  Link

Choosing Sampling Interval Durations for Remotely Classifying Rocky Mountain Elk Behavior. 2016. Gaylord, A. et al. J of Fish and Wildlife Mgmt 7(1): 213-221. Link

Better Alone or in Ill Company? The Effect of Migration and Inter-Species Comingling on Fascioloides magna Infection in Elk. 2016. Pruvot, M. et al. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159319. Link

Early and Non-Invasive Detection of Chronic Wasting Disease Prions in Elk Feces by Real-Time Quaking Induced Conversion. 2016. Cheng, Y. et al. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166187. Link

Annual elk calf survival in a multiple carnivore system. 2016. Eaker et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. OTHER KEYWDS: cougar, wolf.  Link

A Nutrition-Based Approach for Elk Habitat Management on Intensively Managed Forestlands. 2017. Vales et al. J Forestry. Link

Characterization of nine microsatellite loci for Dicrocoelium dendriticum, an emerging liver fluke of ungulates [elk] in North America, and their use to detect clonemates and random mating. 2016. van Peridon et al. Molec and Biochem Parisitology. Link

Range Constraints for Introduced Elk in Southwest Yukon, Canada. 2013. Strong et al. Arctic. Link


The “Wild” or “Feral” Distraction: Effects of Cultural Understandings on Management Controversy Over Free-Ranging Horses (Equus ferus caballus). 2011. Bhattacharyya, J. et al. Human Ecol 39(5): 613-625. Link.

Assessing the Role of Free-Roaming Horses in a Social–Ecological System. 2015. Bhattacharyya, J. and S. Murphy. Environ Mgmt 56(2): 433-446. Link.


Testing predator–prey theory using broad-scale manipulations and independent validation. 2015. Serrouya, R. et al. J of Animal Ecol 84(6): 1600–1609. Link.

Determining Factors Affecting Moose Population Change in BC: Testing the Landscape Change Hypothesis:2018 Progress Report: February 2012–April 2018. Kuzyk, G. et al. BC MFLNRO, Wildlife Working Report # WR-126. Link.

Moose survey app for population monitoring. 2017. Boyce and Corrigan. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Link

Provincial population and harvest estimeates of moose in BC. 2016. Kuzyk, G. Alces 52: 1-11. Link

Calibrating minimum counts and catch-per-unit-effort as indices of moose population trend. 2016. DeCesare, N. et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(3): 537-547. Link

Parturition site selection in moose (Alces alces): evidence for social structure. 2016. Colson, K. et al. J of Mammalogy 97(3): 788-797. Link

Determining factors affecting moose population change in BC: testing the landscape change hypothesis: Progress report. 2017. Kuzyk et al. BC MFLNRO, Wildlife Working Rpt. Link

The status and management of moose in North America – CIRCA 2015. 2017. Timmermann and Rodgers. Alces.  Link 

Heterogeneity and power to detect trends in moose browse utilization of willow communities. 2017. Burkholder et al. Alces. Link 

Persistent organic pollutants in the livers of moose harvested in the southern Northwest Territories, Canada. 2017. Larter et al. Alces. Link

Status and trends of moose populations and hunting opportunity in the west US. 2017. Nadeau et al. Alces. Link.

Timing moose pellet collections to increase genotyping success of fecal DNA. 2016. Rea et al. J Fish and Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Moose response to high-elevation forestry: Implications for apparent competition with endangered caribou. 2018. Anderson et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Mountain Goat

Mountain goat resource selection in relation to mining-related disturbance. 2017. White and Gregovich. Wildlife Biol. OTHER KEYWDS: mineral development. Link

Comparing citizen science and professional data to evaluate extrapolated mountain goat distribution models. 2017. Flesch and Belt. Ecosphere. Link

Projecting the future of an alpine ungulate [mountain goat] under climate change scenarios. 2018. White et al. Global Change Biol. Link


Ancient hybridization patterns between bighorn and thinhorn sheep. 2021. Santos et al. Molec Ecol 30(23). OTHER KEYWDS: BC, AB, MT. Link 

Sheep-Associated Malignant Catarrhal Fever–Like Skin Disease in a Free-Ranging Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis), Alberta, Canada. 2017. Slater et al. J Wildlife Diseases. Link

Behavioral connectivity among bighorn sheep suggests potential for disease spread. 2017. Borg et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Evidence for strain-specific immunity to pneumonia in bighorn sheep. 2017. Cassirer et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Risk of pathogen spillover to bighorn sheep from domestic sheep and goat flocks on private land. 2017. Heinse et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Link

Concordance in diagnostic testing for respiratory pathogens of bighorn sheep. 2017. Walsh et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Link

Costs and benefits of group living with disease: a case study of pneumonia in bighorn lambs (Ovis canadensis). 2014. Manlove, K. et al. RSP-B 281(1797). Link.

Sex-based differences in the adaptive value of social behavior contrasted against morphology and environment. 2015. Vander Wal, E. et al. Ecol 96(3):631–641. Link.

Comparison of Modified Flotac and Baermann Techniques for Quantifying Lungworm Larvae In Free-Ranging Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadenesis) Feces, Montana, USA. 2015. Snyder, P. et al. J of Wildlife Diseases 51(4): 843-848. Link.

The role of hunters in conservation, restoration, and management of North American wild sheep. 2015. Hurley, K. et al. Internat J of Environ Studies 72(5): 784-796.  Link.

Summer habitat selection by Dall’s sheep in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska. 2017. Roffler et al. J Mammalogy. Link

Ecotypic variation in population dynamics of reintroduced bighorn sheep. 2018. Bleich et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

The Gordian knot of mountain lion predation and bighorn sheep. 2018. Rominger. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Pneumonia in bighorn sheep: Risk and resilience. 2018. Cassirer et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Horn size and nutrition in mountain sheep: Can ewe handle the truth? 2018. Monteith et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Social integration and acclimation of translocated bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). 2018. Poirier and Festa-Bionchet. Biol Conserv. Link

Drivers and demographic consequences of seasonal mass changes in an alpine ungulate [bighorn sheep]. 2018. Douhard et al. Ecol. Link

Dental enamel hypoplasias in Holocene bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) in eastern Washington state, USA. 2018. Lyman. Cdn J Zoology. Link


Insect-mediated apparent competition between mammals in a boreal food web. 2021. Labadie et al. PNAS 118(30). OTHER KEYWDS: Choristoneura fumiferana, deciduous veg, moose, caribou, wolf  Link

Is Habitat Constraining Bighorn Sheep Restoration? A Case Study. 2020. Lula et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

 Accounting for individual‐specific variation in habitat‐selection studies: Efficient estimation of mixed‐effects models using Bayesian or frequentist computation. 2020. Muff et al. J Animal Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: mountain goat. Link 

Long‐term studies of bighorn sheep and mountain goats reveal fitness costs of reproduction. 2019. Festa-Bianchet et al. J Animal Ecol. Link

Faecal metabolites and hair cortisol as biological markers of HPA-axis activity in the Rocky mountain goat. 2019. Dulude-de Broin et al. General Compar Endrocrinology. Link

 Space, time and captivity: quantifying the factors influencing the fecal microbiome of an alpine ungulate [mtn goat]. 2019. Haworth et al. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. Link

 Testing the importance of harvest refuges for phenotypic rescue of trophy‐hunted [bighorn sheep] populations. 2020. Poisson et al. J App Ecol. Link

Review of Ungulate Fertility Control in the [US] National Park Service: Outcomes and Recommendations from an Internal Workshop. 2015. Powers, J. and A. Moresco. US National Park Service, Natural Resource Rpt NPS/ NRSS/ NRR—2015/1038. Link

Boreal Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in BC: 2017 Science Review. 2017. Culling and Cichowski. Prepared for BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society.Link 

Prioritizing seismic lines for restoration in the Chinchaga caribou range, northwest Alberta. 2019 update. Pigeon. fRI Research, QuickNote. Link

Cumulative Effects and Boreal Woodland Caribou: How Bow-Tie Risk Analysis Addresses a Critical Issue in Canada’s Forested Landscapes. 2020. Winder et al. Frontiers Ecol and Evol. Link 

Functional responses to anthropogenic linear features in a complex predator-multi-prey system. 2019. Mumma et al. Landscape Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: roads, seismic lines, caribou, moose, wolves Link

Revelstoke [Caribou] Maternal Penning Project. 2019. Revelstoke Caribou Rearing in the Wild Society, Factsheet. Link

Estimating wildlife utilization distributions using randomized shortest paths. 2019. Long. Landscape Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou Link 

Functional responses to anthropogenic linear features in a complex predator-multi-prey system. 2019. Mumma et al. Landscape Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: caribou, wolf, seismic lines Link 

Predicting the effects of restoring linear features on woodland caribou populations. 2020. Serroya et al. Ecol Modelling 416. Link

Dietary overlap and potential competition in a dynamic ungulate community in Northwestern Canada. 2015. Jung, T. et al. J of Wildlife Mgmt 79(8): 1277–1285. Link.

Capital vs. income-dependent optimal birth date in two North American ungulates. 2017. Hogg et al. Ecosphere. OTHER KEYWDS: bighorn sheep. Link

The reproductive endocrinology and behavior of Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis). 2012. Keeley et al. Zoo Biol. Link

Genetic analyses of wild bison in Alberta, Canada: implications for recovery and disease management. 2016. Ball et al. J Mammalogy. Link

Inefficiency of evolutionarily relevant selection in ungulate trophy hunting. 2018. Heffelfinger. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link


Grizzly Bear

The Bear: Culture, Nature, Heritage. 2019. Nevin et al. Boydell and Brewer Perss. Link  Includes:

  • The Spirit Bear, Charles.
  • Chemical Signalling in Brown Bears, Clapham et al.
  • Reducing Uncertainty in [Grizzly] Bear Management, Elmeligi et al.
  • Citizen Science and Bears, Elmeligi et al.

Animal learning may contribute to both problems and solutions for [grizzly bear] wildlife–train collisions. 2019. Cassady St Clair et al. Philosoph Trans Royal Society – Biol Sci. Link

A tale of four bears: Environmental signal on the phylogeographical patterns within the extant Ursus species. 2020. Luna-Arangure ey al. J Biogeog. Link

Carnivores [grizzly bear] and Communities: A Case Study of Human-Carnivore Conflict Mitigation in Southwestern Alberta. 2020. Morehouse et al. Frontiers in Ecol and Evol. Link

Problem Perspectives and Grizzly Bears: A Case Study of Alberta’s Grizzly Bear Recovery Policy. 2020. Hughes et al. Frontiers Ecol Evol. 8(38). Link

Progress Report on Steps Taken for Protection of Critical Habitat for Species at Risk in Canada (April 2019 to September 2019). 2020. Environ and Climate Change Canada,.SARS Act Critical Habitat Report Series. Link

Using bear rub data and spatial capture-recapture models to estimate trend in a brown bear population. 2019. Kendall et al. Sci Rpts.  Link

Using spatially‐explicit capture–recapture models to explain variation in seasonal density patterns of sympatric ursids.  2019. Stetz et al. Ecography. Link

Caribou and Grizzly Bears Response to Pine Forests Killed by Mountain Pine Beetle.  2019. Larson. fRI Research, QuickNote. Link

How to Collect Grizzly Bear Scat. 2019. Anon. fRI Research, Collection Protocol. Link  and Link

Grizzly Bear Occurrence Summary 2017: Bear Mgmt Area 5 [southwest Alberta]. 2019 update. Anon. Alberta Environ and Parks. Link

Periodic Status Review for the Grizzly Bear in Washington. 2019. Lewis. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Link

Ecological plasticity of denning chronology by American black bears and brown bears. 2019. Fowler et al. Global Ecol and Conserv. Link

Maintaining accurate, current, rural road network data: An extraction and updating routine using RapidEye, participatory GIS and deep learning.  2020. Kearney et al. Internat J App Earth Observ and Geoinfo 87. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear Link 

Effects of roads and motorized human access on grizzly bear populations in BC and Alberta, Canada. 2020. Proctor et al. Ursus. Link 

The influence of sulfur and hair growth on stable isotope diet estimates for grizzly bears. 2017. Mowat et al. PLoS ONE. Link

Trade-offs and efficiencies in optimal budget-constrained multispecies corridor networks. 2017. Dilkina et al. Conserv Biol. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear, wolverine. Link

Forbidden fruit: human settlement and abundant fruit create an ecological trap for an apex omnivore [grizzly bear]. 2017. Lamb et al. J Animal Ecol. Link

Consequences of brown bear viewing tourism: A review. 2017. Penteriani et al. Biol Conserv. Link

Grizzly Bear Carrying Capacity in the North Cascades Ecosystem. 2016. Lyons et al. Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission.  Link

Sustainability of the grizzly bear hunt in BC, Canada. 2017. Mclellan et al. J Wildlife Mgmt. Link

Complementary food resources of carnivory and frugivory affect local abundance of an omnivorous carnivore [grizzly bear]. 2017. Nielsen et al. Oikos. Link

Diverse foraging opportunities drive the functional response of local and landscape-scale [grizzly] bear predation on Pacific salmon. 2017 Quinn et al. Oecologia. Link

Life in the fat lane: seasonal regulation of insulin sensitivity, food intake, and adipose biology in brown bears. 2017. Rigano et al. J Compar Physiol B. Link

Characterizing a Decade of Disturbance Events Using Landsat and MODIS Satellite Imagery in Western Alberta, Canada for Grizzly Bear Management. 2014. White, C. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 40(5): 336-347. Link.

Comparison of Landsat multispectral and IRS panchromatic imagery for landscape pattern analysis of grizzly bear habitat in agricultural areas of western Alberta. 2013. Wang, K. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 36(1): 36-47. Link.

Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. 2014. Sawaya, M. et al. PRS-B 281(1780). Link.

Grizzly Bears Use Large Cutblocks in Central BC: Implications for Natural Disturbance-Based Forest Harvesting and Salvage Logging. 2015. Ciarniello, L. et al. Cdn Wildlife Biol and Mgmt 4(1): 40-54. Link.

In the trap: detectability of fixed hair trap DNA methods in grizzly bear population monitoring. 2015. Rovang, S. et al. Wildlife Biol 21(2): 68-79. Link.

Stable isotopes reveal rail-associated behavior in a threatened carnivore. 2014. Hopkins, J. et al. Isotopes in Environ and Health Studies 50(3): 332-331. Link.

Wildlife [grizzly bear] habitat selection on landscapes with industrial disturbance. 2016. Cristescu et al. Environ Conserv. Link

Movements and occupied range. 2017. Bjornlie and Haroldson. IN: Yellowstone grizzly bears: Ecology and conservation of an icon of wilderness: 63-74. Link and PDF

Evaluation of intercept feeding to reduce livestock depredation by grizzly bears. 2017. Morehouse and Boyce. Ursus. Link

Caching behaviour by red squirrels may contribute to food conditioning of grizzly bears. 2017. Put et al. Nature Conserv. Link

Systemic effects of a high saturated fat diet in grizzly bears (Ursus arctoshorribilis). 2017. Rivet et al. Cdn J Zoology. Link

Generalized spatial mark–resight models with an application to grizzly bears. 2017. Whittington et al. J Applied Ecol. Link

Grizzly Bear Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Cascadia Partner Forum Decision Support Framework. 2017. Lyons et al. Cascadian Partner Forum, Final Rpt. PDF

Functional macronutritional generalism in a large omnivore, the brown bear. 2018. Coogan et al. Ecol and Evol. Link

Grizzly bear conservation in Alberta: 2013 management activities and recovery implementation. 2014. Anon. AB Govt. PDF

Effect of active cooling and a-2 androceptor antagonismon core temperature in anesthetized brown bears. 2015. Ozeki et al. J Zoo Wildlife Med. Link

Troublemaking carnivores: conflicts with humans in a diverse assemblage of large carnivores [wolf, cougar, black bear, grizzly bear]. 2017. Morehouse and Boyce. Ecol and Society. Link

Railways offer grain on a silver platter to wildlife, but at what cost? 2017. Popp. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Gaining momentum on awareness of the ecological effects of railways. 2017. St Clair et al. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Food waste is still an underappreciated threat to wildlife. 2017. Newsome and van Eeden. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Grain spilled from moving trains create a substantial wildlife attractant in protected areas. 2017. Gangadharan et al. Animal Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: grizzly bear. Link

Caching behaviour by red squirrels may contribute to food conditioning of grizzly bears. 2017. Put et al. Nature Conserv. OTHER KEYWDS: railway grain spills.  Link

Density-dependent signaling: An alternative hypothesis on the function of chemical signaling in a non-territorial solitary carnivore [grizzly bear]. 2017.Lamb et al. PLos ONE. Link

Comparison of methanol and isopropanol as wash solvents for determination of hair cortisol concentration in grizzly bears and polar bears. 2017. Kroshko et al. MethodsX. Link

Adventure Tourism in Alaska.  2020. Huddart and Stott. IN: Adventure Tourism. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp, Dall sheep, grizzly bear, etc. Link

Black Bear

Quantifying associations of large vertebrates with salmon in riparian areas of BC streams by means of camera-traps, bait stations, and hair samples. 2013. Shardlow, T. and  K. Hyatt. Ecol Indicators 27: 97-107.  OTHER KEYWDS: black bear, other mammals, birds   Link

Fine-scale spatiotemporal influences of salmon on growth and nitrogen signatures of Sitka spruce tree rings. 2013. Reimchen, T. and C. Fox. BMC Ecol 13: 38. OTHER KEYWDS: black bear Link

Cardiovascular function in large to small hibernators: bears to ground squirrels. 2014. Nelson, L. and C. Robins. J of Compar Physiol B 185(3): 265-279. Link

Thermoregulation and energetics in hibernating black bears: metabolic rate and the mystery of multi-day body temperature cycles. 2015. Tøien, Ø. et al. J of Compar Physiol 185(4): 447-461. Link

Novel species interactions: American black bears respond to Pacific herring spawn. 2015. Fox, C. et al. BMC Ecol 15(14). Link

Weasel Family (Mustelid)

Experimental evidence that simplified forest structure interacts with snow cover to influence functional connectivity for Pacific martens. 2015. Moriarity, K. et al. Landscape Ecol 30(10): 1865-1877. Link.

Identification and Density Estimation of American Martens (Martes americana) Using a Novel Camera-Trap Method. 2016. Siren, A. et al. Diversity 8(1): 3. Link.

Evaluation of Fisher Restoration in Olympic National Park and the Olympic Recovery Area- 2014 Annual Progress Report. 2015. Happe, P. et al. Natural Resource Data Series NPS/OLYM/NRDS-2015/804. Link.

Timing of translocation influences birth rate and population dynamics in a forest carnivore [fisher]. 2016. Fracka, A. et al. Ecosphere 7(1). Link.



A DNA barcode survey of Schizymenia (Nemastomatales, Rhodophyta) in Australia and BC reveals overlooked diversity including S. tenuissp.nov. and Predaea borealis sp. nov. 2015. Saunders, G. et al. Botany 93(12): 859-871. Link.


Conservation Assessments for 8 species of Coastal Lichens. 2013 update. Glavich, D. US-FS PNW Region and US BLM. Link.

Conservation Assessments for 5 species of Lichens. 2013 update. Glavich, D. US-FS PNW Region and US BLM. Link.

Conservation Assessment for Pannaria rubiginosa (Ach.) Bory. 2013 update. Glavich, D. US-FS PNW Region and US BLM. Link.

Montana lichens: an annotated list. 2014. McCune, B. et al. Monographs in North American Lichenology 2: 1-183. Link.

Key to the Lichen Genera of the Pacific Northwest. 2014 update. McCune, B. Oregon State U.   (no longer available; superseded by McCune 2017, vol. 1 — see below).
McCune, B. 2017. Microlichens of the Pacific Northwest. Vol. 1. Key to the Genera. Wild Blueberry Media,

Mycorrhyzal ecology on serpentine soils. 2014. Southworth, D. et al. Ecol and Diversity 7(3): 445-455. Link.


Host and habitat filtering in seedling root-associated fungal communities: Taxonomic and functional diversity are altered in ‘novel’ soils. 2015. Pickles, B. et al. Mycorrhiza 25(7): 517-531. Link.

Effect of galls induced by Endocronartium harknessii on stem hydraulic conductivity and growth of lodgepole pine. 2011. Wolken, J. and P. Blenis. Forest Pathol 41(1): 22–30. Link.

Pathogenicity and virulence of Armillaria sinapina and host response to infection in Douglas-fir, western hemlock and western redcedar in the southern Interior of BC. 2012. Cleary, M. et al. Forest Pathol 42(6): 481–491. Link.

Effects of wounding and fungal infection with Armillaria ostoyae in three conifer species. I. Host response to abiotic wounding in non-infected roots. 2012. Cleary, M. et al. Forest Pathol 42(2): 100–108. Link.

Effects of wounding and fungal infection with Armillaria ostoyae in three conifer species. II. Host response to the pathogen. 2012. Cleary, M. et al. Forest Pathol 42(2): 109–123. Link.


Intercontinental distributions of species of Cortinarius, subgenus Phlegmacium, associated with Populus in western North America. 2015. Cripps, C. et al. Botany 93(11): 711-721. Link.

Alder rust, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum Ito, identified from Wales, UK and BC, Canada. 2012. Hantula, J. et al. Forest Pathol 42(4): 348–350. Link.

Place and transformative learning in climate change focused community science. 2021. Groulx et al. Facets 6. Link 

Incorporating Climate Change into Landscape Connectivity Plans. 2021 update. Feifel and Braddock. Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange. Link 

Estimating concurrent climate extremes: A conditional approach. 2021. Huang et al. Weather and Climate Extremes 33. Link 

Moisture budget analysis of extreme precipitation associated with different types of atmospheric rivers over western North America. 2021. Tan et al. Climate Dynamics, Aug 19/21. Link

Climate science 2050: Advancing science and knowledge on climate change. 2021. Environ and Climate Chg Canada. Link 

Canada in a changing climate: National issues report. 2021. Warren and Lulham (editors). Govt of Canada. Link

Strategic assessment of climate change. 2021 version. Environ and Climate Chg Canada. Link

Canada’s adaptation communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 2021. Environ and Climate Chg Canada. Link

Horizontal evaluation of the International Climate Change Cooperation. 2021. Environ and Climate Chg Canada. Link

Refusing more empire: Utility, colonialism, and Indigenous knowing. 2021. Callison. Climatic Chg 167: 58. Link 

[Canadian] Federal energy projections must align with limiting global warming to 1.5. 2021. Dusyk. Pembina Instit, Policy Brief. Link

Action Plan for climate Adaptation and  Action Plan. 2021. US Dept of Agric. Link

US Climate Alliance Governors’ Climate Resilience Playbook. 2021. US Climate Alliance. Link

Climate Adaptation Action Plan. 2021. US Dept of the Interior. Link

US National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Plan: Advancing the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy into a New Decade. 2021. US National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Network.  US Assn of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 

– Full report. Link 

– Report Fact Sheet: Overview   2 pgs. Link

Report Fact Sheet: Mgmt recommendations  1 pg. Link

– Report Fact Sheet: Indigenous Knowledges  1 pg. Link

The Oregon Climate Change Adaptation Framework. 2021. Oregon Dept Land Conserv and Development et al. Link

Developing a Washington State Climate Change Impacts Response Strategy. 2021 update. Gregg. Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange. Link

Assessing the use of climate change information in [US] State Wildlife Action Plans. 2022. Yocum et al. Conserv Sci and Practice 4(3). Link

Climate change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. 2022, Various authors. Working Group II. Intergov Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assess Rpt, Final Draft.

  • Summary for policy makers. 40 pgs. Link
  • Full report.  3675 pgs. Link

Redefining climate change maladaptation using a values-based approach in [BC] forests. 2022. Findlater et al. People and Nature 4(1). Link

Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the US. 2018. Reidmiller et al.(editors). US Global Change Research Program. Link 

Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy. 2020. BC Forest Practice Board, Submission to the Provincial Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy. Link 

State of Climate Policy in BC. 2019. Reihl and Wu. Pembina Institute, Backgrounder. Link

Alberta’s Climate Future. 2019. Hayhoe and Stoner. ATMOS Research and Consulting.
*   Final Report. Link
*   1-page summary. Link

Canada’s Changing Climate Report. 2019. Bush and Lemmen (editors). Govt of Canada. Link 

Barriers and opportunities for social-ecological adaptation to climate change in coastal BC. 2019. Whitney and Ban. Ocean and Coastal Mgmt. Link

Assessing the risks to US and Canadian mammals caused by climate change using a trait-mediated model. 2019. McCain. J Mammalogy. Link 

Applying Climate Change Information in Resource Management: User Needs Survey. 2019. Price and Daust. BC Govt, Tech Rpt 126. Link 

Update on daily temperature and precipitation changes in Canada. 2019. Vincent et al. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, PCIC Sci Brief. Link

Evaluating Knowledge to Support Climate Action: A Framework for Sustained Assessment. Report of an Independent Advisory Committee on Applied Climate Assessment. 2019. Moss et al. Weather, Climate, and Society. Link

microclimUS: hourly estimates of historical microclimates for the USA with example applications. 2019. Kearney. Ecol. Link 

Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity. 2019. Filho et al. (editors). Springer. Link

*   The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative as an Adaptiv Response to Climate Change. Chestrer and Hilty. Link 

*   Hypotheses from Recent Assessments of Climate Impacts to Biodiversity

and Ecosystems in the US. Carter et al. Link 

Rapidly declining remarkability of temperature anomalies may obscure public perception of climate change. 2019. Moore et al. PNAS. Link

North America. 2019. Zolnikov. IN: Global Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change: 91-102. Link 

The governance of climate change adaptation: are networks to blame for the implementation deficit? 2019. Bednar et al. J Environ Policy Plan. Link 

Curriculum gaps for adult climate literacy. 2019. Cooper et al. Conserv Sci and Practice. Link 

Climate science curricula in Canadian secondary schools focus on human warming, not scientific consensus, impacts or solutions. 2019. Wynes an Nicholas. PLoS ONE. Link 

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Southwest Washington. 2019. Hudec et al. (editors). US-FS PNW Research Stn, GTR 977. Link 

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in South-Central Oregon. 2019. Halofsky et al. (editors). US-FS, PNW Research Stn, GTR 974. Link 

Evaluating Knowledge to Support Climate Action: A Framework for Sustained Assessment. Report of an Independent Advisory Committee on Applied Climate Assessment. 2019. Moss et al. Weather, Climate, Society. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, flood, etc. Link 

Spatial scale affects novel and disappeared climate change projections in Alaska. 2019. Morrison et al. Ecol Evol. Link

Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. 2019. Radchuk et al. Nature Communications 10: Art 3109. Link

he Topographic Signature of Ecosystem Climate Sensitivity in the Western. 2019. Hoylman et al. Geophysical Research Letters. Link

Identifying stakeholder-relevant climate change impacts: A case study in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA. 2014. Jenni, K. et al. Climatic Change 124(1-2): 371-384. Link.

Does effective climate policy require well-informed citizen support? 2014. Rhodes, E. et al. Global Environ Change 29: 92-104. Link.

Increased temperature variation poses a greater risk to species than climate warming. 2014. Vasseur, D. et al. PRS-B  281: 1779. Link.

Labeling opinions in the climate debate: a critical review. 2015. Howarth, C. and A. Sharman. WIREs Climate Chg 6(2): 239–254. Link.

Women learn more from local than global examples of the biological impacts of climate change. 2015. Theobald, E. et al. Frontiers in Ecol and the Environ 13(3): 132–137. Link.

Coverage and framing of climate change adaptation in the media: A review of influential North American newspapers during 1993–2013. 2015. Ford, J. and D. King. Environ Sci and Policy 48: 137-146. Link.

Relative sensitivity to climate change of species in northwestern North America. 2015. Case, M. et al. Biol Conserv 187: 127-133. Link.

Comparative Phylogeography Highlights the Double-Edged Sword of Climate Change Faced by Arctic- and Alpine-Adapted Mammals. 2015. Lanier, H. et al. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118396. Link.

Relating Sub-Surface Ice Features to Physiological Stress in a Climate Sensitive Mammal, the American Pika (Ochotona princeps). 2015. Wilening, J. et al. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119327. Link.

Climate change creates rapid species turnover in montane communities. 2015. Gibson-Reineme, D. et al. Ecol and Evol 5(12): 2340-2347. Link.

Seepage: Climate change denial and its effect on the scientific community. 2015. Lewandowsky, S. et al. Global Environ Change 33: 1-13. Link.

Adapting natural resource management to climate change: Considerations for practitioners and Government staff. 2016. Various authors. BC MFLNRO.

  • Caribou Region. Hamm and Hopkins.  PDF
  • West and South Coast Regions. Klassen and Hopkins. PDF
  • Kootenay Boundary Region. MacKillop and Hopkins. PDF
  • Northeast Region. Kabzems and Hopkins. PDF
  • Omineca Region. Foord and Hopkins. PDF
  • Skeena Region. Mackenzie and Hopkins. PDF 
  • Thompson Okanagan Region. Ryan and Hopkins. PDF

Novel climates: Trajectories of climate change beyond the boundaries of BC’s forest management knowledge system. 2018. Mahoney et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt. Link

Estimating climate change effects on grazing management and beef cattle production in the [US] Pacific Northwest. 2018. Neibergs et al. Climatic Change. Link

The following articles identify conservation approaches in Canada and the USA.

Canada and the US: Regional Analyses. 2014. McDermott, C. et al. IN: Global forest policies: An international comparison: Part 2, Chapter 3: 71-124. Earthscan. OTHER KEYWDS: timber harvesting, riparian, roads Link

Landscape Genetics: Concepts, Methods, Applications. 2015. Balkenhol, N. et al. (editors). John Wiley and Sons. Link

Animal Vigilance: Monitoring Predators and Competitors. 2015. Beauchamp, G. Academic Press. Link

Policy design for forest carbon sequestration: A review of the literature. 2016. Gren, I-M. and A. Aklilu. Forest Policy and Econ 70: 128-136. Link

Short-Term Effects of Variable-Retention Logging Practices on Terrestrial Gastropods in Coastal Forests of BC. 2016. Ovaska, K. et al. NW Sci 90(3): 260277. Link

Providing a Regional Connectivity Perspective to Local Connectivity Conservation Decisions in the BC-Washington Transboundary Region: Okanagan-Kettle Subregion Connectivity Assessment. 2016. Transboundary Connectivity Group. Link

Identifying climate impacts and adaptation actions for wildlife habitat connectivity in the cross-boundary region of Washington and BC. 2016. Krosby, M. et al. Climate Impacts Group, U of Washington. The Washington-BC Transboundary Climate-Connectivity Project. PDF

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Working Beyond Boundaries to Tackle Large-Scale Conservation Challenges. 2016. Olliff, T. et al. Geo Wright Forum 33(2). NO URL

Connecting Leaders to Advance Policy and Practice: The Practitioners’ Network for Large Landscape Conservation. 2016. Johnson, S. Geo Wright Forum 33(2). NO URL

Policy design for forest carbon sequestration: A review of the literature. 2016. Gren, I-M. and A. Aklilu. Forest Policy and Econ 70: 128-136. Link

Development and use of a commercial-scale biochar spreader. 2016. Page-Dumroese, D. et al. US-FS Rocky Mtn Research Stn, RMRS-GTR-354. OTHER KEYWDS: timber harvesting, restoration, nutrient/water retention, carbon sequestration  PDF

How the Boone and Crockett Club shaped North American conservation. 2016. Krausman, P. and S. Mahoney. Internat J of Environ Studies 72(5): 746-755. Link

Trapping and furbearer management in North American wildlife conservation. 2016. White, B. et al. Internat J of Environ Studies 72(5): 756-769. Link

Can camera trapping provide accurate estimates of small mammal (Myodes rutilus and Peromyscus maniculatus) density in the boreal forest? 2016. Villette, P. et al. J of Mammalogy 97(1): 32-40. Link

Complexity and creative capacity: rethinking knowledge transfer, adaptive management and wicked environmental problems. 2016. Chapman, K. Routledge. Link

Benefits and Limitations of Using Decision-Analytic Tools to Assess Uncertainty and Prioritize Landscape Conservation Cooperative Information Needs. 2016. van der Burg, M. et al.  J of Fish and Wildlife Mgmt 7(1): 280-290. Link

Dispersal Ecology Informs Design of Large-Scale Wildlife Corridors. 2016. Benz, R. et al. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162989. OTHER KEYWDS: elk, highways, predators. Link

Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing Essential Biodiversity Variables [EBV]: challenges and future directions. 2016. Pettorelli, N. et al. Remote Sens of Ecol and Conserv 2(3): 122-131. Link

The role of space agencies in remotely sensed Essential Biodiversity Variables [EBV]. 2016. Paganini, M. et al. Remote Sens of Ecol and Conserv 2(3): 132-140. Link

Aligning policies to support forest restoration and promote organizational change. 2016. Schultz, C. et al. Forest Policy and Econ 73: 195-203. Link

Collaborative research praxis to establish baseline ecoacoustics conditions in Gitga’at Territory. 2016. Ritts, M. et al. Global Eco and Conserv 7: 25-38. OTHER KEYWDS: citizen science, soundscape ecology, Hartley Bay, Kitimat. Link

Badgers: Systematics, biology, conservation and research techniques. 2016. Proulx, G. and E. San (editors). Alpha Wildlife Publications.  Link

A productive role for science in assisted colonization policy. 2016. Neff, M. and K. Carroll. WIRES Climate Change 7(6): 852-868. Link

Conservation decision making: integrating the precautionary principle with uncertainty. 2016. Falcy, M. Frontiers in Ecol and the Environ 14(9): 499-504. Link

The Canadian context for evidence-based conservation and environmental management. 2016. Cooke, S. et al. Environ Evidence 5(14). Link

Forest Management, Public Goods, and Optimal Policies. 2016. Ollokainen, M. Annual Review of Resource Econ 8: 207-226. Link

[US] Forest Service Research and Development: strategic vision for the experimental forests and ranges network. 2016. Stine, P. US-FS, PNW Research Stn, PNW- GTR-935. PDF

Research Priorities from Animal Behaviour for Maximising Conservation Progress. 2016. Gregor, A. et al. TREE 31(12): 953-964. PDF

Carnivore conservation: shifting the paradigm from control to coexistence. 2017. Bergstrom. J Mammalogy. Link

Expanding the Portfolio: Conserving Nature’s Masterpieces in a Changing World. 2017. Hobbs et al. BioSci. Link

Mapping Conservation Strategies under a Changing Climate. 2017. BioSci. Belote et al. Link

Building capacity in remote sensing for conservation: present and future challenges. 2017. Palumbo et al. Remote Sens in Ecol and Conserv. Link

Assessment of USDA-NRCS rangeland conservation programs: recommendation for an evidence-based conservation platform. 2017. Briske et al. Ecol Apps. Link

Why the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is Problematic for Modern Wildlife Management. 2017. Peterson and Nelson. Human Dimensions Wildlife. Link

Effects of disputes and easement violations on the cost-effectiveness of land conservation. 2015. Schuster and Arcese. Peer J. Link

The Canadian context for evidence-based conservation and environmental management. 2016. Cooke et al. Environ Evidence. Link

Forest Conservation in the Anthropocene: Science, Policy, and Practice. 2016. Sample et al. U Press of Colorado. Link

Combinations of aggregated and dispersed retention improve conservation of saproxylic beetles in boreal white spruce stands. 2017. Lee et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. Link

Assessments of species’ vulnerability to climate change: from pseudo to science. 2017. Wade et al. Biodiv and Conserv. Link

On non-epistemic values in conservation biology. 2017. Baumgaertner and Holthuijzen. Conserv Biol. Link

Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation. 2017. Bennett et al. Conserv Biol. Link

[US] Federal Ecosystem Management: Its Rise, Fall, and Afterlife. 2015. Skillen. U Kansas Press. Link

Oversight at Risk: The state of government science in BC. 2017. Smith et al. Evidence for Democracy. PDF

Defending the scientific integrity of conservation-policy processes. 2017. Carroll et al. Conserv Biol. Link

Long-term dynamics and characteristics of snags created for wildlife habitat. 2017. Barry et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. Link

Klamath Tribes: Managing Their [Oregon] Homeland Forests in Partnership with the US-FS. 2017. Hatcher et al. J Forestry. Link

Working Together to Implement the [US] Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004: Partnerships for Today and Tomorrow. 2017. Lucero and Tamez. J Forestry. Link

Strong Foundations: Recap and recommendations from scientists regarding the federal environmental and regulatory reviews. 2017. Westwood et al. Yellowstone-to-Yukon. PDF

A new vision for impact assessment in Canada: The final report of the expert panel for the review of the environmental assessment processes. 2017. Cdn Environ Assess Agency. PDF

Bighorn backcountry of Alberta: Protecting vulnerable wildlife and precious waters. 2017. Weaver. Wildlife Conservation Society Canada. Link

Thompson Rivers Natural Resource District Range Agreement for Grazing: Audit of range planning and practices RAN 077749 [near Cache Creek]. 2017. BC Forest Practices Board. PDF

Using adaptive processes and adverse outcome pathways to develop meaningful, robust, and actionable environmental monitoring programs. 2017. Arciszewski et al. Integ Environ Assess Mgmt. Link

International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control. 2017. Dubois et al. Conserv Biol. Link

A roadmap for knowledge exchange and mobilization research in conservation and natural resource management. 2017. Nguyen et al. Conserv Biol. Link

Identifying Effective and Sustainable Measures for Community-Based Environmental Monitoring. 2017. McKay and Johnson. Environ Mgmt. Link

Behavioral flexibility as a mechanism for coping with climate change. 2017. Beever et al. Frontiers Ecol and Environ. Link

A Review of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. 2016. Committee on the Evaluation of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. Link

The [BC] Forest and Range Evaluation Program. 2017. BC Forest Practices Bd, Special Rpt. PDF  

Opportunities to Improve the [BC] Forest and Range Practices Act. 2017. BC Forest Practices Bd, Special Rpt. OTHER KEYWDS: resource roads   PDF

Forest Practices Board Submission to Professional Reliance Review. 2017. BC Forest Practices Bd. PDF

A conservation assessment of Canada’s boreal forest incorporating alternate climate change scenarios. 2017. Powers etal. Remote Sens in Ecol and Conserv. Link

Stand development 18 years after gap creation in a uniform Douglas-fir plantation. 2017. Curtis et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Research Paper. PDF

Rangeland Systems: Processes, Management and Challenges. 2017. Briske (editor). Springer. Link

Collaborative groups related to sustainable grazing on public lands. 2017. Staube. Human-Wildlife Interactions. Link 

Applied Ecology: Monitoring, Managing, and Conserving. 2017. Goodenough, A., and A. Hart. Oxford U Press. Link

Strengthening Canada’s environmental assessment and regulatory processes: Recommendations and model legislation for sustainability. 2017. Olszynski et al. U of Calgary et al. PDF

[US] Forest Service Research and Development Performance and Accountability Report: Fiscal year 2016. 2017. US-FS, Washington Office. PDF

[US] Forest Service watershed management. 2017. Harden et al. USDA Office of Inspector General, Audit Rpt. OTHER KEYWDS: watershed condition, restoration. PDF

[US] Forest Service’s plan for addressing climate change. 2017. Harden et al. USDA Office of Inspector General, Audit Rpt. PDF

[US] Forest Service deferred maintenance. 2017. Harden et al.  USDA Office of Inspector General, Audit Rpt.  OTHER KEYWDS: environmental damage, human health and safety, dam inspections. PDF

Does Engagement in Advocacy Hurt the Credibility of Scientists? Results from a Randomized [US] National Survey Experiment. 2017. Kotcher. Environ Communication. Link

To Advocate or Not Is No Longer the Question: Paths to Enhance Scientific Engagement. 2018. Wittemyer et al. BioSci. Link

Columbia Valley Priority Conservation Actions Summary Report. 2018. Mahr. Kootenay Conservation Program and Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners. Link

Going Beyond the Biophysical When Mapping [US] National Forests. 2018. Koch et al. US-FS, PNW Research Stn, Sci Findings. PDF


Corporate responsibility development paths [leaders, laggards] in the US forest sector. 2016. Arminen et al. Forestry.

Sustainability and development. 2016. Barbier. Annual Review Resource Econ.

Forests, Business and Sustainability. 2016. Panwar et al. Routledge.

Forest Value Chain Optimization and Sustainability. 2016. D’Amours et al. CRC Press.

Voluntary Conservation: A Return on Investment Framework for the Private Sector. 2017. Boyd and Epanchin-Niell. Resources.

The challenge of valuing ecosystem services that have no material benefits. 2017. Munday and Durance. Global Environ Change.


Ecosystem Goods and Services  

National Ecosystem Services Classification System (NESCS): Framework Design and Policy Application. 2015. US Environ Protection Agency.

Bundling forest ecosystem services for FSC certification: An analysis of stakeholder adaptability. 2016. Jaung et al. Internat Forestry Review.

Seeing the forest for its multiple ecosystem services: indicators for cultural services in heterogeneous forests. 2016.  Sutherland et al. Ecol Indicators.

Bundling Forest Ecosystem Services for FSC Certification: An Analysis of Stakeholder Adaptability. 2016. Jaung et al. Internat Forestry Review.

Biodiversity and ecosystem services in forest ecosystems: a research agenda for applied forest ecology. 2017. Mori et al. J Applied Ecol.

Incorporating Sociocultural Phenomena into Ecosystem-Service Valuation: The Importance of Critical Pluralism. 2017. van Riper et al. BioSci.

Description of the General Equilibrium Model of Ecosystem Services (GEMES). 2017. Warziniack et al. US-FS Rocky Mtn Research Stn. OTHER KEYWDS: economics

Divergent trends in ecosystem services under different climate-management futures in a fire-prone forest landscape. 2017. Halofsky et al. Climatic Chg.

Understanding Ecosystem Service Preferences across Residential Classifications near Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington (USA). 2017. Williams et al. Forests.    

Applying the ecosystem services concept to public lands management. 2013. Kline et al. Agric Resource Econ Review.

Payments for ecosystem services from forests. 2014. Alix-Garcia and Wolff. Annual Review Resource Econ.

[US] Federal Resource Management and Ecosystem Services Guidebook. 2014. Duke U.

Proposal for Increasing Consistency When Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making. 2016. Olander et al. Duke U. View PDF

Visual Quality on Alberni Inlet. 2016. BC Forest Practices Board. OTHER KEYWDS: ecosystem goods and services.

Consequences of mountain pine beetle outbreak on forest ecosystem services in western Canada. 2016. Dhar et al. CJFR.

Seeing the forest for its multiple ecosystem services: Indicators for cultural services in heterogeneous forests. 2016. Sutherland et al. Ecol Indicators.

A Guide to Historical Data Sets for Reconstructing Ecosystem Service Change over Time. 2016. Tomscha et al. BioSci.

Forest Stewardship Council certification for forest ecosystem services: An analysis of stakeholder adaptability. 2016. Jaung et al. Forest Policy Econ.

Valuation of First Nations peoples’ social, cultural, and land use activities using life satisfaction approach. 2016. Kant et al. Forest Policy Econ.

Biodiversity and ecosystem services in environmental profit and loss accounts. 2016. Chaplin-Kramer and Green. U of Cambridge. Download the working paper.

Handbook on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment. 2016. Geneletti. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Divergence of ecosystem services in US National Forests and Grasslands under a changing climate. 2016. Duan et al. Sci Rpts.

What People Value: An Ecosystem Services Approach to Managing Public Lands. 2016. Deal et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn.

Integrating ecosystem services into [US] national Forest Service policy and operations. 2017. Deal et al. US-FS, PNW Research Stn.

Forest carbon offsets and carbon emissions trading: Problems of contracting. 2017. van Kooten. Forest Policy Econ.


Economics – Ecosystem Services

Community forests, community benefits: The economic contributions of Community Forests to rural communities. 2017. Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition and BC Cmmty Forests Assn.  SIBAC-Community-Forests-Community-Benefits-Final-Report-1.pdf

Putting a Value on the Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests in Canada: Case Studies on Natural Capital and Conservation. 2017.  TD Economics and Nature Conservancy of Canada. OTHER KEYWDS: Coastal forests, Columbia forests.

National and Community Market Contributions of [US] Wilderness. 2017. Hjerpe et al. Society and Natural Resources.

Using life cycle assessment to evaluate the sustainability of BC’s forest-based economy. 2016. Mahalle et al. BC Govt, Tech Rpt.

Applying personal carbon trading: a proposed ‘Carbon, Health and Savings System’ for BC, Canada. 2017. Guzman and Clapp. Climate Policy.

“Conservation Reconsidered” Turns 50: The Environmental Turn in Natural Resource Economics. 2017. Banzhaf. Resources.

Valuing a Lagging Externality: Loss of the Water Purification Service of Temperate Coastal Rainforests. 2017. Knowler et al. Water Econ and Policy. OTHER KEYWDS: roads

Dynamic and Stochastic Resource Economics: Essays on Biodiversity, Invasive Species, Joint Systems, and Regulation. 2014. Batabyal. World Sci Publishing.

The Oxford handbook of forest resource economics. 2014. Duke and Wu. Oxford U Press.

Welfare, wealth and sustainability. 2016. Irwin et al. Annual Review Resource Econ.

Early Pioneers in Natural Resource Economics. 2016. Brown et al. Annual Review Resource Econ.

The Economics of Forest Carbon Offsets. 2016. van Kooten and Johnston. Annual Review Resource Econ.

Willingness to pay for ecosystem conservation in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest: a choice modeling study. 2016. Hjerpe and Hussain. Ecol and Society.

Arrested Development? The Promises and Paradoxes of “Selling Nature to Save It”. 2016. Dempsey and Suarez. Annals American Assn Geographers.

Cost to produce carbon credits through fluctuating harvest levels in BC, Canada. 2016. Man et al. CJFR.

Conservation Planning: A Review of Return on Investment Analysis. 2016. Boyd et al. Review Environ Econ Policy.

Defining Ecosystem Assets [scenic views] for Natural Capital Accounting. 2016. Hein et al. PLoS ONE.

Effect of forest cover on water treatment costs. 2016. Warziniack et al. American Water Works Assn et al.

Economic Outcomes from the US Forest Service Eastside [Oregon] Strategy. 2016. White et al. U of OR. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration, employment

Economic Development and Public Lands: The Roles of Community-Based Organizations. 2016. Davis et al. U of OR. OTHER KEYWDS: stewardship, conservation, restoration.

The potential rural development impacts of utilizing non-merchantable forest biomass. 2017. Crandell et al. Forest Policy Econ.

An exploration of tools and methodologies for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions. 2007. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Tech Series no. 28. Link.

A financial analysis of establishing poplar plantations for carbon offsets using Alberta and BC’s afforestation protocols. 2015. Anderson, J. et al. CJFR 45(2): 217-225. Link.

A lack of response of the financial behaviors of biodiversity conservation non-profits to changing economic conditions. 2014. Larson, E. et al. Ecol and Evolution 4(23): 4429-4443. Link.

A protocol for eliciting nonmaterial values through a cultural ecosystem services frame. 2015. Gould, R. et al. Conserv Biol 29(2): 575–586. Link.

A Survey-Based Assessment of Cattle Producers’ Adaptation to Climate Change in BC, Canada. 2015. Cox, M. et al. Rangeland Ecol and Mgmt 68(2): 119-130. Link.

Carbon Markets: Past, Present, and Future. 2014. Newell, R. et al. Annual Review of Resource Econ 6: 191-215. Link.

Comparing instrumental and deliberative paradigms underpinning the assessment of social values for cultural ecosystem services. 2014. Raymond, C. et al. Ecol Econ 107: 145-156. Link. 

Contextualising site factors for feasibility analysis. 2014. Currie, R. et al. J of Environ Planning and Mgmt 57(10): 1484-1496. Link.

Cost-effective global conservation spending is robust to taxonomic group. 2008. Bode, M. et al. PNAS Early Edition. Link

Cost to produce Carbon credits by reducing the harvest level in BC, Canada. 2015. Man, C. et al. Forest Policy and Econ 52:9-17. Link.

Cultivation of Mediterranean species of Tuber (Tuberaceae) in BC, Canada. 2014. Berch, S. and G. Bonito. Mycorrhiza 24(6): 473-479. Link.

Developing Markets for Forest Environmental Services: An Opportunity for Promoting Equity While Securing Efficiency? 2002. Landell-Mills, N. Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 360(1797): 1817-1825. Link.

Economic Impacts of Non-residential Wildlife Watching in the US. 2015. Sun, C. et al. Forest Sci 61(1): 46-54. Link.

Economics of wildlife tourism. 2004. Tisdell, C. and C. Wilson. IN: Wildlife tourism: Impacts, mgmt and planning: Chapter 8: 145-163. Link.

Forest genomics research and development in Canada: Priorities for developing an economic framework. 2015. Porth, I. et al. Forestry Chronicle 91(1): 60-70. Link.

Information, wildlife valuation, conservation: Experiments and policy. 2006. Tisdell, C. and C. Wilson. Contemporary Economic Policy 24: 144-159. Link.

New linkages for protected areas: Making them worth conserving and restoring. 2006. Figueroa, E. and J. Aronson. J for Nature Conserv 14(3-4): 225-232.  Link.

Payment for Environmental Services: Hypotheses and Evidence. 2013. Alston, L. et al. Annual Review of Resource Econ 5: 139-159. Link.

Perception, acquisition and use of ecosystem services: Human behavior, and ecosystem management and policy implications. 2014. Asah, S. et al. Ecosystem Services 10: 180-186. Link.

Quantifying and monetizing potential climate change policy impacts on terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage and wildfires in the US. 2014. Mills, D. et al. Climatic Chg: Open Access. Link.

The Economics of Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement. 2014. Shimshack, J. Annual Review of Resource Econ 6: 339-360.  QUOTE: Without monitoring and enforcement, environmental laws are largely nonbinding guidance. Link.

The economic value of ecological stability. 2003. Armsworth, P. and J. Roughgarden. PNAS 100: 7147-7151. Link.

The Law and Policy of Ecosystem Services. 2007. Ruhl, J. et al. Island Press. Link.

What matters and why? Ecosystem services and their bundled qualities. 2014. Klain, S. et al. Ecol Econ 107: 310-320. Link.


A conceptual framework for predicting teroemperate ecosystem sensitivity to human impacts on fire regimes. 2013. McWethy, D. et al. Global Ecol and Biogeog 22(8): 900–912. Link

Biomass and fire dynamics in a temperate forest-grassland mosaic: Integrating multi-species herbivory, climate, and fire with the FireBGCv2/GrazeBGC system. 2015. Riggs, et al. Ecol Modelling 296: 57-78. Link

Case Study: High Reliability Organizing and Prescribed Fire on the Boise [Idaho] National Forest. 2008. Olson, D. and D. Dether. Fire Mgmt Today 68(2): 32-34. Link.

Comparing historical and current wildfire regimes in the [US] Northern Rocky Mountains using a landscape succession model. 2015. Zhao, F. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 343: 9-21. Link. 

Detecting Forest Damage after a Low-Severity Fire using Remote Sensing at Multiple Scales. 2015. Arnett, J. et al. Internat J of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinfo 35: Part B: 239–246. Link

Differentiating mixed- and high-severity fire regimes in mixed-conifer forests of the Canadian Cordillera. 2015. Marcoux, H. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 341: 45-58. Link

Drivers of Wildfire Suppression Costs: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography. 2015. Ellison, A. et al. Ecosystem Workforce Program, WP 53. Link

High-severity fire corroborated in historical dry forests of the western US: response to Fulé et al.2014. Williams, M. and W. Baker. Global Ecol and Biogeog 23(7): 831–835. Link

Native and exotic plant species respond differently to wildfire and prescribed fire as revealed by meta-analysis. 2015. Alba, C. et al. J of Veg Sci 26(1): 102- 113. Link

Past and Present Vulnerability of Closed-Canopy Temperate Forests to Altered Fire Regimes: A Comparison of the Pacific Northwest, New Zealand, and Patagonia. 2015. Whitlock, K. et al. BioSci 65(2): 151-163. Link

Post-wildfire Soil Trajectory Linked to Pre-fire Ecosystem Structure in Douglas-Fir Forest. 2015. Homman, P. et al. Ecosystems 18(2): 260-273. Link

Prescribed fire effects on resource selection by cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe. Part 1: Spring grazing. 2014. Clark, P. et al. J of Arid Environ 100-101: 78-88. Link.

Regional projections of the likelihood of very large wildland fires under a changing climate in the contiguous Western US. 2014. Stavros, N. et a. Climatic Chg 126(3-4): 455-468. Link

Relative effects of climate change and wildfires on stream temperatures: a simulation modeling approach in a Rocky Mountain watershed. 2014. Holsinger, L. et al. Climatic Chg 124(1-2): 191-206. Link

Social science research on Indigenous wildfire management in the 21st century and future research needs. 2015. Christianson, A. Internat J of Wildland Fire 24(2): 190-200. Link

Spatially extensive reconstructions show variable-severity fire and heterogeneous structure in historical western US dry forests. 2012. Williams, M. and W. Baker. Global Ecol and Biogeog 21(10): 1042–1052. Link

Spatially and socially segmenting private landowner motivations, properties, and management: A typology for the wildland urban interface. 2015. Nielsen-Pincus, M. et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 137:1-12. Link

Spatio-temporal variation of surface shortwave forcing from fire-induced albedo change in interior Alaska. 2015. Huang, S. et al. CJFR 45(3): 276-285. Link

The fire history of a 416-year-old western larch tree in southeastern British Columbia. 2008. Hall, M. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 9(2): 5–10. Link.

Understanding social impact from wildfires: advancing means for assessment. 2015. Paveglio, T. et al. Internat J of Wildland Fire 24(2): 212-224. Link

Unsupported inferences of high-severity fire in historical dry forests of the western US: response to Williams and Baker. 2014. Fulé, P. et al. Global Ecol and Biogeog 23(7): 825–830. Link

Toward a more ecologically informed view of severe forest fires. 2016. Hutto, R. et al. Ecosphere 7(2). Link.

Fire legacies impact conifer regeneration across environmental gradients in the US northern Rockies. 2016. Kemp, K. et al. Landscape Ecol 31(3): 619-636. Link.

Wildfire and water quality: processes, impacts and challenges. 2012. Stone al (editors). Internat Assn of Hydrol Sci, Publication 354. Link

Future burn probability in south-central BC. 2016. Wang, X. et al. Internat J of Wildland Fire 25(2): 200-212. Link.

Post-wildfire debris flows in southern BC, Canada. 2016. Jordan, P. Internat J of Wildland Fire 25(3): 322-336. Link.

Altered mixed-severity fire regime has homogenised montane forests of Jasper National Park. 2016. Chavardès, R. and L.. Daniels. Internat J of Wildland Fire 25(4): 433-444. Link.

Assessing the impacts of federal forest planning on wildfire risk mitigation in the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2016. Ager, A. et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 147: 1-17. Link.

Tree mortality based fire severity classification for forest inventories: A Pacific Northwest national forests example. 2016. Whittier, T. and A. Gray. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 359: 199-209. Link.

A Global Index for Mapping the Exposure of Water Resources to Wildfire. 2016. Robinne, F-N. et al. Forests 7(1): 22. Link.

Prescribed fire does not promote outbreaks of a primary bark beetle at low-density populations. 2016. Tabacaru, C. et al. J of Applied Ecol 53(1): 222-232. Link.

Wildfire may increase habitat quality for spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River subbasin, WA, USA. 2016. Flitcroft, R. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 359: 126-140. Link.

Tree mortality and structural change following mixed-severity fire in Pseudotsuga forests of Oregon’s western Cascades, USA. 2016. Dunn, C. and J. Bailey. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 365: 107-118. Link.

Scanning the Future of Wildfire: Resilience Ahead…Whether We Like It or Not? 2016. Clark, R. NW Fire Sci Consortium, Fire Sci Digest 22. Link.

The effects of climate change and extreme wildfire events on runoff erosion over a mountain watershed. 2016. Gould, G. et al. J of Hydrol 536: 74-91. Link.

Synthesis of knowledge of extreme fire behavior: Volume 2 for fire behavior specialists, researchers, and meteorologists. 2016. Werth, P. et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn PNW-GTR-891. Link and Link.

Wildfire extent and severity correlated with annual streamflow distribution and timing in the Pacific Northwest, USA (1984–2005). 2012. Holden, Z. et al. Ecohydrol 5(5): 677–684.  Link.

Soil Organic Matter: A Sustainability Indicator for Wildfire Control and Bioenergy Production in the Urban/Forest Interface. 2014. Blanco, J. et al. Soil Sci of Amer J 78(S1): S105-S117. Link.

Root Decay and Fire Affect Soil Pipe Formation and Morphology in Forested Hillslopes with Restrictive Horizons. 2014. Leslie, I. et al. Soil Sci of Amer J 78(4): 1448-1457. Link.

Resin duct size and density as ecophysiological traits in fire scars of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Larix occidentalis. 2014. Arbellay, E. et al. Annals of Botany 114(5): 973-980. Link.

Changes in tracheid and ray traits in fire scars of North American conifers and their ecophysiological implications. 2014. Arbellay, E. et al. Annals of Botany 114(2): 223-232. Link.

The real “fire ants”: colony size and body size of workers influence the fate of boreal sand hill ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) after wildfires in Alberta, Canada. 2015. Glasier, J. et al. Cdn Entomol 147(4): 396-404.  Link.

Sediment yields and water quality effects of severe wildfires in southern BC: Wildfire and water quality: processes, impacts and challenges. 2012. Jordan, P. Internat Assn for Hydrol Sci, Pub 354: 25-35. Link.

Muted response of streamflow and suspended sediment flux in a wildfire-affected watershed. 2013. Owens, P. et al. Geomorph 202: 28-39. Link.

Charred forests increase snowmelt: Effects of burned woody debris and incoming solar radiation on snow ablation. 2013. Gleason, K. et al. Geophys Research Letters 40(7): 4654-4661. Link.

Precipitation-driven decrease in wildfires in BC. 2013. Meyn, A. et al. Regional Environ Change 13: 165-177. Link.

Holocene vegetation history and fire regimes of Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, southwestern BC, Canada. 2013. Lucas, J. and T. Lacourse. Quaternary Research 79(3): 366-376. Link.

Holocene climate-fire-vegetation interactions at a subalpine watershed in southeastern BC, Canada. 2014. Courtney, C. et al. Quaternary Research 81(2): 228–239. Link.

Climate change and vulnerability of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in a fire-prone landscape. 2015. Falke, J. et al. Cdn J of Fish and Aquat Sci 72(1): 304-318. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link.

Wildland Fuel Fundamentals and Applications. 2015. Keane, R. Springer. Link.

Influence of tree species on continental differences in boreal fires and climate feedbacks. 2015. Rogers, B. et al. Nature Geosci 8: 228-234. Link.

A burning problem: social dynamics of disaster risk reduction through wildfire mitigation. 2015. Charnley et al. Human Organization. Link

Wildland Fire Management Futures: Insights from a Foresight Panel. 2015. Olson et al. US-FS, Northern Research Stn, Gen Tech Rpt. Link

2014 Quadrennial fire review. 2015. Hamilton. Prepared for the US-FS and US Dept of Interior. Link

Detecting unburned areas within wildfire perimeters using Landsat and ancillary data across the northwestern US. 2016. Meddens et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Multiple Factors Affect [US] Federal-Nonfederal Collaboration, but Action Could Be Taken to Better Measure Progress. 2017. US Govt Accoutability Office. OTHER KEYWDS: fuel mgmt, performance measures, US National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy. Link

A Century Of Wildland Fire Research: Contributions To Long-term Approaches For Wildland Fire Management: A national workshop. 2017. Various authors. US National Academies Press. Link

Sustainability and Wildland Fire: The Origins of [US] Forest Service Wildland Fire Research. 2017. Smith. US-FS Rocky Mtn Research Stn. Link

Effects of climate oscillations on wildland fire potential in the continental US. 2017. Mason et al. Geophys Research Letters. Link

Adapt to more wildfire in western North American forests as climate changes. 2017. Schoennagel et al. PNAS. Link

Historical perspective on the influence of wildfire policy, law, and informal institutions on management and forest resilience in a multiownership, frequent-fire, coupled human and natural system in Oregon, USA. 2017. Steen-Adams et al. Ecol and Society. Link

Time since prior wildfire affects subsequent fire containment in black spruce. 2017. Beverly. Internat J of Wildland Fire. Link

Multidecadal trends in area burned with high severity in the [Montana-Idaho] Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area 1880–2012. 2017. Morgan et al. Internat J Wildland Fire. Link

Effect of particle aging on chemical characteristics, smoldering, and fire behavior in mixed-conifer masticated fuel. 2017. Sikkink et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. Link


Forest Fires, Beetles & Post-Infestation Rovery

Predicting Live and Dead Tree Basal Area in Bark Beetle-Affected Forests from Discrete-Return LiDAR. 2012. Hudak, A. et al. IN: SilverLaser 2012. Search for “Hudak” in this PDF. for the paper.

Predicting live and dead tree basal area of bark beetle affected forests from discrete-return lidar. 2014. Bright, B. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 39(Supp 1): S99-S111. Link.

Area burned in the western US is unaffected by recent mountain pine beetle outbreaks. 2015. Hart, S. et al. PNAS 112(14): 4375-4380. Link.

Advance regeneration and trajectories of stand development following the mountain pine beetle outbreak in boreal forests of BC. 2015. Cambell, E. and J. Antos. CJFR 45(10): 1327-1337. Link.

Characteristics of forest legacies following two mountain pine beetle outbreaks in BC, Canada. 2015. Alfaro, R. et al. CJFR 45(10): 1387-1396. Link.

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Mountain Pine Beetle with an Emphasis on Previsual Assessment. 2015. Niemann, O. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 41(3): 191-202. Link.

Influence of bark beetle outbreaks on nutrient cycling in native pine stands in western Canada. 2015. Cigan, P. et al. Plant and Soil 390(1-2): 29-47. Link.


A new approach to evaluate forest structure restoration needs across Oregon and Washington, USA. 2015. Haugo, R. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 335: 37-50. Link

Assessment of timber availability from forest restoration within the Blue Mountains of Oregon. 2008. Rainville, R. et al.. (tech. eds.). US-FS PNW Res Stn, PNW-GTR-752. Link.

Best Management Practices: An Integrated and Collaborative Approach to Native Plant Restoration on Highly Disturbed Sites. 2015. Riley, L. et al. Natural Areas J 35(1): 45-53. Link

Evaluation of Silvicultural Treatments and Biomass Use for Reducing Fire Hazard in Western States. 2006. Skog, K. et al. US-FS Forest Products Lab, FPL–RP–634. Link.

Fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments: Once is not enough. 2008. Thompson, J. US-FS PNW Res Stn, Sci Findings 106. Link.

Has fire suppression increased the amount of carbon stored in western US forests? 2008. Fellows, A. and M. Goulden. Geophysical Research Letters 35: L12404, doi:10.1029/2008GL033965. 

Listening to Ecosystems: Ecological Restoration and the Uniqueness of a Place. 2015. Schaefer, V. and A. Tillmans. Ecol Restor 33(1): 3-9. Link. 

Paying our way: Thinking strategically to offset the cost of reducing fire hazard in western forests. 2008. Mazza, R. US-FS PNW Res Stn, Sci Findings 104. Link.

Paying for Hazardous Fuel Treatments with Revenue from Removed Biomass2006. Skog, K. et al. US-FS Forest Products Lab, TechLine. Link.

Recommendations to promote forest restoration. 2006. Lord, R. et al. IN: Biomass energy and biofuels from Oregon’s forests: Chapter-section 6.3. Prepared for Oregon Forest Resources Institute. Link.

Seed Sourcing for Restoration in an Era of Climate Change. 2015. Havens, K. et al. Natural Areas J 35(1): 122-133. Link.

Tracking Progress: The Monitoring Process Used in Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Projects in the Pacific Northwest. 2015. Demeo, et al. NW Fire Sci Consortium, Ecosystem Workforce Program, WP 54. Link

US Fire Learning Network Field Guide. 2008. Hanford, R. et al. TNC et al. Link.

Wildlife and Cattle Grazing in the East Kootenay.  2008. Forest Practices Bd. Complaint Investigation Report, FPB/IRC/144. Link.

Wood Heat Solutions: A Community Guide to Biomass Thermal Projects. 2008. Kauffman, M. and R. Ojerio. Resource Innovations. Link 1  (2 MB) or  Link 2 (13 MB)

Restoration action and species response: oviposition habits of Plebejus icarioides fenderi (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) across a restoration chronosequence in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. 2013. Carleton, A. and C. Schultz. J of Insect Conserv 5(11): 511-520. Link.

Snow accumulation following forest disturbance. 2012. Boon, S. Ecohydrol 5(3): 279–285. Link.

Characterizing residual structure and forest recovery following high-severity fire in the western boreal of Canada using Landsat time-series and airborne lidar data. 2015. Bolton et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Continental-scale quantification of post-fire vegetation greenness recovery in temperate and boreal North America. 2017. Yang et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Forests, People, Fire: Integrating the Sciences to Build Capacity for an “All Lands” Approach to Forest Restoration. 2017. Oliver, Charnley et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Sci Findings. Link 


Erosion & Post-Wildfire

Post-fire mulching for runoff and erosion mitigation. Part I: effectiveness at reducing hillslope erosion rates. 2013. Robinchaud, P. et al. Catena 105: 75–92. Link.

Post-fire mulching for runoff and erosion mitigation Part II: Effectiveness in reducing runoff and sediment yields from small catchments. 2013. Robinchaud, P. et al. Catena 105: 93-111. Link.

Current research issues related to post-wildfire runoff and erosion processes. 2013. Moody, J. et al. Earth-Sci Reviews 22: 10-37. Link.

Post-wildfire natural hazards risk assessment in BC. 2015. Hope, G. et al. BC Govt, Land Mgmt Hdbk 69. Link.


Salvage Logging

Hillslope erosion two and three years after wildfire, skyline salvage logging, and site preparation in southern Oregon, USA. 2015. Slesak, R. et al.  Forest Ecol and Mgmt 342: 1-7. Link

Modeling the direct effects of salvage logging on long-term temporal fuel dynamics in dry-mixed conifer forests. 2015. Dunn, C. and J. Bailey. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 341: 93-109. Link

Post-fire logging reduces surface woody fuels up to four decades following wildfire. 2015. Peterson, D. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 338: 84-91. Link

Salvage logging and its ecological consequences. 2008. Lindemayer, D., P. Burton, and J. Franklin. CSIRO Publishing and Island Press. Link.

Catchment-scale stream temperature response to land disturbance by wildfire governed by surface–subsurface energy exchange and atmospheric controls. 2014. Wagner, M. et al. J of Hydrol 51: 328-338. Link.

Vegetation Response to Burn Severity, Native Grass Seeding, and Salvage Logging. 2015. Morgan, P. et al. Fire Ecol 11(2): 31-58. Link.

Does post-disturbance salvage logging affect the provision of ecosystem services? A systematic review protocol. 2015. Leverkus, A. et al. Environ Evidence 4: 16. Link.

Tree/Forest Research

Whitebark Pine

Association Mapping and Development of Marker-Assisted Selection Tools for the Resistance to White Pine Blister Rust in the Alberta Limber Pine Populations. 2020. Liu et al. Frontiers Plant Sci.Link 

Whitebark Pine in the National Parks of the Pacific States: An Assessment of Population Vulnerability. 2020. Jules et al. NW Sci 94(2). Link 

Nutcracker Notes 2018-19. Volume 35. US Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation. Link  Includes:

  • A 7-Year Study of Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) Seedlings planted in Waterton Lakes National Park. Cripps et al. Pages 6-9.
  • The big picture on whitebark pine: Forest vital signs confirm West-wide decline. Pages 10-11.
  • Mortality of Whitebark Pine Seedlings One Year after Planting in Wildfire-Burnt Habitat. Pages 12-15.
  • What’s in your planting bag? 2018-19. Schoettle. Page 16
  • Historic Frequency and Severity of Fire in Whitebark Pine Forests of the Cascade Mountain Range, USA. Murray and Siderius. Page 18.

Nutcracker Notes. 2019. Volume 36. US Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation. Link    Includes: 

  • Climate Change and Whitebark Pine: A feast of uncertainty. Pages 9-12.
  • Effects of Disturbance on Tree Community Dynamics on Whitebark Pine Ecosystems. Amberson et al. Pages 15-17.

A burning paradox: Whitebark [pine] is easy to kill but also dependent on fire. 2020. Keane et al. Nutcracker Notes. 38: 7-8, 34. Link 

Prairies, Savannas, and Oak Woodlands of the Pacific Northwest. 2019. Dunwiddie and Alverson. Ref Module Earth Systems Environ Sci. Link

A [US] Forest Service Vision during the Anthropocene. 2017. Rains. Forests. Link

Terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity and intensive forest management in the US. 2017. Demarais et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. Link

Alternative pathways to sustainability? Comparing forest governance models. 2017. Lindahl et al. Forest Policy Econ. Link

Forest Connectivity Regions of Canada Using Circuit Theory and Image Analysis. 2017. Pelletier et al. PLoS ONE. Link

Professional Practice Guidelines – Legislated Riparian Area Assessments in BC. 2017. Assn BC Forest Professionals. PDF avail to members on the ABCFP website. Link

Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Vegetation Sampling. 2014. Richardson, J. et al. Sensors 14(11): 20304-20319. Link.

Tradeoffs between chilling and forcing in satisfying dormancy requirements for Pacific Northwest tree species. 2015. Harrington, C. and P. Gould. Frontiers in Plant Sci 6: 1-12. Link.

Comparing ALS and image-based point cloud metrics and modelled forest inventory attributes in a complex coastal forest environment. 2015. White, J. et al. Forests 6(10): 3704-3732. Link.

Imputed forest structure uncertainty varies across elevational and longitudinal gradients in the western Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA. 2015. Bell, D. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 358: 154-164. Link.

Generalized and synthetic regression estimators for randomized branch sampling. 2015. Affleck, D. and T. Gregoire. Forestry 88(5): 599-611. Link.

Annual ring density for lodgepole pine as derived from models for earlywood density, latewood density and latewood proportion. 2015. Sattler, D. et al. Forestry 68(5): 622-632. Link.

Augmenting Site Index estimation with Airborne Laser Scanning data. 2015. Tompalski, P. et al. Forest Sci 61(5): 861-873. Link.

Evaluating the impact of leaf-on and leaf-off Airborne Laser Scanning data on the estimation of forest inventory attributes with the area-based approach. 2015. White, et al. CJFR 45(11): 1498-1513. Link.

Deforestation mapping sampling designs for Canadian landscapes. 2015. Leckie, D. et al. CJFR 45(11): 1564-1576. Link.

Total and epiphytic litter under the canopy of Acer macrophyllum in an old-growth temperate forest, Washington state, USA. 2015. Tejo, C. et al. 1654-1661. Link.

Regional variation in stand structure and development in forests of Oregon, Washington and inland Northern California. 2015. Reilly, M. and T. Spies. Ecosphere 6: art192. Link.

Response of conifer species from three latitudinal populations to light spectra generated by light-emitting diodes and high-pressure sodium lamps. 2015. Apostol, K. et al. CJFR 45(12): 1711-1719. Link.

An exploration of ringbarking to reduce severity of Armillaria root disease in logged areas of BC. 2015. Chapman. B. and B. Schellenberg. CJFR 45(12): 1803-1805. Link.

Characterizing Forest Growth and Productivity Using Remotely Sensed Data. 2015. Coops, N. Current Forestry Rpts 1(3): 195-205. Link.

Modeling the potential North American distribution of Russian olive, an invader of riparian ecosystems. 2015. Collette, L. and J. Pither. Plant Ecol 216(10):  1371-1383. Link.

Region-specific patterns and drivers of macro-scale forest plant invasions. 2015. Iannone, B. et al. Diversity and Distributions 21(10): 1181–1192. Link.

Is the health of BC’s forests being influenced by climate change? If so, was this predictable? 2011. Woods, A. Cdn J of Plant Pathol 33(2): 117-126. Link.

Direct and indirect impacts of climate change on forests: three case studies from BC. 2011. Daniels, L. et al. Cdn J of Plant Pathol 33(2): 108-116. Link.

Reconstructing Population Dynamics of Yellow-Cedar in Declining Stands: Baseline Information from Tree Rings. 2011. Stan, A. et al. Tree-Ring Research 67(1): 13-25. Link.

Assessment of Dendrochronological Year-of-Death Estimates Using Permanent Sample Plot Data. 2012. Jones, E. and L. Daniels. Tree-Ring Research 68(1): 3-16. Link.

Spring bud phenology of 18 Betula papyrifera populations in BC. 2012. Hawkins, C. and A. Dhar. Scandinavian J of Forest Research 27(6): 507-519. Link.

Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation-triggered tree die-off: insights and hypotheses. 2012. Adams, H. et al. Ecohydrol 5(2): 145–159. Link.

Mining conifers’ mega-genome using rapid and efficient multiplexed high-throughput genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) SNP discovery platform. 2013. Chen, C. et al. Tree Genetics and Genomes 9(6): 1537-1544. Link.

Sequencing of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) cDNA libraries constructed from autumn buds and foliage reveals autumn-specific spruce transcripts. 2013. Reid, K. et al. Tree Genetics and Genomes 9(3): 683-691. Link.

Sixteen years of winter stress: an assessment of cold hardiness, growth performance and survival of hybrid poplar clones at a boreal planting site. 2013. Schreiber, S. et al. Plant, Cell & Environ 36(2): 419–428. Link.

A Molecular Identification Protocol for Roots of Boreal Forest Tree Species. 2013. Randall, M. et al. Apps in Plant Sci 2(11): 1400069. Link.

Nutrition of Douglas-fir in the Inland Northwest. 2014. Coleman, M. et al. Soil Sci of America J 78(S1): S11-S22. Link.

Multi-century reconstructions of Pacific salmon abundance from climate-sensitive tree rings in west central BC, Canada. 2013. Starheim, C. et al. Ecohydrol 6(2): 228–240.  Link.

Characterizing interactions between fire and other disturbances and their impacts on tree mortality in western US Forests. 2017. Kane et al. Forest Ecol Mgmt. Link 


To log or not to log? How forestry fits with the goals of First Nations in BC. 2015. Nikolakis, W. and H. Nelson. CJFR 45(6): 639-646. Link.

 Fossil Fuel and Mineral Development


Clean slate, contaminated land: The “untidy intersection” of insolvency and the polluter pay principle with recommended reforms to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’  Creditors Arrangement Act.<> 2020. Unger. U of Alberta, Environ Law Centre.

New BC Well Decommissioning Guidelines<> (INDB 2021-30). 2021. BC Oil and Gas Commission.

Woodland caribou avoid wellsite activity during winter.<> 2021. MacNearney et al. Global Ecol anbd Conserv 29.

Fate of Fugitive Natural Gas in Heterogeneous Near-Surface Sediments in a Region of Extensive Petroleum Resource Development<>. 2021. Chao et al. Geophys Research Letters 48(18).

Large-Scale Fracture Systems Are Permeable Pathways for Fault Activation During Hydraulic Fracturing<>. 2021. Igonon et al. J Geophys Research: Solid Earth 126(3).

Fossil capital, ‘unquantifiable risk’ and neoliberal nationalizations: The case of the Trans Mountain Pipeline in Canada. 2021.<> Tienhaara and Walker. Geoforum 124.

[US] Federal climate policy toolkit: Oil and gas<>. 2021. Prest. Resources for the Future, Resources magazine 207.

Methane Detection and Mitigation Initiatives Report<>. No date. Asgarpour, Petro Tech Alliance Canada.

Fossilized: Environmental policy in Canada’s Petro Provinces. 2020. Carter. UBC Press.

Eight-Year Estimates of Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations in Western Canada Are Nearly Twice Those Reported in Inventories. 2020. Chan et al. Environ Sci Tech 54(23).

Methane emissions from upstream oil and gas production in Canada are underestimated. 2021. MacKay et al. Sci Rpts 11: 8041.

Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in Canada and the US. 2021. Williams et al. Environ Sci Tech 55(1).

Processes to Provide Information About Government’s Environmental Liabilities: Alberta Environment and Parks; Alberta Energy Regulator; and Alberta Trasnsportation. 2021. Report of the Auditor General of Alberta. OTHER KEYWDS: orphan wells, gravel pits, oil/ gas, coal

Well Abandonment. 2021 update. Alberta Energy Regulator, Directive 020.

2019-2020 Orphan Site Reclamation Fund Annual Report. 2021. BC Oil and Gas Commission.

End of the (Pipe)Line? Understanding how States Manage the Risks of Oil and Gas Wells. 2021. Nelson and Fisk. Review Policy Research 38(2). OTHER KEYWDS: orphaned and abandoned wells

Plugging Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells: What We Know and Need to Know. 2021. Raimi. Resources for the Future, Resources 206.

[US] Green stimulus for oil and gas workers: Considering a major federal effort to plug orphan and abandoned wells. 2021. Raimi et al. Resources for the Future.

Ecosystem services benefits from the restoration of non-producing US oil and gas lands. 2021. Chomphosy et al. Nature Sustain, March 8/21. OTHER KEYWDS: abandoned wells, employment, food security, biodiversity

Hydro Energy 

Rapid Recolonization and Life History Responses of Bull Trout Following Dam Removal in Washington’s Elwha River<>. 2019. Brenkman et al. N Amer J Fish Mgmt 39(3). OTHER KEYWDS: Olympic Peninsula, fish passage

Stranded Kokanee Salvaged from Turbine Intake Infrastructure Are at Low Risk for Reentrainment: A Telemetry Study in a [WAC Bennett] Hydropower Facility Forebay<>. 2020. Algera et al. N Amer J Fish Mgmt 40(6). OTHER KEYWDS: fish passage

Adult Sockeye Salmon Responses to Transplanting Upstream of an Impassable Dam<>. 2021. Kock et al. N Amer J Fish Mgmt 41(6). OTHER KEYWDS: fish passage, Osoyoos Lake

Impacts of [BC] run-of-river hydropower on coho salmon: The role of density-dependent survival<>. 2021. Gibeau and Palen. Ecosphere 12(8).

Biomass- Bioenergy

Birds and Bioenergy within the Americas: A Cross-National, Social–Ecological Study of Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs.<> 2020. Knowlton et al. Land 10(3).

Co-movement of prices between biofuel co-products in Canada: Ethanol, electricity, and pellets<>. 2021. Doll et al. CJFR 51(7).

Regionalized Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Forest Biomass Use for Electricity Generation in the US.<> 2021. Xu et al. Environ Sci and Tech 55(21). OTHER KEYWDS: Washington, Idaho

Mineral Development 

Audit of Code Requirements for Tailings Storage Facilities<>. 2021. BC Govt, Mine Audits and Effectiveness Unit. OTHER KEYWDS: Mt Polley tailings dam

The potential environmental risks associated with the development of rare earth element production in Canada.<> 2021. Yin et al. Environ Reviews 29: 354-377.

[US] Federal Land Management: Key Differences and Stakeholder Views of the Federal Systems Used to Manage Hardrock Mining<>. 2021. US Govt Accountability Office, GAO-21-299. OTHER KEYWDS: environment

Challenges and Opportunities for Communicating Lead Exposure Risks in Idaho’s Silver Valley.<> 2021. Cooper et al. Case Studies Environ 5(1): 1232759.

Contaminant metal concentrations in three species of aquatic macrophytes from the Coeur d’Alene Lake basin [north Idaho], USA.<> 2021. Scofield et al. Environ Monitoring and Assess 193(10).

Patrick W. Daigle, MSc Forestry, RPF (Retired)<>

Science Emeritus: Research Extension.  BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Victoria BC

PW Daigle on Google Scholar (1992 – 2014)

Big geospatial data analysis for Canada’s Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory: Using Google Earth engine to estimate particulate matter from exposed mine disturbance areas. 2020. Fuentes et al. GISci Remote Sens 57(2).

Small land cover changes in the transboundary Kootenai River basin greatly alter water quality. 2021. Stickney et al. River Research and Apps 37(4). OTHER KEYWDS: mineral, agricultural, and other development

A critical perspective on social license to operate terminology for Canada’s most vulnerable mining communities. 2021. Collins and Kumral. Extract Industries and Society 8(2). OTHER KEYWDS: Ajax Mine, First Nations

Invertebrate Response to Mine Reclamation in South-Central BC: Effects of Reclamation Age on Arthropod Assemblages at the Highland Valley Copper and New Afton Mines. 2021. Gervan et al. Geosci BC, Rpt 2021-01.

Woody biochar potential for abandoned mine land restoration in the US: A review. 2021. Rodriguez-Franco and Page-Dumroese. Biochar.

Long-term effects of inoculating lodgepole pine seedlings with plant growth-promoting bacteria originating from a disturbed gravel mining ecosystem. 2021. Padda et al. CJFR 51(4).


Contaminant Concentrations in Sediments, Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish in Proximity to Rail Tracks Used for Coal Transport in the Pacific Northwest (USA): A Baseline Assessment. 2019. Hapke et al. Archives Environ Contam Toxic 77.

Simulating nitrate release from an unsaturated [Elk Valley] coal waste rock dump. 2021. Huang et al. Sci Total Environ 779.

Benga Mining Limited: Grassy Mountain Coal Project – Crowsnet Pass. 2021. Joint Review Panel. Federal Minister of Environ and Climate Change and the Alberta Energy Regulator.



Modelling the dynamics of soil redistribution induced by sheet erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation and cellular automata. 2013. Heung, B. et al. Geoderma 201-203: 112–125. Link.

Soils of temperate rainforests of the North American Pacific Coast. 2014. Carpenter, D. et al. Geoderma 230-231: 250–264. Link.

Predictive soil parent material mapping at a regional-scale: A Random Forest approach. 2014. Heung, B. et al. Geoderma 214-215: 141–154. Link.

Long- and short-term temperature differences affect organic and inorganic nitrogen availability in forest soils. 2015. Boczulak, S. et al. Cdn J of Soil Sci 95(2): 77–86. Link.


Global mountain topography and the fate of montane species under climate change. 2015. Elsen, P. and M. Tingley. Nature Climate Chg 5: 772-776. Link.


A 350-Year Reconstruction of the Response of South Cascade Glacier to Interannual and Interdecadal Climatic Variability. 2015. Marcinkowski, K. and D. Peterson. NW Sci 89(1): 14-33. Link.

Quaternary stratigraphy and evidence for multiple glacial episodes in the north Okanagan Valley, BC. 2015. Nichol, C. et al. Cdn J of Earth Sci 52(4): 338-356. Link.


Modelling the movement of biogenic silica from terrestrial vegetation to riverine systems within the continental USA. 2015. Opalinska, B. and S. Cowling. Eco Modelling 312: 104-113. Link.


A geochronological framework for sedimentation and Mesoproterozoic tectono-magmatic activity in lower Belt–Purcell rocks exposed west of Kimberley, BC. 2015. McFarlane, M. Cdn J of Earth Sci 52(7): 444-465. Link.

Geochemical constraints on magmatic and metallogenic processes: Iskut River Formation, volcanogenic massive sulfide-hosting basalts, NW BC, Canada. 2015. Baressi, T. et al. Cdn J of Earth Sci 52(1): 1-20.  Link.


Detecting seasonal landslide movement within the Cascade landslide complex (Washington) using time-series SAR imagery. 2016. Hu et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Active movement of the Cascade landslide complex in Washington from a coherence-based InSAR time series method. 2016. Tong and Schmidt. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Riparian Areas

Linking aquatic and terrestrial environments: can beaver canals serve as movement corridors for pond-breeding amphibians? 2015. Anderson et al. Animal Conserv. Link

Compositional stability of boreal understorey vegetation after overstorey harvesting across a riparian ecotone. 2015. MacDonald et al. J Veg Sci. Link 

Field Supplement to Evaluating the Condition of Streams and Riparian Management Areas (Riparian Management Routine Effectiveness Evaluation).  2017. Tripp et al. BC MFLNRO, Forest and Range Evaluation Program. PDF

Marsh and Riparian Habitat Compensation in the Fraser River Estuary: A Guide for Managers and Practitioners. 2017. Lievesley et al.  BC Conserv Foundation and Community Mapping Network. PDF

Terrestrial Invertebrates in the Riparian Zone: Mechanisms Underlying Their Unique Diversity. 2017. Ramey and Richardson. BioSci. Link

Applying Functional Traits to Ecogeomorphic Processes in Riparian Ecosystems. 2017. Diehl et al. BioSci. Link

Characterizing streams and riparian areas with airborne laser scanning data. 2017. Tompalski et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link ​

Soil biogeochemical responses to the deposition of anadromous fish carcasses in inland riparian forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2017. Wheeler and Kavanagh. CJFR. OTHER KEYWDS: salmon carcasses, carbon, nitrogen Link

Evaluating Links Between [riparian] Forest Harvest and Stream Temperature Threshold Exceedances: The Value of Spatial and Temporal Data. 2017. Groom et a. J Amer Water Resources Assn. Link

Water use in a riparian cottonwood ecosystem: Eddy covariance measurements and scaling along a river corridor. 2017. Flannagan et al. Agric and Forest Meteorol. Link

Tracking riverborne sediment and contaminants in Commencement Bay, Washington, using geochemical signatures. 2017. Takesue et al. US Geological Survey. OTHER KEYWDS: terrestrial sediment, contaminants, and other materials  PDF

National assessment of shoreline change—Summary statistics for updated vector shorelines and associated shoreline change data for the north coast of Alaska, US-Canadian Border to Icy Cape. 2017. Gibbs and Richmond. US Geological Survey. PDF

Habitat-specific production of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate drift in small forest streams: implications for drift-feeding fish. 2017. Naman et al. Cdn J Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. Link

Post-harvest Condition of Stream Channels, Fish Habitats, and Adjacent Riparian Areas: Resource Stewardship Monitoring to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Riparian Management 2005-2014. 2017. Tschaplinski and Tripp. BC FREP Program, Exten Note. PDF

The Condition of Small Streams After Harvesting: A Summary of FREP Data From 2006-2015. 2017. Nordin et al. BC FREP Program. OTHER KEYWDS: riparian PDF

Best Riparian Management Practices Leading to Good Outcomes for Small Streams 2017. Nordin and Bradford. BC FREP Program. PDF

Northwest Forest Plan—the first 20 years (1994–2013): watershed condition status and trends. 2017. Miller et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Gen Tech Rpt. OTHER KEYWDS: riparian PDF

The National Riparian Core Protocol: A riparian vegetation monitoring protocol for wadeable streams of the conterminous US. 2017. Merritt et al. (editors). US-FS Rocky Mtn Research Stn, Gen Tech Rpt. PDF


Natural capital and the political economy of wetland governance in Alberta. 2017. Weber et al. J Environ Policy and Planning. Link

A methodology for relating wetland configuration to human disturbance in Alberta. 2017. Evans et al. Landscape Ecol. Link

Montana Wetland Index of Alien Impact. 2017. Westfall and Vance. Montana Natural Heritage Program. PDF

Wetland Field Data Collection Protocols (Abridged Version). 2017. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Instit. PDF

Wetland Management and Monitoring Needs: A Review of Alberta’s Legislation, Regulations, and Policies Related to Wetland Management. 2017. Weston et al. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Instit. PDF


Evolution of the Hazelton arc near Terrace, BC: stratigraphic, geochronological, and geochemical constraints on a Late Triassic – Early Jurassic arc and Cu–Au porphyry belt. 2015. Baressi, T. et al. Cdn J of Earth Sci 466-494. Link.

Slipstream: an early Holocene slump and turbidite record from the frontal ridge of the Cascadia accretionary wedge off western Canada and paleoseismic implications. 2015. Cdn J of Earth Sci 52(6): 405-430. Link.

Invasive Plant Species

Alien species importance in native vegetation along wadeable streams, John Day River basin, Oregon, USA. 2008. Magee, T. et al. Plant Ecol 195(2): 1385-0237. Link

Efficacy of Imazapyr and Glyphosate in the Control of Non-Native Phragmites australis. 2008. Mozdzer, T. et al. Restor Ecol 16(2): 221-224. Link

Influence of host resistance on the genetic structure of the white pine blister rust fungus in the Western US. 2008. Richardson, B. et al. Phytopathology 98: 413-420. Link

Invasive Plants Information Compendium. Website. Invasive Plant Council of BC. OTHER KEYWDS: 38 plants Link

Alien species importance in native vegetation along wadeable streams, John Day River basin, Oregon, USA. 2008. Magee, T. et al. Plant Ecol 195(2): 1385-0237. Link

A Legislative Guidebook to Invasive Plant Mgmt in BC. 2007. Regulation, Compliance, and Enforcement Committee of the Invasive Plant Council of BC. IPCBC Rpt 13. Link

Efficacy of Imazapyr and Glyphosate in the Control of Non-Native Phragmites australis. 2008. Mozdzer, T. et al. Restor Ecol 16(2): 221-224. Link

Fire, native species, and soil resource interactions influence the spatio-temporal invasion pattern of Bromus tectorum. 2008. Gundale, M. et al. Ecography 31 (2): 201–210. Link

Invasion biology and conservation biology: time to join forces to explore the links between species traits and extinction risk and invasiveness. 2007. van Kleunen, M. and D. Richardson. Progress in Phys Geog 31: 447-450. Link

Mapping weed infestations using remote sensing: A weed manager’s guide to remote sensing and GIS — Mapping & Monitoring. 2005. Hunt, R. et al. US-FS Remote Sensing Applications Center. Link

Minimizing the Impacts of Invasive Plants in Horticulture. 2007. Greaven, M. et al. Invasive Plant Council of BC.   Link

Proactive intervention to sustain high-elevation pine ecosystems threatened by white pine blister rust.  2007. Schoettle, A. and R. Sniezko. J of Forest Research 12(5): 327-336. Link

Wildland fire in ecosystems: Fire and nonnative invasive plants.  2008. Zouhar, K. et al. US-FS Rocky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. Link

Distribution and Abundance of Non-Native Plants in Alberta. 2015. Schieck, J. and D. Huggard. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Instit, ABMI Sci Letters 4. Link.

Contrasting distribution patterns of invasive and naturalized non-native species along environmental gradients in a semi-arid montane ecosystem. 2015. Andersen, K. et al. Applied Veg Sci 18(4): 683–693. Link.

Morphology delimits more species than molecular genetic clusters of invasive Pilosella. 2015. Moffat, C. et al. American J of Botany 102(7): 1145-1159. Link.

Choosing Species to Enhance Native Plant Abundance Following Biological Control of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula). 2016. Lesica, P. et al. Ecol Restor 34(1): 3-6.  NO URL

Invasive plant species and litter decomposition: time to challenge assumptions. 2016. Prescott, C. and J. Zukswert. New Phytologist 16(1): 5-7. Link.

Rapid purging of genetic load in a metapopulation and consequences for range expansion in an invasive plant. 2016. Marchini, G. et al. Biol Invasions 18(1): 183-196. Link.

Temporal- and density-dependent impacts of an invasive plant on pollinators and pollination services to a native plant. 2016. Herron-Sweet, C. et al. Ecosphere 7(2). Link.

Invasive Insect Species

Ecological Consequences of Pathogen and Insect Invasions. Tobin, P. 2015. Current Forestry Rpts 1(1): 25-32. Link.

Management Approaches

Three-year baseline monitoring study for Silene spaldingii on the Flathead Indian Reservation: Year 2019 and 2017-2019 summary. 2020. Pipp.  Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program. Link 

Evaluating the best available social science for natural resource management decision-making. 2017. Charnley et al. Environ Sci and Policy. Link

Forest aesthetic indicators in sustainable forest management standards. 2017. Lim and Innes. CJFR. Link

Unmanned aerial systems for precision forest inventory purposes: A review and case study. 2017. Goodbody et al. Forestry Chronicle. Link

Using Social Network Measures in Wildlife Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, and Management. 2017. Silk et al. BioSci. Link

Public Participation in Environmental Assessment and Decision Making. 2008. Dietz, T. and P. Stern (editors). US Natioanl Academies Press. Link

Assessing the impact of the US Endangered Species Act recovery planning guidelines on managing threats for listed species. 2015. Troyer, C. and L. Gerber. Conserv Biol 29(5): 1423–1433. Link.

Research Methods

LiDAR as an Advanced Remote Sensing Technology to Augment Ecosystem Classification and Mapping. 2017. Campbell et al. J Ecosystems and Mgmt. Link

A meta-analysis of home range studies in the context of trophic levels: Implications for policy-based conservation. 2017. Fauvelle et al. PLoS ONE. Link

Accounting for false-positive acoustic detections of bats using occupancy models. 2014. Clement, M. et al.  J of Applied Ecol 51(5): 1460–1467. Link

Accounting for radiotelemetry signal flux in triangulation point estimation. 2007. Haskell, S. and W. Ballard. European J of Wildlife Research 53(3): 204-211. Link

Applications of step-selection functions in ecology and conservation. 2014. Thurfjell, H. et al. Movement Ecol 2: 4. Link

Best practices for use of stable isotope mixing models in food-web studies. 2014, Phillips, D. et al. Cdn J of Zoology 92(10): 823-835. Link

Bringing an ecological view of change to Landsat-based remote sensing. 2014. Kennedy, R. et al.
Frontiers in Ecol and the Environ 12(8): 339–346. Link

Citizen Science as a Distinct Field of Inquiry. 2015. Jordan, R. et al. BioSci 65(2): 208-211. Link 

Conservation Genomics of Threatened Animal Species. 2013. Steiner, C. et al. Annual Review of Animal Biosci 1: 261-281. Link

Detecting Stand-Replacing Disturbance using RapidEye Imagery: a Tasseled Cap Transformation and Modified Disturbance Index. 2014. Arnett, J. et al. Cdn J of Remote Sensing 40(1): 1-14. Link

Development of a digital infrared video camera system for recording and remote capturing. 2008. Huckschlag, D. European J of Wildlife Research 54(4): 651-655. Link

Ecology in the age of DNA barcoding: the resource, the promise and the challenges ahead. 2014. Joly, S. et al. Molecular Ecol Resources 14: 221–232. Link.

FatalityCMR: capture-recapture software to correct raw counts of wildlife fatalities using trial experiments for carcass detection probability and persistence time. 2014. Peron, G. and J.Hines. US-GS Techniques and Methods: 7-C11. Link

Influence of pitfall versus Longworth livetraps, bait addition, and drift fences on trap success and mortality of shrews. 2014. Stromgren, E. and T. Sullivan. Acta Theriologica 59: 203-210. Link

Measuring fecal steroids: Guidelines for practical application. 2005. Palme, R.   Annals of the NY Acad of Sciences 1046: 75-80.  Link

Use of fecal glucocorticoid metabolite measures in conservation biology research: Considerations for application and interpretation. 2004. Millspaugh, J. and B. Washburn. General And Comparative Endocrinology 138 (3): 189-199. Link

Methods in forest canopy research. 2012. Lowman, M. et al. U of California Press. Link

Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research. 2014. Meek, P. et al. Biodiv and Conserv 23(9): 2321-2331. Link

Remote sensing and object-based techniques for mapping fine-scale industrial disturbances. 2014. Powers, R. et al. Internat J of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinfo 34: 51-57. Link

Satellite remote sensing for applied ecologists: opportunities and challenges. 2014. Pettorelli, N. et al. J of Applied Ecol 51(4): 839–848.  Link

Spatial Capture-Recapture. 2014. Royle, A. et al. Academic Press. Link

Temporal transferability of LiDAR-based imputation of forest inventory attributes. 2015. Fekety, P. et al. CJFR 45(4): 422-435.  Link

Using mark-recapture distance sampling methods on line transect surveys. 2014. Burt, M. et al. Methods in Ecol and Evol 5: 1180–1191. Link

Within-sample variation of fecal glucocorticoid measurements. 2003. Millspaugh, J. and B. Washburn. General And Comparative Endocrinology 132(1): 21-26. OTHER KEYWDS: deer. Link

Influence of volunteer and project characteristics on data quality of biological surveys. 2015. Lewandowski, E. and H. Specht. Conserv Biol 29(3): 713–723. Link.

Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research. 2016. Rovero and Zimmermann (editors). Pelagic Publishing. Link

CCTV [Closed-Circuit TV] for Wildlife Monitoring. 2016. Young. Pelagic Publishing. Link

Pine Trees

Climate-induced outbreaks in high-elevation pines are driven primarily by immigration of bark beetles from historical hosts. 2021. Howe et al. Global Chg Biol 27(22). OTHER KEYWDS: whitebark pine, lodgepole pine Link

Harvest Retention Survivorship of Endangered Whitebark Pine Trees. 2021. Murray et al. Forests 12(6). Link

Whitebark pine growth and defense in response to mountain pine beetle outbreaks. 2021. US-FS, Northern Rockies Fire Sci Network, Research Brief 11. 3 pgs. Link

Whitebark Pine Germination: Is It Really That Difficult? 2016. Riley et al. Tree Planters’ Notes. Link

Current practices for growing whitebark pine seedlings at the [US-FS], Coeur d’Alene Nursery. 2016. Overton et al. Tree Planters’ Notes.  Link

Excavation of Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Middens by Bears (Ursus spp.) in Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis) Habitat in Banff National Park, Alberta. 2016. Hamer. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Evaluating future success of whitebark pine ecosystem restoration under climate change using simulation modeling. 2017. Keane et al. Restor Ecol. Link

Autumn Snowfall Controls the Annual Radial Growth of Centenarian Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Southern Coast Mountains, BC, Canada. 2017. Carlson et al. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Research. Link

Novel forest decline triggered by multiple interactions among climate, an introduced pathogen and bark beetles. 2017. Wong and Daniels. Global Change Biol. OTHER KEWDS: whitebark pine. Link

Ecotone response to climatic variability depends on stress gradient interactions. 2017. Malanson et al. Climate Change Responses. OTHER KEYWDS: subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce, whitebark pine. Link

Contrasting patterns of genetic diversity across the ranges of Pinus monticola and P. strobus: A comparison between eastern and western North American postglacial colonization histories. 2015. Nadeau et al. Amer J Botany. Link

Ponderosa: People, Fire, and the West’s Most Iconic Tree. 2015. Fiedler and Arno. Mountain Press Publishing. Link

Lodgepole pine and trembling aspen competition: Neighbourhood studies within 22 to 39 year-old pine plantations of northern BC.  2017. Harper. Foresty Chronicle.  Link

Bioinformatically predicted deleterious mutations reveal complementation in the interior spruce hybrid complex. 2017. Conte et al. BMC Genomics. Link

A novel stochastic method for reconstructing daily precipitation times-series using tree-ring data from the western Canadian Boreal Forest. 2017. Chun et al. Dendrochronologia. Link

Decay of Living Western Redcedar: A Literature Review. 2017. Sturrock et al. Cdn Forest Service, PFC, info Rpt. PDF

Vascular development in very young conifer seedlings: Theoretical hydraulic capacities and potential resistance to embolism. 2017. Miller and Johnson. Amer J Botany. Link

Climate-related genetic variation in a threatened tree species, Pinus albicaulis. 2017. Warwell and Shaw. Amer J Botany. PDF

Restoration of Endangered Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Wetzin’Kwa Community Forest and Environs [near Smithers]. 2017. Haeussler. Bulkley Valley Research Centre. PDF

Oak Trees

Prairie, Oaks, and People: A conservation business plan to revitalize the prairie-oak habitats of the Pacific Northwest. 2017.  Altman et al. American Bird Conservancy et al. PDF

Conserving Oregon White Oak in Urban and Suburban Landscapes. 2017. Wilson and Labbe. US Soil and Water Conservation Districts. PDF

Prairie oaks and people: A conservation business plan to revitalize the prairie-oak habitats of the Pacific Northwest. 2017. Altman et al. Cascadia Prairie-Oak Partnership. PDF

  • Profile projects (companion document)  PDF

Broadleaf/Deciduous Trees

Substantial role for carbonic anhydrase in latitudinal variation in mesophyll conductance of Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray. 2017. Momayyezi and Guy. Plant, Cell and Environ. Link

Blue light differentially represses mesophyll conductance in high vs low latitude genotypes of Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray. 2017. Momayyezi and Guy. J Plant Physiol. Link

What causes female bias in the secondary sex ratios of the dioecious woody shrub Salix sitchensis colonizing a primary successional landscape? 2015. Che-Costaldo et al. Amer J Botany. Link


Introduced annuals mediate climate-driven community change in Mediterranean prairies of the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2021. Reed et al. Diversity and Distrib 27(12). OTHER KEYDS: Garry Oak Ecosystem, invasive spp. Link

Evaluating online and tangible interfaces for engaging stakeholders in forecasting and control of biological invasions. 2021. Gaydos et al. Ecol Apps 31(8). OTHER KEYWDS: Garry oak, sudden oak death  Link

Biology and biological control of Dalmatian and yellow toadflax. 2016. Sing et al. US-FS, Forest Health Tech Enterprise Team. Link 

Current knowledge and attitudes: Russian olive biology, ecology and management. 2016. Sing and Delaney. In proceedings: 3rd Northern Rockies Invasive Plants Council Conference. Link 

Beach-dune sediment budgets and dune morphodynamics following coastal dune restoration, Wickaninnish Dunes, Canada. 2016. Darke et al. Earth Surface Processes Landforms. Link 

Garry Oak (Oak-Savannah) Ecosystems

Flowering phenology and nesting resources influence pollinator community composition in a fragmented ecosystem. 2015. Wray, J. and E. Elle. Landscape Ecol 30(2): 261-272. Link.

Reproductive system of a mixed-mating plant responds to climate perturbation by increased selfing. 2013. Jones, N. et al. PRS-B 280(1776). Link.


Propagating Native Milkweeds for Restoring Monarch Butterfly Habitat. 2014. Landis, T. and K. Dumroese. Internat Plant Propagators’ Society, Combined Proceedings 64: 299-307. Link.


Knotweeds. 2016. Invasive Spp Council of BC. PDF

Using Risk Assessment and Habitat Suitability Models to Prioritise Invasive Species for Management in a Changing Climate. 2016. Chai et al. PLoS ONE. OTHER KEYWDS: giant knotweed PDF

Other Invasive Species

Invasive species prevention. 2015. Invasive Spp Council of BC.  PDF

Be PlantWise: Choose noninvasive plants for your garden. 2015. Invasive Spp Council of BC.  PDF

Outdoor recreation. 2016. Invasive Spp Council of BC. PDF

Don’t let it loose. 2016. Invasive Spp Council of BC.  PDF

Invasive scotch broom alters soil chemical properties in Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2016. Slesak et al. Plant Soil. Link

Non-Native Plant Invasion along Elevation and Canopy Closure Gradients in a Middle Rocky Mountain Ecosystem. 2016. Averett et al. PLoS ONE. PDF

The invasive plant, Brassica nigra [garlic mustard], degrades local mycorrhizas across a wide geographical landscape. 2015. Pakpour and Klironomos. Royal Society Open Sci. PDF

Herbicide usage for invasive non-native plant management in wildland areas of North America. 2017. Wagner et al. J Applied Ecol. Link

Predicting costs of alien species surveillance across varying transportation networks. 2017. Blackburn et al. J Applied Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: economics, highways  Link

Gene expression and drought response in an invasive thistle [knapweed]. 2017. Turner et al. Biol Invasions. Link

Does leaf litter from invasive plants contribute the same support of a stream ecosystem function as native vegetation? 2017. Kuglerova et al. Ecosphere. Link

Costs of induced defenses for the invasive plant houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) and the potential importance for weed biocontrol. 2016. Runyon and Birdsall. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. Link

Scientific and Normative Foundations for the Valuation of Alien-Species Impacts: Thirteen Core Principles. 2017. Essl et al. BioSci. Link

Molecular Plant Biology

Spirostaphylotrichin W, a spirocyclic gamma-lactam isolated from liquid culture of Pyrenophora semeniperda, a potential mycoherbicide for cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) biocontrol. 2014. Masi, M. et al. Tetrahedron 70: 1497-1501. Link.

Effect of strain and cultural conditions on the production of cytochalasin B by the potential mycoherbicide Pyrenophora semeniperda (Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales). 2015. Masi, M. et al. Biocontrol Sci and Tech 24: 53-64. Link.

Exotic brome-grasses in arid and semiarid ecosystems of the western US: Causes, consequences, and management implications. 2016. Germino, et al. (editors). Springer: Series on Environ Mgmt. Link.

Plant Disease

Horizontal gene transfer and gene dosage drives adaptation to wood colonization in a [poplar] tree pathogen. 2015. Dhillon et al. Proceedings: National Acad Sci USA.  Link

Anthropogenic signature in the incidence and distribution of an emerging pathogen of poplars. 2016. Herath et al. Biol Invasions. Link 

Anthropogenic signature in the incidence and distribution of an emerging pathogen of poplars. 2016. Herath, P. et al. Biol Invasions 18(4): 1147-1161. Link.

Plants & Lichen

Conserving whitebark pine in ski areas – Demonstrations at Whitefish Mountain Resort [Montana]. 2018. Gucker. [US] Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, Field Trip Summary. Link

Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) growth and defense in response to mountain pine beetle outbreaks. 2019. Kichas et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt. Link

Post-fire regeneration of endangered limber pine (Pinus flexilis) at the northern extent of its range. 2019. Dawe et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt. Link

Characterization of Cronartium ribicoladsRNAs reveals novel members of the family Totiviridae and viral association with fungal virulence. 2019. Liu et al. Virology J.  OTHER KEYWDS: whitebark pine, limber pine. Link

Whitebark pine encroachment into lower-elevation sagebrush grasslands in southwest Montana, USA. 2019. Flanary and Keane. Fire Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: also higher-elevation sub-alpine meadows. Link

Characterization of Cronartium ribicoladsRNAs reveals novel members of the family Totiviridae and viral association with fungal virulence. 2019. Liu et al. Virology J. Link

Limber pine (Pinus flexilis James) genetic map constructed by exome‐seq provides insight into the evolution of disease resistance and a genomic resource for genomics‐based breeding . 2019. Liu et al. Plant J. Link

Limber and whitebark pine recovery in Alberta. 2019 update. Anon. Alberta Agric and Forestry. Link

 Relationships between Salt Marsh Vegetation and Surface Elevation in Coos Bay Estuary, Oregon. 2019. Santelmann et al. NW Sci. Link

Retrieving Foliar Traits of Quercus garryana var. garryanaacross a Modified Landscape Using Leaf Spectroscopy and LiDAR. 2019. Hacker et al. Remote Sens. Link

 Three-year baseline monitoring study for Silene spaldingii on the Flathead [Montana] Indian Reservation: Year 2018. 2019. Pipp. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Link

 US Interagency Special Status / Sensitive Species Program: Conservation Assessments.  2019 updates. Various authors. US-FS PNW Region and US-BLM (Oregon and Washington).

  • Vole felt lichen. Heinlen. Link
  • Felted elf lichen. Heinlen. Link
  • Northern sea fog lichen. Heinlen. Link
  • Considerable gingerbread lichen. Heinlen. Link
  • Matchstick lichen. Heinlen. Link
  • Arboreal bottle-collection lichen. Heinlen. Link  

Science-Based Biodiversity — listed spp and ecosystems (Canadian, BC, AB, and USA SAR reports) Each year a variety of documents on a variety of topics are assembled and sent out – we have compiled many of the reports through links.  Some of these documents are not entirely relevant to BC but certainly the topics are relevant!

  • Assessment and Status Reports (Canada);
  • Recovery Strategies (Canada);
  • Mgmt Plans (Canada and BC);
  • Recovery Plans (BC and Alberta);
  • Conservation Strategies (Alberta);
  • Conservation Mgmt Plans (Alberta);
  • Recovery Actions (Alberta);
  • Annual Reports; and
  • other SAR documents



BC Provincial-level Reports.

 Interim Assessment Protocol for Moose in BC: Standards for BC’s Cumulative Effects Framework Values Foundation, Version 1.0. 2018. Provincial Moose Tech Wk Gp.  BC MFLNRORD and MoECC.


 Interim Assessment Protocol for Grizzly Bear in BC: Standards for Assessing the Condition of Grizzly Bear Populations and Habitat under BC,’s Cumulative Effects Framework, Version 1.2. 2020. Provincial Grizzly Bear Tech Wk Gp. BC MoECC and MFLNRORD.


 Interim Assessment Protocol for Forest Biodiversity in BC: Standards for Assessing the Condition of Forest Biodiversity under BC’s Cumulative Effects Framework. Version 1.0. 2020.Provincial Forest Biodiversity Tech Wk Gp. BC MoECC and MFLNRORD.


 Interim Assessment Protocol for Aquatic Ecosystems in BC: Standards for Assessing the Condition of Aquatic Ecosystems under BC’s Cumulative Effects Framework. Version 1.3. 2020.Provincial Aquatic Ecosystems Tech Wk Gp. BC MoECC and MFLNRORD. OTHER KEYWDS: riparian, resource roads, stream crossings, wetlands, mines


  Northern BC areas


 Current Condition Report for Grizzly Bear in the Northeast Region – 2015 Analysis. 2018 update. BC MoECC and MFLNRORD.


 Skeena Sustainability Assessment Forum’s State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat. 2021. King and Fraser. BC MFLNRORD.  Prepared for Skeena Environmental Stewardship Initiative Sci and Tech Committee. OTHER KEYWDS: resource roads, logging, stream crossings, sediment, riparian, mining, dams 

Skeena Sustainability Assessment Forum’s State of the Value Report for Wetlands, Version 2.1. 2021 update. Fletcheret al. BC MFLNRORD. Prepared for Skeena East Environmental Stewardship Initiative Sci and Tech Committee. OTHER KEYWDS: stressors, logging, resource

  Howe Sound


Howe Sound Cumulative Effects Project Reports. 2018. South Coast Natural Resource

 BC South Interior


 Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management Report. 2018. Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Management Framework Wk Gp.


 Grizzly Bear Cumulative Effects Assessment Report — Elk Valley, Kootenay-Boundary Region. 2018. BC Grizzly Bear Expert Team.


 Old and Mature Forest Cumulative Effects Assessment Report: Elk Valley Kootenay-Boundary Region. 2018. Old and Mature Forest Expert Team. BC MFLNRORD.


 Aquatic Ecosystems Cumulative Effects Assessment Report: Elk Valley, Kootenay Boundary Region. 2018. Aquatic Ecosystems Expert Team.  BC MoECC and MFLNRORD. OTHER KEYWDS: riparian, resource roads, logging, sediments.


 How Cumulative Effects were Considered in the Context of a Coal Exploration Permit: Case Study. 2018.. Van Rensen etal.  BC MoECC and MFLNRORD. 2 pgs.


 A GIS Indicator-Based Protocol for Assessing Cumulative Watershed Effects: Procedures Adapted for the Kootenay Boundary Region. 2020. Van Rensen et al. BC MFLNRORD.


 2019 Analysis of the Kettle River Watershed: Streamflow and Sedimentation Hazards. 2021. Van Rensen etal. BC MFLNRORD. OTHER KEYWDS: logging, resource roads, sediments FAQs  6 pgs.


  Other Bc Papers About Cumulative Effects


 Tipping Points: The Far-Reaching Implications of Yahey v BC for Stopping the Degradation of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. 2021. Smith and Jones. West Coast Environ Law.

 Is Canada’s Impact Assessment Act working? 2021. Johnston et al. West Coast Environ Law.

  Resource Roads 

 The effectiveness of decommissioning roadside mineral licks on reducing moose activity near highways: Implications for moose–vehicle collisions. 2021. Rea et al. Cdn J Zoology 99(12).

 Developing a correction factor to apply to animal–vehicle collision data for improved road mitigation measures. 2021. Lee et al. Wildlife Research 48(501-510). OTHER KEYWDS: BC, AB

 Williams and Sockeye Creeks Pilot Watershed Status Evaluation Report. 2021. Reese-Hansen et al. BC Govt, FREP, WSEP Note 2. OTHER KEYWDS: roads, logging, fish passage, erosion 

 Urban Areas

Integrated biochar research: A roadmap. 2021. Amonette et al. J Soil and Water Conserv 76(1). Link 


Soil carbon in forest ecosystems: Pools and processes. 2021. Amerongen Maddison et al. Province of BC, Misc Rpt 125. Link 

CO2 stimulation and response mechanisms vary with light supply in boreal conifers. 2021. Dang et al. J Plant Ecol 14(2). Link 

Soil organic carbon is not just for soil scientists: Measurement recommendations for diverse practitioners. 2021. Billings et al. Ecol Apps 31(3). Link 

Planting trees to mitigate climate change: Policy incentives could lead to increased carbon sequestration. 2021. Watts et al. US-FS, PNW Research Stn, Sci Findings 236. Link 

Matching methods to quantify wildfire effects on forest carbon mass in the US Pacific Northwest. 2021. Woo et al. Ecol Apps 31(3).  Link 

North American boreal forests are a large carbon source due to wildfires from 1986 to 2016. 2021. Zhao et al. Sci Rpts 11: 7723. Link 

Commentary: Large Trees Dominate Carbon Storage in Forests East of the Cascade Crest in the US Pacific Northwest. 2021. Johnstone et al. Frontiers Forests and Global Chg, March 23/21. Link 

Beyond biomass to carbon fluxes: Application and evaluation of a comprehensive forest carbon monitoring system. 2021. Zhou et al. Environ Research Letters 16(5). Link 


Carbon Policy Actions. No dates. Anon. BC Ministry FLNRORD, Forest Carbon Initiative Notes.

The potential supply of carbon-related ecosystem services from land management choices in south-west Alberta’s agricultural lands. 2020. Iranvani et al. Alberta Biodiv Monitoring Instit et al. Link 

While [US] Corporate Support for Carbon Pricing Grows, [US] Political Enthusiasm Remains Uncertain. 2021. Martin. Resources, June 10/21. Link 

Need to Manage Management Decisions About Carbon: There Is a Dashboard for That. 2021. US-FS, Rocky Mtn Research Stn, Sci You Can Use 47. Link 

The Plant a Trillion Trees Campaign to Reduce Global Warming – Fleshing Out the Concept. 2021. Lippke et al. J Sustain Forestry 40(1). Link 

Wood product carbon substitution benefits: A critical review of assumptions. 2021. Howard et al. Carbon Balance and Mgmt 16: Art 09. OTHER KEWYDS: climate change mitigation. Link 

Factors influencing bird-window collisions in Victoria, BC. 2020. Hiemstra et al. NW Naturalist. Link.

A Landscape Disturbance Matrix for Conserving Biodiversity. 2017. Leverkus et al. J Ecosystems and Mgmt. Link

A tool for assisting municipalities in developing riparian shade inventories. 2015. Guzy, M. et al. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 14(2): 345-353. Link.

Consequences of residential development for biodiversity and human well-being. 2015. Pejchar, L, Frontiers in Ecol and the Environ 13(3): 146–153. OTHER KEYWDS: human dimensions. Link.

Ecosystem processes, land cover, climate, and human settlement shape dynamic distributions for golden eagle across the western US. 2020. Tack et al. Animal Conserv. Link.

Ecological design for urban waterfronts. 2015. Dyson, K. and K. Yokum. Urban Ecosystems 18(1): 189-208. Link.

Feeding Ecology Informs Parasite Epidemiology: Prey Selection Modulates Encounter Rate with Echinococcus multilocularis in Urban Coyotes. 2015. Bialowas, L. et al. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0121646. Link.

How to Help Your Community Create an Effective Mosquito Management Plan. 2014. Black, S. et al. Xerces Society. Link.

Learning with practitioners: climate change adaptation priorities in a Canadian community [Pr George]. 2013. Picketts, I. et al. Climatic Chg 118(2): 321-337. Link.

Long-range transport of legacy organic pollutants affects alpine fish eaten by ospreys in western Canada. 2020. Grenier et al. Sci Total Environ 712. Link.

Needs and barriers to expanding urban forestry programs: An assessment of community officials and program managers in the Portland – Vancouver metropolitan region. 2015. Driscoll, A. et al. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 14(1): 48-55. Link.

Poor health is associated with use of anthropogenic resources in an urban carnivore. 2015. Murray, M. et al. PRS-B 282: 1806. Link. 

Urban green space and vibrant communities: exploring the linkage in the Portland-Vancouver area. 2015. Stone, E. et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Gen Tech Rpt PNW-GTR-905. Link and Link 2.

Use and application of range mapping in assessing extinction risk in Canada. 2015. Loehle, C. and D. Sleep. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(3): 658–663. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link.

Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List. 2016. Collen et al. Biol Letters. Link

The [Canadian] Species at Risk Act has underachieved due to a lack of political will and serious policy flaws. Will a new review allow it to take flight? 2017. Otto et al. Policy Options. Link

On Guard for Them: Species of Global Conservation Concern in Canada—Summary Report. 2017. Rainer et al. NatureServe Canada. PDF

NatureServe Canada’s Annual Report 2016-17. 2017. PDF

Benefits of restoring ecosystem services in urban areas. 2015. Elmqvist et al.  Current Opinions in Environ Sustainability. Link.

Urban forests: a natural history of trees and people in the American Cityscape. 2016. Jonnes. Penguin. Buy here

Mapping [Surrey] urban tree species using integrated airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR remote sensing data. 2017. Liu et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Multi-modal communication: song sparrows increase signal redundancy in noise. 2019. Akcay and Beecher. Biol Letters. Link.

Multi-scale analysis of relationship between imperviousness and [Surrey] urban tree height using airborne remote sensing. 2017. Plowright et al. Remote Sensing of Environ. Link

Seed limitation and lack of downed wood, not invasive species, threaten conifer regeneration in an urban forest [Seattle]. 2017. Ettinger et al. Urban Ecosystems. Link

An assessment of exposure and effects of persistent organic pollutants in an urban [Vancouver] Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii) population. 2017. Brogan et al. Ecotox. Link

Habitat use by barn owls across a [Vancouver] rural to urban gradient and an assessment of stressors including, habitat loss, rodenticide exposure and road mortality. 2017. Hindmarch et al. Landscape and Urban Planning. Link

Diet and Prey Selection of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) at Vancouver International Airport. 2017. Law et al. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

Crowded skies: Conflicts between expanding goose populations and [Vancouver] aviation safety. 2017. Bradbeer et al. Ambio. Link

The social and economic value of cultural ecosystem services provided by urban forests in North America: A review and suggestions for future research. 2017. Nesbitt et al. Urban forests and Urban Greening. Link

Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. 2017. Hager et al. Biol Conserv. Link

Conservation Easement Guide for Municipalities. 2017.  Greenaway. Miistakis Instit.  PDF

Urban non-timber forest products stewardship practices among foragers in Seattle, Washington (USA). 2017. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. McLain et al. Link


Edge-habitat Use by Northwestern Gartersnakes (Thamnophis ordinoides) in Saanich, BC. 2017. Dixon-MacCallum et al. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link

From Science to Implementation: Solutions for Addressing Exurban Sprawl in the [US] Northern Rockies. 2017. Yale School of Forestry and Environ Studies. PDF

Implementation of the [US] Forest Service Open Space Conservation Strategy in Washington State: Exploring the Role of the National Forest System. 2015. Pringle, R. et al. Forest Sci 61(2): 388-396. Link.

Nest site characteristics of cavity-nesting birds on a small island, in Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada. 2019. Pilgrim et al. Cdn Field Naturalist. Link.

Spatial distribution of the Boreal Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl in the Boreal region of Alberta, Canada. 2019. Domahidi et al. Avian Conserv and Ecol. Link.


Farming for Bees: Guidelines for Providing Native Bee Habitat on Farms. 2015. Vaughn, M. et al. Xerces Society. Link.

Preventing or Mitigating Potential Negative Impacts of Pesticides on Pollinators Using Integrated Pest Management and Other Conservation Practices. 2014. Vaughan, M. US Dept of Agric, Agronomy Tech Note 9. Link.

The efficacy and politics of farmland preservation through land use regulation: Changes in southwest BC’s Agricultural Land Reserve. 2016. Nixon and Newman. Land Use Policy. Link

The role of soil surface properties on the particle size and carbon selectivity of interrill erosion in [Fraser Plateau] agricultural landscapes. 2017. Koiter et al. Cate

Precautionary Tools for Reshaping Environmental Policy. 2005. Myers, N. and C. Raffensperger. MIT Press. Link.

Chapters include:

  • Precautionary Procedures: Tools of Analysis and Intention
  • Precautionary Options
  • A Checklist for
  • Precautionary Decisions
  • The Checklist at Work
  • Answering the Critics

Transparency: A Precautionary Economic Analysis of Coalbed Methane.   The quandaries and promise of risk mgmt: A scientist’s perspective on integration of science and mgmt. 2007. Marcot, B. George Wright Forum 24(2).

What does biodiversity actually do? A review for managers and policy makers. 2007. Thompson, R. and B. Starzomski. Biodiversity and Conservation 16(5): 1359-1378. Link and Link

Information Management: Barrier or Bridge to Integrating Natural Resources Science and Management? 2007. Bingham, B. George Wright Forum 24(2).

Integrating Science and Management: Becoming Who We Thought We Were. 2007. Soukup, M. George Wright Forum 24(2).

Scientific expertise and natural resource decisions: Social science participation on interdisciplinary scientific committees. 2002. Freudenburg, W. Social Science Quarterly 83:119-136Link.

The Role of Science in Public Policy: Higher Reason, or Reason for Hire?  2007. Haller, S. and J. Gerrie. J of Ag and Enviromnmental Ethics 20(2); 139-165. Link.

Plug and abandonment practices and trends: A BC perspective. 2019. Wang et al. J Petrol Sci Engineer. Link 

[US] Federal Energy Development: Challenges to Ensuring a Fair Return for Federal Energy Resources. 2019. US Govt Accountability Office. OTHER KEYWDS: bonding, orphan wells, reclamation, emissions. Link 

Using Concepts from the Study of Social Movements to Understand Community Response to Liquefied Natural Gas Development in Clatsop County, [northeast] Oregon. 2019. Tran et al. Case Studies Environ. Link 

Small-mammal abundance differs between pipelines, edges, and interior boreal forest habitat. 2019. Darling et al. Cdn J Zoology. Link

Testing the Jurisdictional Waters: The Provincial Regulation of Interprovincial Pipelines. 2018. Olszynski. Review of Constit Studies. OTHER KEYWDS: BC, Alberta, environment. Link

Hydraulic Fracturing in Canada: Regulation by Moratorium or Specialized Agencies in Landscapes of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. 2020. Curran. IN: Regulating water security in unconventional oil and gas. Springer. Link

Regulating Water Security in Unconventional Oil and Gas. 2020. Buono et al. Springer. Link  Includes:

Hydraulic Fracturing in Canada: Regulation by Moratorium or Specialized Agencies in Landscapes of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. Curran. Link

Overview of Oil and Gas Wastewater Injection Induced Seismicity in Hydrocarbon Regions in the US, Canada, and Europe. Ehrman. Link

Between Kitimat LNG Terminal and Monkey Beach: Literary-Geographic Methods and the Politics of Recognition in Resource Governance on Haisla Territory. 2018. Milligan and McCreary. GeoHumanities. Link 

A left coast ‘thin green line’? Determinants of public attitudes toward fossil fuel export in the Northwestern US. 2019. Hazbourn. Extractive Industries and Society. Link

Overview of Oil and Gas Wastewater Injection Induced Seismicity in Hydrocarbon Regions in the US, Canada, and Europe. 2020. Ehrman. IN: Water security in unconventional oil and gas. Springer. Link

Measuring forest change patterns from oil and gas land use dynamics in northeastern BC 1975 to 2017. 2020. Oduro et al. Environ Monit Assess 192: 24. Link

Quantifying, comparing, and contrasting forest change pattern from shale gas infrastructure development in the BC’s shale gas plays. 2020. Applah et al. Internat J Sus Devel and World Ecol. OTHER KEYWDS: well pads, access roads, pipelines. Link

Evaluating rhamnolipid-enhanced washing as a first step in remediation of drill cuttings and petroleum-contaminated soils. 2020. Olasanmi and Thring. J Advanced Research. Link 

Atmospheric Deposition of Coal‐Related Pollutants in the Pacific Northwest of the US from 1950 to 2016. 2020. Sousa et al. Environ Toxic and Chem 39(2). Link


Techno-economic assessment of transportation biofuels from hydrothermal liquefaction of forest residues in BC. 2018. Nie and Bi. Energy. Link

Techno-economic analysis of producing solid biofuels and biochar from forest residues using portable systems. 2019. Sahoo et al. Applied Energy. Link

Ascertaining the Trajectory of Wood-Based Bioenergy Development in the US Based on Current Economic, Social, and Environmental Constructs. 2019. Masum et al. Annual Review Resource Econ. Link

Ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of Beetle-killed lodgepole pine in a novel ablative reactor. 2019. Wise et al. Fuel. Link

Environmental and economic assessment of torrefied wood pellets from BC. 2020. Yun et al. Energy Conversion Mgmt. Link

Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and cost of bioenergy in BC, Canada. 2020. Wang and Clift. Energy Policy. Link

Bioenergy development and the implications for the social wellbeing of Indigenous peoples in Canada. 2020. Zurba and Bullock. Ambio. Link

The future of bioenergy. 2020. Reid et al. Global Chg Biol. Link


Assessment of Potential Risks from Renewable Energy Development and Other Anthropogenic Factors to Wintering Golden Eagles in the Western US. 2018. Craig et al. IN: Machine Learning for Ecology and Sustainable Natural Resource Management. Springer. Link 

Impacts to wildlife of wind energy siting and operation in the US. 2019. Taber et al. Issues in Ecol 21. Link 


Using Emerging Technologies to Rethink and Enhance Coal Mine Reclamation Programs in the Western US. 2019. Haas et al. Nat Resources and Environ. Link

Hardrock Mining: [US] Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service Hold Billions in Financial Assurances, but More Readily Available Information Could Assist with Monitoring. 2019. US Govt Accountability Office. Link

Endophytic nitrogen fixation – a possible ‘hidden’ source of nitrogen for lodgepole pine trees growing at un-reclaimed gravel mining sites. 2019. Padda et al. Microbiol Ecol. Link

Invertebrate Response to Mine Reclamation (South-Central BC): The Effects of Reclamation Age on Arthropod Assemblages. 2020. Gervan et al. Geosci BC, Rpt 2020-01. Link 

Evaluating whether nature’s intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation. 2015. Vucetich, J.  et al. Conserv Biol 29(2): 321–332. Link.

Educating for resilience in the North: building a toolbox for teachers. 2015. Spellman, K. Ecol and Society 20(1): 46. Link.

A basic guide for empirical environmental social science. 2015. Cox, M. Ecol and Society 20(1): 63. Link.

Polarized frames on “climate change” and “global warming” across countries and states: Evidence from Twitter big data. 2015. Jang, M. and S. Hart. Global Environ Change 32: 11-17. Link.

Social–Ecological Resilience and Adaptive Capacity in a Transboundary Ecosystem. 2015. Johnson, B. and M. Larsen Becker. Society and Nat Resources 28(7): 766-780. Link.

A life-cycle analysis of minority underrepresentation in natural resource fields. 2015. Haynes, N. et al. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(2): 228–238. Link.

Confluence of arts, humanities, and science at sites of long-term ecological inquiry. 2015. Swanson, F. Ecosphere 6(8): art132. Link.

The Big Chill: Silencing public interest science: A survey. 2013. Report prepared for the Pro Instit of the Public Service of Canada. Link, Link to full report and brief.

The “Wild” or “Feral” Distraction: Effects of Cultural Understandings on Management Controversy Over Free-Ranging Horses (Equus ferus caballus). 2011. Bhattacharyya, J. et al. Human Ecol 39(5): 613-625. Link.

Overview of Crowsnest Conservation Society`s Bear-Resistant Garbage Bin Program. 2015. Anderson. Crowsnest Conserv Society. PDF

Greater consumption of protein-poor anthropogenic food by urban relative to rural coyotes increases diet breadth and potential for human–wildlife conflict. 2015. Murray et al. Ecography. Link

Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries. 2016. Penteriani et al. Sci Rpts. Link

Outside our doors: the benefits of cities where people and nature thrive. 2016. Wolf. House et al. The Nature Conservancy. Link

Nature’s riches: the health and financial benefits of nearby nature. 2016. Wolf. U of Washington and The Nature Conservancy. PDF

Citizen Science: How Ordinary People Are Changing the Face of Discovery. 2016. Cooper. Overlook Press. Buy Here

The science and politics of human well-being: a case study in co-creating indicators for Puget Sound restoration. 2017. Biedenweg et al. Ecol and Society. Link

Integrating social science into empirical models of coupled human and natural systems. 2017. Kline et al. Ecol and Society. OTHER KEYWDS: wildland fire Link

Impacts of nature imagery on people in severely nature-deprived environments. 2017. Nadkarni et al. Frontiers in Ecol and Environ. OTHER KEYWDS: prisons, homeless shelters, mental hospitals Link

Emotional processing as an important part of the wildlife viewing experience. 2017. McIntosh and Wright. J Outdoor Rec and Tourism. Link

2016 [US] National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: National Overview, Prelim Findings. 2017. Sheehan et al. US Fish and Wildlife Service. PDF

Iconic places of the US Forest Service: Conditions and concerns. 2017. Ellison and Johnduff. U of OR Instit of Sus Environ, Briefing Paper. PDF

A framework for stakeholder engagement during systematic reviews and maps in environmental management. 2017. Haddaway et al. Environ Evidence. Link

Impacts of Climate Change on Subsistence-Oriented [BC]  Communities. 2017. Savo et al. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environ Sci. Link

Lyme Disease Epidemic Increasing Globally Due to Climate Change and Human Activities. 2017. DellaSala et al. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environ Sci.. Link

Why men trophy hunt. 2017. Darimont et al. Biol Letters.  Link

Natural Environments, Health, and Well-Being. 2017. van den Bosch. Oxford U Press.  Link

Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health: The role of nature in improving the health of a population. 2017. van den Bosch and Bird (editors). Oxford U Press. Link

The Effects of Forest Industry Impacts upon Tourist Perceptions and Overall Satisfaction. 2017. Hilsendager et al. Leisure / Loisir. Link

How does engaging with nature relate to life satisfaction? Demonstrating the link between environment-specific social experiences and life satisfaction. 2017. Biedenweg et al. J Envorn Psych. Link

Nearby Nature—A Cost-Effective Prescription for Better Community Health?  2017. Watts. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Sci Findings. PDF

Religious Traditions and Biodiversity. 2017. Berkes. Reference Module in Life Sci. Link

The modelling spiral for solving ‘wicked’ environmental problems: guidance for stakeholder involvement and collaborative model development. 2017. Parrott. Methods in Ecol and Evol. Link

World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. 2017. Ripple et al. BioSci. Link

Multiple methods of public engagement: Disaggregating socio-spatial data for environmental planning in western Washington, USA. 2017. McLain et al. J Environ Mgmt. PDF

Smoke in a New Era of Fire. 2017. Hessburg et al. US-FS PNW Research Stn, Sci Update. OTHER KEYWDS: fuel mgmt, restoration  PDF

Species at Risk Assessment in Canada: A Cross-Jurisdictional Review. 2018. Anon. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Special Rpt 18-01. Link 

Recovery Planning and Implementation. 2019. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Factsheet. Link  

Using ecological resilience to manage ecosystems and species at risk. 2020. Chambers et al. US-FS Rocky Mtn Research Stn, Sci Spotlights Bulletin: Aug 28-20. Link 

Southern Canada’s crisis ecoregions: identifying the most

Significant and threatened places for biodiversity conservation. 2020. Kraus and Hebb. Biodiv and Conserv 29. Link 

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Reports

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Dromedary Jumping-slug Hemphillia dromedarius in Canada. 2014. Ovaska, K. and L. Sopuck. Govt Of Canada, Cdn Wildlife Service, COSEWIC Secretariate. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis in Canada. 2014. Dickson, R. et al. Govt Of Canada, Cdn Wildlife Service, COSEWIC Secretariate. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Western Bumble Bee Bombus occidentalis in Canada. 2014. Colla, S. et al. Govt Of Canada, Cdn Wildlife Service, COSEWIC Secretariate. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Coastal Giant Salamander Dicamptodon tenebrosus in Canada. 2014. Wind, E. Govt Of Canada, Cdn Wildlife Service, COSEWIC Secretariate. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp link

Draft Washington state status report for the Tufted Puffin. 2014. Hanson, T. and G. Wiles. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link

Recovery Strategies

Recovery Strategy for the Woodland Caribou, Southern Mountain population (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Canada. 2014. Environment Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

Recovery Strategy for the Northern Saw-whet Owl brooksi subspecies (Aegolius acadicus brooksi) in Canada.2014. Parks Canada Agency. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link

Recovery Strategy for the White–headed Woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus) in Canada. 2014. Environment Canada. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link 

Management Plans

Management Plan for the Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) in Canada.  2014. Environ Canada. Canada Species at Risk Act, Management Plan Series. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link 

Management Plan for the Vancouver Island Beggarticks (Bidens amplissima) in BC.  2014. Vancouver Island Beggarticks Working Group. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

Management plan for the Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis) in BC.  2014. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

Management plan for the Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas) in BC.  2014. Provincial Western Toad Working Group. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link

Recovery Plans

Recovery Plan for the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in BC. 2014. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link 

Recovery Plan for the Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog (Ascaphus montanus) in BC. 2014. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

Recovery Plan for Streambank Lupine (Lupinus rivularis) in BC. 2014. Streambank Lupine Recovery Team. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

Recovery Plan for the Townsend’s Mole (Scapanus townsendii) in BC. 2014. BC MoE. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link

Draft State of Washington Oregon Spotted Frog Recovery Plan.2013. Hallock, L. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link 

Conservation Plans

Washington bat conservation plan. 2013. Hayes, G. and G. Wiles. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp, numerous bat species. Link

Petitions to Delist

US Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To Delist the Southern Selkirk Mountains Population of Woodland Caribou and Proposed Rule To Amend the Listing.  May, 2014. US Federal Register 79(89): 26503-26535. US Fish and Wildlife Service. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link

US Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To Delist the Southern Selkirk Mountains Population of Woodland Caribou and Proposed Rule To Amend the Listing. June, 2014. US Federal Register 79(111): 33169-33170. US Fish and Wildlife Service. Proposed Rules. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Link


Trends in Extinction Risk for Imperiled Species in Canada.  2014. Favaro, B. et al. PLoS ONE 9(11): e113118. Link 

Conservation and Management 2013 Annual Report. 2014. Becker, S. et al. Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife et al. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp Link


Newaukum River Monitoring of the Effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Sediment and Nutrient Reduction. 2019 update. . Washington State Dept Ecol, Qual Assurance Project Plan. OTHER KEYWDS: fish passage, roads, culverts, riparian  Link

Computer Analysis of Hemispherical Digital Images Collected as Part of a TMDL or Forests and Fish Unit Technical Study. 2019. Stohr. Washington State Dept Ecol, Standard Operating Procedure EAP046, Version 3.0. Link 

Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter. 2019. Golffarb.   Chelsea Green Publishing. Link 

Predicting evaporation from mountain streams. 2020. Szeitz and Moore. Hydrol Processes 34(2). Link 

Factors affecting the fate of Pacific lamprey carcasses and resource transport to riparian and stream macrohabitats. 2020. Dunkle et al. Freshwater Biol 65(8). Link

Spawning salmon density influences fruit production of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis). 2020. Siemens et al. Ecosphere 11(11). Link 

Recent declines in salmon body size impact ecosystems and fisheries. 2020. Oke et al. Nature Climate Chg 11: 4155. Link

Impact of in-stream restoration structures on salmonid abundance and biomass: an updated meta-analysis. 2020. Foote et al. Cdn J Fish and Aquat Sci 77(9). OTHER KEYWDS: large organic debris. Link 

Relationships between Pacific salmon and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: implications for ecosystem‐based management. 2020. Walsh et al. Ecol 101(9). Link 

Hydrological functioning of a beaver dam sequence and regional dam persistence during an extreme rainstorm. 2020. Westbrook et al. Hydrol Processes 34(18). Link 


Wetland Best Management Practices for Forest Management Planning and Operations Practitioner Guide. 2019. Ducks Unlimited Canada et al.  Link

Guiding Principles for Wetland Stewardship and Forest Management. 2019. Ducks Unlimited Canada et al. Link

Recommendations for a wetland crossings monitoring protocol: A repost for the Foothills Stream Crossing Partnership. 2019. Nason et al. FPInnovations et al. Link 

Hydrological function of a mountain fen at low elevation under dry conditions. 2020. Streich and Westbrook. Hydrol Processes 34(2). Link

The Second Generation Canadian Wetland Inventory Map at 10 Meters Resolution Using Google Earth Engine. 2020. Mahdianpari et al. Cdn J Remote Sens 46(3). Link 

Ecohydrology of wetland plant communities along an estuarine to tidal river gradient. 2020. Borde et al. Ecosphere 11(9). Link

Beach, Dune, Shore

 Shellfish subsidies along the Pacific coast of North America. 2020. Cox et al. Ecography 43(5). Link  

Soil Phosphorus Dynamics Across a Holocene Chronosequence of Aeolian Sand Dunes in a Hypermaritime Environment on Calvert Island, BC, Canada. 2020. Nelson et al. Frontiers Forest Global Chg. Link 

Green Shores 2020: Impact, Value and Lessons Learned. 2020. Eyzaguirre et al. ESSA Technologies Ltd. Prepared for the Stewardship Centre for BC. Link 

Partial Review of BC Shoreline Policies and Opportunities for Green Shores. 2020. Green Shores Technical Advisory Committee. Stewardship Centre for BC.  Link