Nature Vancouver (Vancouver Natural History Society)

Club interests: Birding, botany, conservation, geology, marine biology and general natural history. Holds field trips on most weekends, either Saturday or Sunday, and occasionally on week days.  Organizes week long wilderness camps, backpacking and nature tours.

Meetings: Most Thursday evenings at 7:30pm from January through April and September through November. See below for the time and place for Speaker programs for each of the Sections, or refer to the website.


The General Evening Programs of Nature Vancouver are the fourth Thursday of each month at the Unitarian Centre’s Hewlett Hall, 949 West 49th (49th and Oak), Vancouver

Birders’ Night Programs – The evening programs of the Birding Section are held on the first Thursday of each month from September through to April at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall of St. Mary’s (Kerrisdale) Anglican Church, 2490 West 37th Avenue (at Larch Street), Vancouver.  The final meeting of the year, in May, is held outdoors (details posted on the website).

Marine Biology Evening ProgramsThe evening programs of the Marine Biology Section are held from January through April and September through November on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Unitarian Centre’s Hewlett Hall, 949 West 49th (49th and Oak), Vancouver

Botany Section ProgramsThe evening programs of the Botany Section are held from January through April and September through November on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Centre, 949 West 49th (49th and Oak), Vancouver

Membership fees: Individual $40, Family $50, Student ( over 18 ) $20, Junior (under 18) $10

Number of members: Approximately 700

Newsletters and other: Weekly email, quarterly Vancouver Naturalist, monthly birders’ The Wandering Tattler, and annually, the journal Discovery.

Checklists and Recent Books:

Seasonal Checklist Birds of Greater Vancouver, available at Birders’ Night, Wild Birds Unlimited Stores, Reifel Bird Sanctuary and Wild Bird Trust at Maplewood Conservation Area in North Vancouver.  Fee $2.

Birders Guide to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, ed. by Colin Clasen, 2016

Nature Vancouver A Portrait: 1994-2010, ed. Marian Coope, 2012

Explore the Rocky Shoreline at Stanley Park, Sheila Byers, 2012

Parks and Nature Places Around Vancouver, ed. Alison Parkinson, 2009

Wilderness on the Doorstep, Discovery Nature in Stanley Park, ed. Alison Parkinson, 2006

» Digital copies of Discovery Magazine





» Nature Vancouver Blog

Nature Vancouver
PO Box 3021, Station Terminal,
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5