IBAs in BC Needing Caretakers
Please contact the IBA Coordinator at iba@bcnature.ca if you are interested in becoming a volunteer Caretaker for one of the following sites or if you have any suggestions for potential Caretakers:
- Klaskish River & East Creek Watersheds : inland forested site on Vancouver Island designated for breeding Marbled Murrelets
- Megin, Moyeha, Watta & Pretty Girl Watersheds : inland forested site on Vancouver Island designated for breeding Marbled Murrelets
- Carmanah Walbran Forest : inland forested site on Vancouver Island designated for breeding Marbled Murrelets
- Cumshewa Inlet north to Sheldens Bay : inlet located in Haida Gwaii, designated for Marbled Murrelet, Black Oystercatcher, Pigeon Guillemot, White-winged Scoter, Surf Scoter, Brant, seabirds
- Mussel and Kynoch Inlet & Sheep Passage : inlet located on the North Coast of BC, north of Bella Bella, designated for Marbled Murrelet, Mew Gull, Surf Scoter
- Kotcho Lake : freshwater lake located in the far Northeast corner of the province (90 km from Fort Nelson) that supports large numbers of Canvasback, waterbirds